Designated Contract Market Products

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Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
KEX Will core inflation be above below between percent for the 12 months ending month? Swap Certified 12/20/2022 Event Binary Option 2
CME CME Seasonal Strip Degree Days Index Options - PHILADELPHIA CDD JUL Option on a Future Certified 08/07/2023 Event Weather 2
KEX Will organization's LLM not be the top ranked LLM before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 02/09/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX What will the yield of the 10-year U.S. Treasury note be? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 01/25/2022 Event Binary Option 2
CME CME European CAT Index Options ESSEN Option on a Future Certified 08/07/2023 Event Weather 2
KEX RECSS Recession Swap (Binary Option) Certified 08/04/2021 Event Binary Option 2
CME CME European Seasonal CAT Strip Index Options ESSEN CAT MAY Option on a Future Certified 08/07/2023 Event Weather 2
KEX Will a Chinese company have an LLM ranked as higher than Google, Anthropic, or OpenAI before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/16/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX NHIGH NYC High Temp Swap (Binary Option) Certified 08/04/2021 Event Weather 2
CME CME European Seasonal CAT Strip Index Options ESSEN CAT JUL Option on a Future Certified 08/07/2023 Event Weather 2
KEX Will any country leave the European Union by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/16/2024 Event Binary Option 2
CANTOR Atlantic Named Storm Swaps Swap Withdrawn 09/10/2018 Event Weather 4
KEX What will the exchange rate of currency be? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 01/26/2022 Event Binary Option 2
CME CME European CAT Index Options PARIS Option on a Future Certified 08/07/2023 Event Weather 2
KEX Will the federal minimum wage be increased before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/16/2024 Event Binary Option 2
CME CME European Seasonal CAT Strip Index Options PARIS CAT MAY Option on a Future Certified 08/07/2023 Event Weather 2
KEX Will artist release a new album by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/16/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX How many commercial spacecraft will launch? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 11/24/2021 Event Binary Option 2
KEX How much will NGDP change? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 01/27/2022 Event Binary Option 2
CME CME European Seasonal CAT Strip Index Options PARIS CAT JUL Option on a Future Certified 08/07/2023 Event Weather 2
KEX Will global CO2 emissions be above/below/between count in year? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/16/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Joe Manchin leave Democratic leadership? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 11/24/2021 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will candidate win the Nobel Prize for subject for year? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 08/09/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will country join the EU by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/17/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the American Choice and Innovation Online Act become law? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/13/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will any country leave the European Union by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/17/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will net neutrality be reimposed? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 11/26/2021 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will credit card defaults be above/below/between percent in quarter? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 08/10/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will OpenAI be held civilly liable for violating the copyright of The New York Times in court? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 12/28/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will retail sales growth be above/below/between percent in month? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 08/10/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the Bank of England set the bank rate above below between percent at meeting? Swap Certified 12/20/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Robert Downey Jr. return to the MCU as Iron Man by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/20/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will a Chinese company have an LLM ranked higher overall than Google, Anthropic, and OpenAI LLMs before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/20/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the UAW strike end by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 09/19/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the President's approval rating be above below between percentage points on date according to FiveThirtyEight? Swap Certified 04/26/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will topic be mentioned by a candidate at the 2024 presidential debate? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 06/25/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will <debate> occur on its scheduled date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 06/25/2024 Event Binary Option 2
NADEX Democratic Majority in the United States House of Representatives Binary Contract Option on a Commodity Disapproved 04/02/2012 Event Binary Option 20
KEX Will the European Central Bank set the main refinancing operation rate above below between percent at meeting? Swap Certified 12/21/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will a hurricane_category hurricane hit Savannah? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 08/11/2023 Event Binary Option 2
NADEX Republican Majority in the United States House of Representatives Binary Contract Option on a Commodity Disapproved 04/02/2012 Event Binary Option 20
KEX Will the Open App Markets Act become law? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/15/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will a hurricane_category hurricane hit Charleston? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 08/11/2023 Event Binary Option 2
NADEX Democratic Majority in the United States Senate Binary Contract Option on a Commodity Disapproved 04/02/2012 Event Binary Option 20
KEX Will a hurricane_category hurricane hit Myrtle Beach? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 08/11/2023 Event Binary Option 2
CME CME Seasonal Strip Degree Days Index Futures - ATLANTA CDD Q2 Future Certified 06/26/2024 Event Weather 2
NADEX Republican Majority in the United States Senate Binary Contract Option on a Commodity Disapproved 04/02/2012 Event Binary Option 20
KEX Will a hurricane_category hurricane hit Wilmington? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 08/11/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the CEO of Tesla leave by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 02/14/2024 Event Binary Option 2
CME CME Seasonal Strip Degree Days Index Futures - BOSTON CDD Q2 Future Certified 06/26/2024 Event Weather 2