Designated Contract Market Products

Search Designated Contract Market Products using the following criteria
Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
ICE US ERCOT Non-Spinning Reserve Future Future Certified 03/13/2015 Natural Resource Electricity 2
ICE US ERCOT Panhandle 345KV Day-Ahead Off-Peak Fixed Price Future Future Certified 08/29/2019 Natural Resource Electricity 2
NODAL Texas Compliance Renewable Energy Certificate Specific Vintage 2023 Option Option on a Future Certified 05/27/2020 Natural Resource Emissions 2
NODAL NAR Registered Renewable Energy Certificates from CRS Listed Wind Energy Facilities - Vintage 2025 Front Half Future Future Certified 09/01/2021 Natural Resource Emissions 2
CME Monday Weekly Options on Micro Ether Futures - Week 5 Option on a Future Certified 03/08/2022 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 2
COMEX Tuesday Weekly Options on E-mini Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Price Index Futures - Week 4 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 04/13/2022 Natural Resource Metal 2
CME CME European HDD Index Futures ESSEN Future Certified 05/04/2023 Event Weather 2
KEX Will Beyonce's next album appear on the Billboard chart? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/08/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will real wages grow in period? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 06/06/2024 Event Binary Option 2
NYMEX SO2 Emission 25-Allowance 2014 Future Certified 01/21/2011 Natural Resource Emissions 2
ICE US Enable Gas Swing Future Future Certified 08/15/2012 Natural Resource Natural Gas 2
ICE US ERCOT Regulation DOWN Future Future Certified 03/13/2015 Natural Resource Electricity 2
ICE US ERCOT Panhandle 345KV Real-Time Peak Fixed Price Future Future Certified 08/29/2019 Natural Resource Electricity 2
NODAL Texas Compliance Renewable Energy Certificate Specific Vintage 2024 Option Option on a Future Certified 05/27/2020 Natural Resource Emissions 2
NYMEX CBL Nature-Based Global Emissions Offset Futures Future Certified 07/16/2021 Natural Resource Emissions 2
CME Wednesday Weekly Options on Micro Ether Futures - Week 1 Option on a Future Certified 03/08/2022 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 2
COMEX Tuesday Weekly Options on E-mini Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Price Index Futures - Week 5 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 04/13/2022 Natural Resource Metal 2
NODAL Pennsylvania Compliance Alternative Energy Certificate Tier 1 Vintage 2031 Future Future Certified 06/13/2022 Natural Resource Emissions 2
CME CME European Seasonal Strip HDD Index Futures ESSEN NOV Future Certified 05/04/2023 Event Weather 2
KEX Will coach be the next coach of team? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/08/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will any state ban cultivated meat before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 06/06/2024 Event Binary Option 2
OCX Achillion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Div Future Certified 05/06/2013 Security Futures Product SSF - Dividend Adjusted 2
ICE US ERCOT Regulation UP Future Future Certified 03/13/2015 Natural Resource Electricity 2
ICE US ERCOT Panhandle 345KV Real-Time Off-Peak Fixed Price Future Future Certified 08/29/2019 Natural Resource Electricity 2
NODAL Texas Compliance Renewable Energy Certificate Specific Vintage 2025 Option Option on a Future Certified 05/27/2020 Natural Resource Emissions 2
NODAL NAR Registered Renewable Energy Certificates from CRS Listed Wind Energy Facilities - Vintage 2026 Front Half Future Future Certified 09/01/2021 Natural Resource Emissions 2
CME Wednesday Weekly Options on Micro Ether Futures - Week 2 Option on a Future Certified 03/08/2022 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 2
COMEX Thursday Weekly Options on E-mini Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Price Index Futures - Week 1 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 04/13/2022 Natural Resource Metal 2
NODAL California Carbon Allowance Specific Vintage 2026 Future Future Certified 06/13/2022 Natural Resource Emissions 2
CME CME European Seasonal Strip HDD Index Futures ESSEN DEC Future Certified 05/04/2023 Event Weather 2
KEX Will inflation in Argentina be above/below/between percent in period? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 01/25/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will there be more than count H5N1 cases in year? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 06/06/2024 Event Binary Option 2
OCX Siemens Aktiengesellschaft - ADR Future Certified 11/19/2009 Security Futures Product ADR - American Depository Receipt 2
CME Hurricane Index Seasonal Futures, Florida, Florida, S, N Atlantic, AL/FL to Eastport ME Future Certified 06/29/2010 Natural Resource Weather 2
NYMEX CAISO NP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Day-Ahead LMP Futures Future Certified 10/21/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 2
ICE US NYISO Zone G Real Time Peak Daily Fixed Price Future Future Certified 03/13/2015 Natural Resource Electricity 2
ICE US Crude Outright - Permian WTI 1st Line Future Future Certified 01/31/2019 Natural Resource Crude Oil 2
ICE US Crude Diff - Argus WTL Midland vs WTI Trade Month Future Future Certified 08/29/2019 Natural Resource Crude Oil 2
NODAL Texas Compliance Renewable Energy Certificate Specific Vintage 2026 Option Option on a Future Certified 05/27/2020 Natural Resource Emissions 2
ICE US MSCI Australia NTR Index Futures Future Certified 11/27/2020 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
NODAL NAR Registered Renewable Energy Certificates from CRS Listed Wind Energy Facilities - Vintage 2027 Front Half Future Future Certified 09/01/2021 Natural Resource Emissions 2
CME Wednesday Weekly Options on Micro Ether Futures - Week 3 Option on a Future Certified 03/08/2022 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 2
COMEX Thursday Weekly Options on E-mini Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Price Index Futures - Week 2 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 04/13/2022 Natural Resource Metal 2
NODAL California Carbon Allowance Specific Vintage 2027 Future Future Certified 06/13/2022 Natural Resource Emissions 2
CME CME European CAT Index Futures ESSEN Future Certified 05/04/2023 Event Weather 2
KEX Will semiconductor production change by above/below/between percent in period? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 06/06/2024 Event Binary Option 2
CME Hurricane Index Seasonal Max Futures, Florida, S, N Atlantic, AL/FL to Eastport ME Future Certified 06/29/2010 Natural Resource Weather 2
NYMEX CAISO NP15 EZ Gen Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Day Real-Time LMP Futures Future Certified 10/21/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 2
ICE US NYISO Zone G Real-Time Off-Peak Daily Fixed Price Future Future Certified 03/13/2015 Natural Resource Electricity 2
NODAL Texas Compliance Renewable Energy Certificate Specific Vintage 2027 Option Option on a Future Certified 05/27/2020 Natural Resource Emissions 2