Designated Contract Market Products

Search Designated Contract Market Products using the following criteria
Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
NADEX Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Touch Bracket Variable Payout Contracts and Ether Cryptocurrency Touch Bracket Variable Payout Contracts Swap Certified 10/28/2022 Financial Instrument Other Financial Instrument 1
CBOT Bloomberg U.S. Corporate Investment Grade Index Futures Future Certified 05/29/2024 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CSCE CPI-U (old CPI-W) Future Approved 04/16/1985 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 0
ICE US Euro/Swedish krona currency cross rate Option on a Future Approved 03/29/1994 Financial Instrument Currency On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 0
CME Euro/Deutsche Mark Cross Rate Option on a Future Approved 02/23/1998 Financial Instrument Currency 0
ICE US NYSE Small Composite Index Future Certified 07/22/2003 Financial Instrument Equity Index On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 0
CFE PowerPacks Pharmaceutical Index Future Certified 02/21/2006 Financial Instrument Equity Index 0
CANTR Foreign Exchange Rate Spot Index British Pound Future Certified 10/06/2010 Financial Instrument Currency 2
NFX U.S. 5-YR DV01 Treasury Futures Future Certified 07/02/2018 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 7
CME GBP/USD Weekly Monday Options - Wk 3 Option on a Future Certified 02/05/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 2
CBOT 20-Year U.S. Treasury Bond Futures Future Certified 02/17/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CBOT Bloomberg U.S. Corporate High Yield Very Liquid Index Futures Future Certified 05/29/2024 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CBOT Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) Option on a Future Approved 06/20/1990 Financial Instrument Equity Index 0
NYCE French franc/Deutsche mark currency cross rate Future Approved 03/29/1994 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Euro/Swiss Franc Cross Rate Option on a Future Approved 02/23/1998 Financial Instrument Currency 0
ICE US NYSE Composite Index Option on a Future Certified 07/22/2003 Financial Instrument Equity Index On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 0
CFE PowerPacks Retail Index Future Certified 02/21/2006 Financial Instrument Equity Index 0
NADEX Germany 30 Binary Hedgelet Option on a Commodity Certified 11/24/2008 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
CANTR Foreign Exchange Rate Spot Index Euro Future Certified 10/06/2010 Financial Instrument Currency 2
NFX U.S. 30-YR DV01 Treasury Futures Future Certified 07/02/2018 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 7
CME GBP/USD Weekly Monday Options - Wk 4 Option on a Future Certified 02/05/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 2
CME Ether/Bitcoin Ratio Futures Future Certified 07/14/2023 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 2
CME Options on S&P 500® Annual Dividend Index Futures Option on a Future Certified 01/11/2024 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CBOT Bloomberg U.S. Corporate Investment Grade Duration-Hedged Index Futures Future Certified 05/29/2024 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
NYCE French franc/Deutsche mark currency cross rate Option on a Future Approved 03/29/1994 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Federal Funds Effective Rate, Overnight Option on a Future Approved 02/23/1998 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
CFE PowerPacks Semiconductor Index Future Certified 02/21/2006 Financial Instrument Equity Index 0
CME Commodity Excess Return Futures: Goldman Sachs Energy Excess Return Future Certified 10/10/2007 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 0
CANTR Foreign Exchange Rate Spot Index Yen Future Certified 10/06/2010 Financial Instrument Currency 2
CME GBP/USD Weekly Monday Options - Wk 5 Option on a Future Certified 02/05/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 2
CBOT Domestic Certificates of Deposit Future Approved 07/21/1981 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
NYCE Italian lira/Deutsche mark currency cross rate Future Approved 03/29/1994 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Federal Funds Effective Rate, Overnight Future Approved 02/23/1998 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
ICE US Reuters CRB Futures Price Index Option on a Future Certified 07/22/2003 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 0
CFE PowerPacks Technology Index Future Certified 02/21/2006 Financial Instrument Equity Index 0
NADEX NAR Las Vegas Binary Contract Option on a Commodity Certified 02/28/2007 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 0
CME Commodity Excess Return Futures: Goldman Sachs Non-Energy Excess Return Future Certified 10/10/2007 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 0
CANTR Foreign Exchange Rate Spot Index Swiss Franc Future Certified 10/06/2010 Financial Instrument Currency 2
CME CAD/USD Weekly Monday Options - Wk 1 Option on a Future Certified 02/05/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 2
CBOT Commercial Paper Loans, 90-day Future Approved 07/12/1977 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
NYCE Italian lira/Deutsche mark currency cross rate Option on a Future Approved 03/29/1994 Financial Instrument Currency 0
ICE US Russell 1000 Index Future Certified 07/22/2003 Financial Instrument Equity Index On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 0
CFE PowerPacks Telecom Index Future Certified 02/21/2006 Financial Instrument Equity Index 0
CME Commodity Excess Return Futures: Goldman Sachs Natural Gas Excess Return Future Certified 10/10/2007 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 0
CANTR Foreign Exchange Rate Spot Index Canadian Dollar Future Certified 10/06/2010 Financial Instrument Currency 2
CME CAD/USD Weekly Monday Options - Wk 2 Option on a Future Certified 02/05/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 2
CBOT US Treasury Notes, cash-settled (2-year) Future Approved 10/16/1990 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
ICE US Japanese yen/Euro currency cross rate Future Approved 03/29/1994 Financial Instrument Currency On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 1
ICE US Russell 1000 Mini Index Future Certified 07/22/2003 Financial Instrument Equity Index On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 0
CME Commodity Excess Return Futures: Goldman Sachs Industrial Metals Excess Return Future Certified 10/10/2007 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 0