Designated Contract Market Products

Search Designated Contract Market Products using the following criteria
Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
CDE Margined Bitcoin Futures & Margined Ether Futures Future Certified 11/01/2023 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
NADEX Shiba Inu (SHIB) Cryptocurrency Touch Bracket Contracts Swap Certified 10/31/2023 Financial Instrument Other Financial Instrument 1
NADEX Litecoin (LTC) Cryptocurrency Event Contracts Swap Certified 10/30/2023 Financial Instrument Other Financial Instrument 1
NYMEX WTI-Brent Crude Oil Cross-Month Spread Option - (1 Month) Option on a Future Certified 10/27/2023 Natural Resource Crude Oil 2
NADEX Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Cryptocurrency Event Contracts Swap Certified 10/27/2023 Financial Instrument Other Financial Instrument 1
KEX Will Google be found to abuse monopoly power? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 10/20/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Apple announce the development of a vehicle by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 10/20/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the Supreme Court rule the CFPB's method of funding unconstitutional? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 10/20/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Apple announce the development of a foldable phone by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 10/20/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Apple announce the development of a portless phone by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 10/20/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will weight loss drug prescriptions grow by more than percent in quarter? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 10/20/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the Nuclear Regulatory Commission issue a new combined license for a nuclear reactor by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 10/20/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the aggregate number of corporate bankruptcies in period be above/below count? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 10/20/2023 Event Binary Option 2
CBOT Monday Weekly Options on Short-Term U.S. Treasury Note Futures (2-Year) Option on a Future Certified 10/05/2023 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CBOT Monday Weekly Options on Medium-Term U.S. Treasury Note Futures (5-Year) Wk 1 - Wk 5 Option on a Future Certified 10/05/2023 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CBOT Monday Weekly Options on U.S. Treasury Note Futures (6 1/2; to 7 3/4;-Year) Wk 1 - Wk 5 Option on a Future Certified 10/05/2023 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CBOT Monday Weekly Options on U.S. Treasury Bond Futures Wk 1 - Wk 5 Option on a Future Certified 10/05/2023 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CBOT Monday Weekly Options on Ultra U.S. Treasury Bond Futures Wk 1 - Wk 5 Option on a Future Certified 10/05/2023 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
NADEX XRP CRYPTOCURRENCY TOUCH BRACKET CONTRACTS Swap Certified 09/29/2023 Financial Instrument Other Financial Instrument 1
MIAX Bitcoin Futures Future Certified 09/28/2023 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 2
MIAX TINI Bitcoin Futures Future Certified 09/28/2023 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 2
NADEX Bitcoin Cash Cryptocurrency Touch Bracket Variable Payout Contracts Swap Certified 09/26/2023 Financial Instrument Other Financial Instrument 1
NYMEX Micro Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures Future Certified 09/26/2023 Natural Resource Natural Gas 2
NYMEX Micro Henry Hub Natural Gas Option Option on a Future Certified 09/26/2023 Natural Resource Natural Gas 2
NYMEX Micro Henry Hub Natural Gas Friday Weekly Option - Week 1-- Week 5 Option on a Future Certified 09/26/2023 Natural Resource Natural Gas 2
KEX Will the non-farm payroll release for month be released by date? Swap Certified 09/25/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the consumer price index release for month be released by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 09/22/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the UAW strike end by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 09/19/2023 Event Binary Option 2
NYMEX Mini Gasoline Eurobob Non-Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) Futures Future Certified 09/15/2023 Natural Resource Gasoline 3
NYMEX Mini Gasoline Eurobob Non-Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) BALMO Futures Future Certified 09/15/2023 Natural Resource Gasoline 3
NYMEX Gasoline Eurobob Non-Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) Crack Spread (1000mt) Futures Future Certified 09/15/2023 Natural Resource Gasoline 3
NYMEX Gasoline Eurobob Non-Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) Crack Spread (1000mt) BALMO Futures Future Certified 09/15/2023 Natural Resource Gasoline 3
NYMEX Mini Gasoline Eurobob Non-Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) Crack Spread (100mt) Futures Future Certified 09/15/2023 Natural Resource Gasoline 3
NYMEX Gasoline Eurobob Non-Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) Crack Spread BALMO Futures Future Certified 09/15/2023 Natural Resource Gasoline 3
NYMEX Gasoline Eurobob Non-Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) vs European Naphtha CIF NWE (Platts) Futures Future Certified 09/15/2023 Natural Resource Gasoline 3
NYMEX Gasoline Eurobob Non-Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) vs European Naphtha CIF NWE (Platts) BALMO Futures Future Certified 09/15/2023 Natural Resource Gasoline 3
NYMEX Singapore Gasoline 92 Unleaded (Platts) vs Gasoline Eurobob Non-Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) BALMO Futures Future Certified 09/15/2023 Natural Resource Gasoline 3
NYMEX Gasoline Eurobob Non-Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) Crack Spread Average Price Option Option on a Future Certified 09/15/2023 Natural Resource Gasoline 3
COMEX Cobalt Hydroxide CIF China (Fastmarkets) Futures Future Certified 09/15/2023 Natural Resource Metal 3
CME 13-Week U.S. Treasury Bill Futures Future Certified 09/14/2023 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
COMEX Micro Gold Option Option on a Future Certified 09/14/2023 Natural Resource Metal 2
COMEX Micro Gold Weekly Monday Option Week 1 - Week 5 Option on a Future Certified 09/14/2023 Natural Resource Metal 2
COMEX Micro Gold Weekly Monday Option Week 1 - Week 5 Option on a Future Certified 09/14/2023 Natural Resource Metal 2
COMEX Micro Gold Weekly Wednesday Option Week 1 - Week 5 Option on a Future Certified 09/14/2023 Natural Resource Metal 2
COMEX Micro Gold Weekly Friday Option Week 1 - Week 5 Option on a Future Certified 09/14/2023 Natural Resource Metal 2
KEX Will a hurricane_category hurricane hit Norfolk? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 09/13/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will a hurricane_category hurricane hit Jacksonville? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 09/13/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the average price of gas in area be above/below/between price on date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 09/13/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the average price of gas in area be above/below price by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 09/13/2023 Event Binary Option 2
ICE US Option on California Low Carbon Fuel Standard Credit (OPIS) Future Option on a Future Certified 09/08/2023 Natural Resource Renewable Fuels 1