Designated Contract Market Products

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Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
KEX Will core Personal Consumption Expenditures price index inflation be above below between percent in month? Swap Certified 12/06/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Costco announce a price increase of product before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/19/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Costco announce a price increase of product before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/30/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will country have a recession before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/22/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will country join the EU by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/17/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will court rule in favor of the federal government in Texas v. Department of Homeland Security? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 01/26/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will credible fear cases be above count in period? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 01/10/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will credit card defaults be above/below/between percent in quarter? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 08/10/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will cryptocurrency_1 hit an all-time high before cryptocurrency_2? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/01/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will cryptocurrency_1 return more than cryptocurrency_2 in period? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/01/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Daylight Savings Time become permanent? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/23/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will disease be declared a epidemic_level? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/14/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Elon Musk win his lawsuit against OpenAI? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/04/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will EUR USD be above below between count? Swap Certified 08/10/2022 Financial Instrument Currency 2
KEX Will EUR/USD be above below count by date? Swap Certified 01/17/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Facebook daily active users be above/below/between count at the end of quarter? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/07/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will FDIC deposit insurance increase by date? Swap Certified 04/28/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will federal student loan forbearance be extended? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 02/24/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will film win above/below/between count awards at the Oscars? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 01/30/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will game be above/below/between/equal to count on the Steam chart on date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/13/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will game have a Metacritic score of above/below/between count on date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/07/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will GDP be above below count in area? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/04/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Gigi Sohn be confirmed to be a Member of the Federal Communications Commission? Swap Certified 04/18/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will global CO2 emissions be above/below/between count in year? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/16/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Google be found to abuse monopoly power? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 10/20/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Google's search market share be above/below/between count by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 02/28/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will GPT-4.5 be released by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 01/22/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will GPT-5 be released by date? Swap Certified 04/11/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Grand Theft Auto VI's release date be by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 11/29/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Harvard admissions be above below count in year? Swap Certified 12/06/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will housing starts be above/below/between count in month? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 09/06/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will India meet climate goal? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/30/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will India meet its climate goals? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/11/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will indoor dining be closed in NYC? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 12/21/2021 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will inflation be above below between percent this year? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/07/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will inflation be above below percent in area? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/03/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will inflation in Argentina be above/below/between percent in period? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 01/25/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will it rain above/below/between inches in New York City in month? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 02/07/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will it snow above/below/between inches in month in Chicago? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 02/01/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will J. Michelle Childs be confirmed to be the United States Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit? Swap Certified 05/03/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Jaime Lizarraga be confirmed to be a Member of the Securities and Exchange Commission? Swap Certified 05/03/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Jerome Powell be confirmed Chair of the Fed? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 11/23/2021 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Joe Manchin leave Democratic leadership? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 11/24/2021 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Kanye West release a new album on Spotify by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 12/18/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Lael Brainard be confirmed to be the Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve? Swap Certified 04/12/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Lake Michigan water temperature be above below between degrees on date? Swap Certified 08/17/2022 Event Weather 2
KEX Will last week's top song still top the Billboard Hot 100? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 02/03/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will LeBron James Jr. be drafted to team? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/02/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will LeBron James Jr. be drafted? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/08/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Lisa Cook be confirmed to be a member of the Federal Reserve Board? Swap Certified 04/12/2022 Event Binary Option 2