Designated Contract Market Products

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Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
KEX Will Ray Kurzweil win his prediction that an AI will pass the Turing Test by 2029? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/26/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will real wages grow in period? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 06/06/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will rent growth in San Francisco be above/below/between percent in period? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/22/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will rent in New York City be above below between percent? Swap Certified 07/27/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will rent in New York City be above/below/between percent according to StreetEasy? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 07/31/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will retail sales growth be above/below/between percent in month? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 08/10/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Rihanna release a new album on Spotify before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/03/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Robert Califf be confirmed as FDA commissioner? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 11/28/2021 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Robert Downey Jr. return to the MCU as Iron Man by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/20/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Robinhood have above/below/between count Gold subscribers in quarter? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/04/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Robinhood have above/below/between count Gold subscribers in quarter? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/30/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will room-temperature superconductivity be replicated by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 08/02/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Sam Altman start a new AI organization by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 11/20/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will school be ranked above/at/below rank in year on the FIRE free speech rankings? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 02/29/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will searches for Elon Musk be above/below/between count by/on date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/17/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Section 230 be weakened? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 02/11/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will semiconductor production change by above/below/between percent in period? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 06/06/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will show have a Rotten Tomatoes score of above/below/between count on date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/21/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will SoFi add above/below/between count new members in quarter? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/30/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will SOFR be above/below/between count by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 07/06/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will song be the #1 song on the Billboard Hot 100 for the week of date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/30/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will song have above/below/between count streams on Spotify over period? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/16/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Sony announce the PlayStation 6 by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 02/28/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will SpaceX have above/below/between count launches in period? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/26/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will SpaceX's Starship launch and land successfully before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/05/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will SpaceX's Starship reach orbit before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/07/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse be released before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/26/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Spotify subscribers be above/below/between count subscribers in quarter? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/13/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Starship launch a manned mission to Mars by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/21/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will state ban cultivated meat? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/26/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will stock trading by members of Congress be banned? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/10/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will student debt be forgiven? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 02/24/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Taylor Swift announce a new album before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 02/15/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will tech layoffs be above/below/between rate in month? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 08/25/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Tesla announce a low-cost electric vehicle before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/11/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Tesla deliver the second generation Roadster before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/19/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Tesla deliveries exceed count in quarter? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 01/05/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Tesla production exceed count in quarter? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/30/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Tesla release the Robotaxi to the public before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/11/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Tesla unveil the Robotaxi before date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 04/08/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the 10 year 3 month yield curve be above below between percent by date? Swap Certified 03/02/2023 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
KEX Will the 10-year 2 year yield curve be above below between percent by date? Swap Certified 03/02/2023 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
KEX Will the 30-Yr FRM get above below interest rate by date? Swap Certified 05/12/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the aggregate number of corporate bankruptcies in period be above/below count? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 10/20/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the American Choice and Innovation Online Act become law? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/13/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the average home price in the US be above below between percent? Swap Certified 07/27/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the average price of gas in area be above/below price by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 09/13/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the average price of gas in area be above/below/between price on date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 09/13/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the average temperature anomaly in month be above/below/between count degrees? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 05/22/2024 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the Bank of England set the bank rate above below between percent at meeting? Swap Certified 12/20/2022 Event Binary Option 2