Designated Contract Market Products

Search Designated Contract Market Products using the following criteria
Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
ICE US MSCI World Climate Paris Aligned (NTR) Index Future Future Certified 01/28/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 3
ICE US MSCI EM ex China ex Taiwan Price Index Future Certified 03/30/2023 Financial Instrument Equity Index 3
CME US Treasury Strips, 5-year Future Approved 06/17/1986 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
CME Rolling Spot Pound Sterling Future Approved 04/06/1993 Financial Instrument Currency 0
NYCE Deutsche Mark/Spanish Peseta Cross Rate Future Approved 01/27/1997 Financial Instrument Currency 0
ICE US MSCI Emerging Markets Latin America NTR Future Contract Future Certified 08/22/2017 Financial Instrument Equity Index 3
CME Wednesday VQO Options on Australian Dollar/U.S. Dollar (AUD/USD) Futures - week 1 to week 5 Option on a Future Certified 10/13/2017 Financial Instrument Currency 2
ICE US MSCI Emerging Market NTR USD Index Future TIC+ Second Month Future Future Certified 09/08/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
ICE US MSCI USA Climate Paris Aligned (GTR) Index Future Certified 01/28/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 3
CME S&P GSCI Commodity Index Option on a Future Approved 06/09/1992 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 0
CME Rolling Spot Pound Sterling Option on a Future Approved 04/06/1993 Financial Instrument Currency 0
NYCE Deutsche Mark/Spanish Peseta Cross Rate Option on a Future Approved 01/27/1997 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Wednesday PQO Options on Euro/U.S. Dollar (EUR/USD) Futures - week 1 to week 5 Option on a Future Certified 10/13/2017 Financial Instrument Currency 2
ICE US MSCI Europe Climate Paris Aligned (NTR) Index Future Certified 01/28/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 3
CME S&P GSCI Commodity Index Future Approved 06/09/1992 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 0
CME Rolling Spot Canadian Dollar Future Approved 05/19/1993 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Mexican Treasury Bills, 91-Day (CETES) Future Approved 03/10/1997 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
CME Wednesday VQO Options on Euro/U.S. Dollar (EUR/USD) Futures - week 1 to week 5 Option on a Future Certified 10/13/2017 Financial Instrument Currency 2
CME Three-Month Bloomberg Short-Term Bank Yield (BSBY) Futures Future Certified 08/06/2021 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
ICE US MSCI Emerging Market Latin America NTR Index Futures TIC+ Front Month Future Future Certified 09/08/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
ICE US MSCI EM Climate Paris Aligned Index Future Certified 01/28/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 3
CME British Pounds Sterling Future Approved 07/18/1975 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Rolling Spot Canadian Dollar Option on a Future Approved 05/19/1993 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Mexican Treasury Bills, 91-Day (CETES) Option on a Future Approved 03/10/1997 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
CBOT Mini-Sized U.S. Treasury Bond Future Certified 10/15/2001 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
NADEX Touch Bracket Variable Payout Contract Swap Certified 11/29/2018 Financial Instrument Other Financial Instrument 4
ICE US MSCI Emerging Market Latin America NTR Index Future TIC+ Second Month Future Future Certified 09/08/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
ICE US MSCI Europe (Euro) NTR Index Future Certified 01/28/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 3
CME Rolling Spot Japanese Yen Future Approved 05/19/1993 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CBOT Mini-Sized Long-Term Treasury Note Future Certified 10/15/2001 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
ICE US MSCI Emerging Market EMEA NTR Index Future TIC+ Front Month Future Future Certified 09/08/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
ICE US ICE Biotechnology (GTR) Index Future Certified 01/28/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 5
CME Euro-rate DIFF, Japanese Yen Option on a Future Approved 11/21/1989 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
CME Rolling Spot Japanese Yen Option on a Future Approved 05/19/1993 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CBOT Mini-Sized Three-Month Eurodollar Time Deposit Future Certified 12/14/2001 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
ICE US MSCI Emerging Market EMEA NTR Index Future TIC+ Second Month Future Future Certified 09/08/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
ICE US ICE Semiconductor (GTR) Index Futures Future Certified 01/28/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 5
CME D Mark/B Pound Currency Cross Rate Future Approved 03/25/1991 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Rolling Spot Swiss Franc Future Approved 05/19/1993 Financial Instrument Currency 0
ICE US US Dollar-South African Rand Future Approved 03/28/1997 Financial Instrument Currency On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 0
ICE US MSCI USA GTR Index Future TIC+ Front Month Future Future Certified 09/08/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Rolling Spot Swiss Franc Option on a Future Approved 05/19/1993 Financial Instrument Currency 0
ICE US US Dollar-South African Rand Option on a Future Approved 03/28/1997 Financial Instrument Currency On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 0
ICE US MSCI USA GTR Index Future TIC+ Second Month Future Future Certified 09/08/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Italian Lira Future Approved 09/30/1981 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Rolling Spot Deutsche Mark Future Approved 05/19/1993 Financial Instrument Currency 0
ICE US New Zealand Dollar-US Dollar Future Approved 02/26/1997 Financial Instrument Currency On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 0
CSCE S&P Commodity Index Future Certified 11/26/2001 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 0
NYLIFFE Three-Month Eurodollar Futures Future Certified 03/10/2011 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
ICE US NYSE Arca Gold Miners Index Future Certified 05/28/2014 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1