Designated Contract Market Products

Search Designated Contract Market Products using the following criteria
Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
OCX Molycorp, Inc. Future Certified 01/19/2011 Security Futures Product SSF - Single Stock Future 1
OCX Jabil Circuit, Inc. - Div. Future Certified 05/06/2013 Security Futures Product SSF - Dividend Adjusted 1
OCX Career Education Corporation - Div Future Certified 05/06/2013 Security Futures Product SSF - Dividend Adjusted 2
OCX Zale Corporation - Div Future Certified 05/06/2013 Security Futures Product SSF - Dividend Adjusted 1
OCX ISHARES S&P 100 INDEX FUND - Div Future Certified 05/06/2013 Security Futures Product ETF - Dividend Adjusted 1
NYMEX Mont Belvieu LDH Iso-Butane (OPIS) Futures Future Certified 02/03/2012 Natural Resource Liquified Petroleum Gases/NGLs 2
OCX Millennial Media, Inc. Future Certified 05/15/2012 Security Futures Product SSF - Single Stock Future 1
ICE US Southern Star TX OK KS Index Swap Future Future Certified 08/15/2012 Natural Resource Natural Gas 1
ICE US NYISO Zone F Day-Ahead Peak Fixed Price Swap Future Future Certified 08/15/2012 Natural Resource Electricity 1
NFX 10 Ounce Gold Futures Future Certified 07/18/2013 Natural Resource Metal 2
ICE US RIN D6 (Platts) Vintage 2014 Future Certified 10/22/2013 Natural Resource Renewable Fuels 2
NODAL CAISO.DLAP_SCE-APND_month_off_dap-Day Ahead Power Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL PJM.PEPCO DC_month_off_dac-Day Ahead Congestion + Energy Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL MISO_RTO.SOCO_month_off_dac-Day Ahead Congestion + Energy Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL NYISO.WETHRSFD_WT_PWR_month_off_dac-Day Ahead Congestion + Energy Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL ERCOT.WAP_WAP_G8_month_off_rtp-Real Time Power Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
OCX Zoetis Inc Future Certified 03/09/2015 Security Futures Product SSF - Dividend Adjusted 1
OCX PowerShares Intl Div Achievers Future Certified 04/10/2015 Security Futures Product ETF - Dividend Adjusted 1
OCX Amdocs Ltd Future Certified 08/25/2015 Security Futures Product SSF - Dividend Adjusted 1
NYMEX Low Sulphur Gasoil Crack Spread (1000mt) BALMO Financial Futures Future Certified 10/27/2015 Natural Resource Crude Oil 2
NFX NFX ERCOT West 345 KV Hub Real-Time Peak Mini Financial Futures - 5MW (EWMQ) Future Certified 03/22/2016 Natural Resource Electricity 4
ICE US New Katy Basis Future Future Certified 08/05/2016 Natural Resource Natural Gas 2
NFX NFX NYISO Zone A Day-Ahead Peak Mini Financial Futures - 1MW (NAAQ) Future Certified 11/14/2016 Natural Resource Electricity 4
CANTOR MONTHLY AGGREGATE RAINFALL INDEX BINARY OPTIONS Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/20/2017 Event Weather 1
NYMEX PJM Western Hub Day-Ahead Peak Average Price Option 5 MW Option on a Future Certified 05/03/2017 Natural Resource Electricity 2
NODAL CAISO TH_SP15_GEN-APND Monthly Day Ahead On-Peak Power Option Option on a Future Certified 06/15/2017 Natural Resource Electricity 5
ICE US Propane, Argus Far East Index (AFEI) vs Propane, Argus CIF ARA Future Future Certified 01/26/2018 Natural Resource Liquified Petroleum Gases/NGLs 4
NODAL Pennsylvania Solar Alternative Energy Certificate Vintage 2018 Future Future Certified 11/12/2018 Natural Resource Emissions 5
NODAL District of Columbia Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Vintage 2024 Future Future Certified 11/18/2019 Natural Resource Emissions 4
CME GBP/USD Weekly Monday Options - Wk 5 Option on a Future Certified 02/05/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 2
COMEX Gold (Enhanced Delivery) Futures Future Certified 03/26/2020 Natural Resource Metal 2
NODAL PJM Tri-Qualified Renewable Energy Certificates Class 1 Vintage 2030 Future Future Certified 05/26/2020 Natural Resource Emissions 2
NODAL Texas Compliance Renewable Energy Certificate from CRS Listed Facilities Vintage 2024 Back Half Option Option on a Future Certified 11/09/2020 Natural Resource Emissions 2
NODAL Cross State Air Pollution Rule NOX Ozone Season Group2 V23 Option Option on a Future Certified 05/26/2021 Natural Resource Emissions 2
KEX MLBOAK Swap (Binary Option) Certified 10/28/2021 Event Binary Option 2
NODAL California Carbon Allowance Vintage 2027 Option Option on a Future Certified 12/28/2021 Natural Resource Emissions 2
NYMEX CBL Nature-Based Global Emissions Offset Trailing (N-GEO-TR) Futures Future Certified 07/21/2022 Natural Resource Emissions 2
NODAL Pennsylvania Alternative Energy Certificate Tier II Vintage 2027 Option Option on a Future Certified 01/11/2023 Natural Resource Emissions 1
KEX Will tech layoffs be above/below/between rate in month? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 08/25/2023 Event Binary Option 2
CBOT Domestic Certificates of Deposit Future Approved 07/21/1981 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
NYCE Italian lira/Deutsche mark currency cross rate Future Approved 03/29/1994 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME Federal Funds Effective Rate, Overnight Future Approved 02/23/1998 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 0
NQLX Merck Future Certified 04/22/2003 Security Futures Product SSF - Single Stock Future 0
OCX Google Incorporate, Class A Future Certified 12/03/2004 Security Futures Product SSF - Single Stock Future 0
CFE PowerPacks Technology Index Future Certified 02/21/2006 Financial Instrument Equity Index 0
OCX Burlington Norther Santa Fe Corporation Future Certified 09/18/2006 Security Futures Product SSF - Single Stock Future 0
OCX Avon Products, Inc. Future Certified 11/01/2006 Security Futures Product SSF - Single Stock Future 0
NADEX NAR Las Vegas Binary Contract Option on a Commodity Certified 02/28/2007 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 0
NADEX Merger & Acquisition, Hershey/Cadbury Option on a Commodity Certified 05/29/2007 Event Binary Option 0
CME Commodity Excess Return Futures: Goldman Sachs Non-Energy Excess Return Future Certified 10/10/2007 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 0