Designated Contract Market Products

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Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
CME Euro (European-style) Option on a Future Certified 03/17/2004 Financial Instrument Currency 0
NFX US Dollar 3-Month BBA LIBOR Future Certified 03/27/2007 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
CME Eurodollar Calendar Spread, One-Year Option on a Future Certified 10/28/2008 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TRENDEX Opening Weekend Motion Picture Revenue Contract (Takers) Option on a Commodity Approved 06/14/2010 Financial Instrument Accounting Data On April 2, 2010, Media Derivatives requested that the approval process for its futures and binary options contracts be taken off of the 45-day approval process and moved to a 90-day approval process. 20
ICE US MSCI EAFE Mini Index Options Option on a Future Certified 01/10/2017 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
SMFE Small Dollar Index Futures Contracts Future Certified 05/07/2020 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 2
ICE US MSCI Emerging Market Index Futures TIC+ Front Month Futures Contract Future Certified 09/08/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
BTNL Ether US Dollar Deca Futures Options Option on a Future Certified 11/13/2023 Financial Instrument Other Financial Instrument 1
CME Euro Future Approved 01/14/1986 Financial Instrument Currency 0
NFX Japanese Yen Future Approved 07/08/1986 Financial Instrument Currency 1
CME Venezuelan "DCB" Brady Bonds Option on a Future Approved 09/06/1996 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
CFFE When Issued U.S. Treasury Two Year Note Future Certified 04/25/2001 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
CME CME$Index Option Option on a Future Certified 06/02/2004 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 0
CME British Pound Sterling (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 03/17/2004 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CFE Russell 2000 Volatility Index Future Certified 09/12/2007 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 0
NYLIFFE mini MSCI EAFE Net Total Return Index Future Certified 09/28/2010 Financial Instrument Equity Index 3
ICE US MSCI Emerging Market Index Future TIC+ Second Month Futures Contract Future Certified 09/08/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME S&P Midcap 400 Stock Index Option on a Future Approved 02/11/1992 Financial Instrument Equity Index 0
NFX European Currency Unit Future Approved 07/08/1986 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Russell 1000 Stock Price Index Future Certified 04/22/2003 Financial Instrument Equity Index 0
NYLIFFE mini MSCI Emerging Markets Net Total Return Index Future Certified 09/28/2010 Financial Instrument Equity Index 3
ICE US MSCI EAFE Index Future TIC+ Front Month Futures Contract Future Certified 09/08/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Euromark Time Deposits Option on a Future Approved 09/22/1992 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
NFX Eurodollar Time Deposits Option on a Commodity Approved 05/08/1985 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
ICE US Russell 1000 Mini Index Future Certified 04/20/2001 Financial Instrument Equity Index On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 0
CME Russell 1000 Stock Price Index Option on a Future Certified 04/22/2003 Financial Instrument Equity Index 0
CBOT When Issued 2-Year U.S. Treasury Note Future Certified 07/22/2004 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
CME E-Mini Three Month Eurodollar Future Certified 10/10/2007 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CFE Nasdaq 100 Volatility Index Future Certified 09/12/2007 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 0
CME USD Denominated Ibovespa Futures Future Certified 10/03/2012 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
ICE US MSCI EAFE Index Future TIC+ Second Month Futures Contract Future Certified 09/08/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
KEX Will the Nasdaq-100 close date above below between value? Swap Certified 04/21/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Domestic Certificates of Deposit Future Approved 07/28/1981 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
NFX Australian Dollar Future Approved 04/22/1987 Financial Instrument Currency 1
CBOT Mortgage Futures Future Certified 03/20/2001 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
CFE CBOE Volatility Index Future Certified 04/21/2006 Financial Instrument Equity Index 0
NYMEX Colombian Peso Future Certified 01/12/2009 Financial Instrument Currency 1
ICE US MSCI Emerging Markets Mini Index Options Option on a Future Certified 01/10/2017 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
ICE US MSCI USA Small Cap Index Future Contract Future Certified 08/22/2017 Financial Instrument Equity Index 3
SMFE Small Cannabis Equity Index Futures Contracts Future Certified 06/17/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
ICE US MSCI World NTR USD Index Future TIC+ Front Month Futures Contract Future Certified 09/08/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
ICE US MSCI ACWI NTR Index Futures Future Certified 03/30/2023 Financial Instrument Equity Index 3
TCBT British Pound/DMark Cross Rate Future Approved 02/26/1991 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CBOT Eurodollars Option on a Future Approved 11/29/1996 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
ICE US Norwegian Krone-Swedish Krona Future Certified 07/26/2004 Financial Instrument Currency On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 0
CME Five Year Eurodollar Bundle, E-Mini Future Certified 10/10/2007 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
NADEX 3M EPS Option on a Commodity Certified 07/18/2007 Financial Instrument Accounting Data 0
ICE US New MSCI Emerging Markets NTR (EUR) Future Contract Future Certified 08/22/2017 Financial Instrument Equity Index 3
CME Wednesday PQO Options on British Pound/U.S. Dollar (GBP/USD) Futures - week 1 to week 5 Option on a Future Certified 10/13/2017 Financial Instrument Currency 2
CME Quarterly IMM SONIA Futures Future Certified 09/13/2018 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2