Designated Contract Market Products

Search Designated Contract Market Products using the following criteria
Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
CME Rolling Spot Australian Dollar Future Approved 08/10/1993 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Chinese Renminbi/Euro Future Certified 06/22/2006 Financial Instrument Currency 0
USFE Morningstar Medium Cap Value Future Certified 10/16/2007 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
CME Monday Weekly Options on E-mini Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Price Index Futures - Week 1 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 03/17/2017 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
ICE US MSCI EM ESG Leaders NTR Index Future contract Future Certified 10/16/2019 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Wednesday Weekly Options on E-minir Russell 2000r Index Futures - Week 1 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/10/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME E-mini S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Select Industry Futures Future Certified 07/19/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Rolling Spot Australian Dollar Option on a Future Approved 08/10/1993 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Chinese Renminbi/Euro Option on a Future Certified 06/22/2006 Financial Instrument Currency 0
USFE Morningstar Small Cap Core Future Certified 10/16/2007 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
CME Monday Weekly Options on E-mini Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Price Index Futures - Week 2 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 03/17/2017 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
ICE US MSCI USA ESG Leaders GTR Index Future contract Future Certified 10/16/2019 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Wednesday Weekly Options on E-minir Russell 2000r Index Futures - Week 2 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/10/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME E-mini S&P Retail Select Industry Futures Future Certified 07/19/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CSCE Inflation Rate Option on a Commodity Approved 06/23/1987 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 0
CME French Franc Option on a Future Approved 09/15/1993 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Euro/British Pound Cross Rate Future Approved 02/23/1998 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Chinese Renminbi/Japanese Yen Future Certified 06/22/2006 Financial Instrument Currency 0
USFE Morningstar Small Cap Growth Future Certified 10/16/2007 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
CME Monday Weekly Options on E-mini Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Price Index Futures - Week 3 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 03/17/2017 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Wednesday Weekly Options on E-minir Russell 2000r Index Futures - Week 3 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/10/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME E-mini PHLX Semiconductor Sector Futures Future Certified 07/19/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Rolling Spot French Franc Future Approved 09/15/1993 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Euro/British Pound Cross Rate Option on a Future Approved 02/23/1998 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Chinese Renminbi/Japanese Yen Option on a Future Certified 06/22/2006 Financial Instrument Currency 0
USFE Morningstar Small Cap Value Future Certified 10/16/2007 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
NYLIFFE mini MSCI Canada Index futures Future Certified 08/23/2012 Financial Instrument Equity Index 3
CME Monday Weekly Options on E-mini Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Price Index Futures - Week 4 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 03/17/2017 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Wednesday Weekly Options on E-minir Russell 2000r Index Futures - Week 4 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/10/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Monthly Options on Three-Month SOFR Futures - Nearby March Option on a Future Certified 05/29/2024 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CME Rolling Spot French Franc Option on a Future Approved 09/15/1993 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Russian Ruble Future Approved 04/20/1998 Financial Instrument Currency 1
CFE Mini-Russell 1000 Future Certified 07/11/2006 Financial Instrument Equity Index 0
CME Korean Won Future Certified 06/22/2006 Financial Instrument Currency 0
ICE US Russell 2000 Mini Index Future Certified 10/11/2007 Financial Instrument Equity Index On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 0
CME Monday Weekly Options on E-mini Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Price Index Futures - Week 5 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 03/17/2017 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Wednesday Weekly Options on E-minir Russell 2000r Index Futures - Week 5 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/10/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Monthly Options on Three-Month SOFR Futures - Nearby June Option on a Future Certified 05/29/2024 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CME Major Market Index Future Approved 08/13/1993 Financial Instrument Equity Index 0
CME Russian Ruble Option on a Future Approved 04/20/1998 Financial Instrument Currency 1
CFE PowerPacks Bank Index Future Certified 02/21/2006 Financial Instrument Equity Index 0
CME Korean Won Option on a Future Certified 06/22/2006 Financial Instrument Currency 0
ICE US Russell 2000 Mini Index Option on a Future Certified 10/11/2007 Financial Instrument Equity Index On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 0
NYLIFFE mini MSCI Europe Index Future Certified 10/19/2010 Financial Instrument Equity Index 3
ICE US Russian ruble/U.S. dollar futures Future Certified 11/16/2011 Financial Instrument Currency 1
NYLIFFE mini MSCI World Index futures Future Certified 08/23/2012 Financial Instrument Equity Index 3
CME AUD/USD Weekly Monday Options - Wk 1 Option on a Future Certified 02/05/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 2
CME Monthly Options on Three-Month SOFR Futures - Nearby September Option on a Future Certified 05/29/2024 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
ACC US Treasury Notes, 10-year Future Approved 09/26/1989 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
CME Major Market Index Option on a Future Approved 08/13/1993 Financial Instrument Equity Index 0