Designated Contract Market Products

Search Designated Contract Market Products using the following criteria
Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
ICE US Crude Oil Diff - Midland WTI American Gulf Coast Diff to CMA ICE Trade Month Balmo Future Future Certified 10/26/2022 Natural Resource Crude Oil 1
NODAL MISO AMIL.GBCM Monthly Day Ahead On-Peak Power Contract Future Certified 10/19/2022 Natural Resource Electricity 4
NODAL MISO AMIL.GBCM Monthly Day Ahead Off-Peak Power Contract Future Certified 10/19/2022 Natural Resource Electricity 4
CBOT 30-Year Uniform Mortgage-Backed Securities (UMBS) To-Be-Announced (TBA) Futures - 3.0% Coupon Future Certified 10/18/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CBOT 30-Year Uniform Mortgage-Backed Securities (UMBS) To-Be-Announced (TBA) Futures - 3.5% Coupon Future Certified 10/18/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CBOT 30-Year Uniform Mortgage-Backed Securities (UMBS) To-Be-Announced (TBA) Futures - 4.0% Coupon Future Certified 10/18/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CBOT 30-Year Uniform Mortgage-Backed Securities (UMBS) To-Be-Announced (TBA) Futures - 2.5% Coupon Future Certified 10/18/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CBOT 30-Year Uniform Mortgage-Backed Securities (UMBS) To-Be-Announced (TBA) Futures - 4.5% Coupon Future Certified 10/18/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CBOT 30-Year Uniform Mortgage-Backed Securities (UMBS) To-Be-Announced (TBA) Futures - 5.0% Coupon Future Certified 10/18/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
KEX Will average diesel prices be above below between price? Swap Certified 10/18/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the Supreme Court strike down Proposition 12 in National Pork Producers Council v. Ross? Swap Certified 10/18/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the dry van truck rate per mile be above below between price for week? Swap Certified 10/18/2022 Event Binary Option 2
CME USD Denominated TOPIX Index Futures Future Certified 10/17/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CBOT 30-Year Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security (UMBS) To-Be-Announced (TBA) Futures (2.0%, 2.5%, 3.0%, 3.5%, 4.0%, 4.5%, and 5.0% Coupon Rates) Future Certified 10/14/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CME Euro Short-Term Rate (?STR) Futures Future Certified 10/07/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CME Euro Short-Term Rate (?STR) Three-Month Single Contract Basis Spread Futures Future Certified 10/07/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
NYMEX LNG North West Europe Marker (Platts) Futures Contract Future Certified 09/28/2022 Natural Resource Natural Gas 3
ICE US Ethylene, I.C.I.S. FD NWE Future Future Certified 09/23/2022 Natural Resource Liquified Petroleum Gases/NGLs 2
ICE US ERCOT Houston 345 KV Real-Time HE 1800-2200 Fixed Price Future Future Certified 09/23/2022 Natural Resource Electricity 2
ICE US ERCOT North 345 KV Real-Time HE 1800-2200 Fixed Price Future Future Certified 09/23/2022 Natural Resource Electricity 1
ICE US ERCOT South 345 KV Real-Time HE 1800-2200 Fixed Price Future Future Certified 09/23/2022 Natural Resource Electricity 1
ICE US ERCOT West 345 KV Real-Time HE 1800-2200 Fixed Price Future Future Certified 09/23/2022 Natural Resource Electricity 1
ICE US California Carbon Allowance Vintage 2026 Future Future Certified 09/23/2022 Natural Resource Emissions 1
ICE US California Carbon Allowance Specific Vintage 2026 Future Future Certified 09/23/2022 Natural Resource Emissions 1
ICE US Pennsylvania Compliance Alternative Energy Credit Tier II Future Future Certified 09/23/2022 Natural Resource Emissions 1
ICE US New Jersey Compliance Renewable Energy Certificate Class II Future Future Certified 09/23/2022 Natural Resource Emissions 1
ICE US Option on Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Future Vintage 2022 (Futures Style Margining) Option on a Future Certified 09/23/2022 Natural Resource Emissions 1
ICE US Option on Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Future Vintage 2023 (Futures Style Margining) Option on a Future Certified 09/23/2022 Natural Resource Emissions 1
ICE US One Year Mid-Curve Option on PJM Tri Qualified Renewable Energy Certificate Class I Future (Futures Style Margining) Option on a Future Certified 09/23/2022 Natural Resource Emissions 1
ICE US Two Year Mid-Curve Option on PJM Tri Qualified Renewable Energy Certificate Class I Future (Futures Style Margining) Option on a Future Certified 09/23/2022 Natural Resource Emissions 1
NYMEX Southern Green Canyon (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures Future Certified 09/14/2022 Natural Resource Crude Oil 3
NYMEX Bakken Cushing (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures Future Certified 09/14/2022 Natural Resource Crude Oil 3
NYMEX Southern Green Canyon (Argus) vs. WTI Financial Futures Future Certified 09/14/2022 Natural Resource Crude Oil 3
NYMEX Bakken Cushing (Argus) vs. WTI Financial Futures Future Certified 09/14/2022 Natural Resource Crude Oil 3
CME Tuesday Weekly Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - Week 1 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/14/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Tuesday Weekly Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - Week 2 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/14/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Tuesday Weekly Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - Week 3 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/14/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Tuesday Weekly Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - Week 4 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/14/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Tuesday Weekly Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - Week 5 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/14/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Thursday Weekly Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - Week 1 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/14/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Thursday Weekly Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - Week 2 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/14/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Thursday Weekly Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - Week 3 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/14/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Thursday Weekly Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - Week 4 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/14/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Thursday Weekly Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - Week 5 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/14/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
KEX Will the price of gold be above below between count at time on date? Swap Certified 09/07/2022 Event Binary Option 2
NYMEX Propylene CFR NE Asia (ICIS) Futures Future Certified 09/02/2022 Natural Resource Other Natural Resource 3
NYMEX Propylene CFR NE Asia (ICIS) Futures Future Certified 09/02/2022 Natural Resource Other Natural Resource 3
NYMEX Ethylene CFR NE Asia (ICIS) Futures Future Certified 09/01/2022 Natural Resource Other Natural Resource 3
NYMEX Propylene CFR NE Asia (ICIS) Futures Future Certified 09/01/2022 Natural Resource Other Natural Resource 3
CME Event Contracts on E-mini Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Price Index Futures Future Certified 09/01/2022 Event Binary Option 2