Designated Contract Market Products

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Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
OCX SodaStream International Ltd. Future Certified 09/16/2011 Security Futures Product SSF - Single Stock Future 1
NYMEX Emission Reduction Unit Future Certified 06/18/2012 Natural Resource Emissions 1
ICE US MISO Indiana Hub Real-Time Off-Peak Daily Fixed Price Swap Future Future Certified 08/15/2012 Natural Resource Electricity 1
NODAL Natural Gas-HH.HENRY HUB_month-sff_ngs Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Natural Gas 3
NODAL ERCOT.LZ_HOUSTON_month_off_dap-Day Ahead Power Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL PJM.NORTHWEST_month_off_dac-Day Ahead Congestion + Energy Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL ERCOT.LZ_CPS_month_2x16_dap-Day Ahead Power Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL MISO_RTO.NIPS.OAKDAPOAK_month_off_dac-Day Ahead Congestion + Energy Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
CBOT MGEX-KC HRW Wheat Intercommodity Spread Swap Certified 09/06/2013 Agriculture Grain/Grain Product 3
OCX The Container Store Group Inc Future Certified 02/20/2014 Security Futures Product SSF - Single Stock Future 1
OCX Keryx Biopharmaceuticals Inc Future Certified 12/23/2014 Security Futures Product SSF - Dividend Adjusted 1
ICE US Tennessee Zone 4 300L Swing Future Future Certified 01/30/2015 Natural Resource Natural Gas 2
ICE US TETCO M2 Index Future Future Certified 03/13/2015 Natural Resource Natural Gas 1
OCX Schwab Emerging Markets Equity ETF Future Certified 06/08/2015 Security Futures Product ETF - Dividend Adjusted 1
OCX Vista Outdoor Inc Future Certified 09/25/2015 Security Futures Product SSF - Dividend Adjusted 1
CDE 5T Eris Standard Invoice Swap Future Future Certified 01/07/2016 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
NFX NFX PJM Northern Illinois Hub Day-Ahead Peak Mini Financial Futures - 1MW (PNEQ) Future Certified 05/18/2016 Natural Resource Electricity 4
NYMEX ISO New England New Hampshire Zone Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Day-Ahead LMP Futures Future Certified 07/07/2016 Natural Resource Electricity 2
NFX NFX PJM PPL Zone Day-Ahead Off-Peak Mini Financial Futures - 25MWh (PPVQ) Future Certified 08/08/2017 Natural Resource Electricity 4
ICE US TMX UHC 1B Index Future Future Certified 01/26/2018 Natural Resource Crude Oil 4
ICE US Option on ERCOT North 345KV Day-Ahead Peak Fixed Price Future Option on a Future Certified 08/30/2018 Natural Resource Electricity 1
NFX NFX PJM PENELEC Zone Day-Ahead Off-Peak Mini Financial Futures - 25MWh (PZTQ) Future Certified 10/04/2018 Natural Resource Electricity 4
NODAL California Carbon Allowance Specific Vintage 2021 Future Future Certified 11/08/2018 Natural Resource Emissions 5
NODAL Cross State Air Pollution Rule TR SO2 Group 1 Allowance Vintage 2018 Future Future Certified 11/14/2018 Natural Resource Emissions 4
ICE US Pine Prairie Index Future Future Certified 01/31/2019 Natural Resource Natural Gas 2
ICE US Bitcoin Monthly Futures Contract Future Certified 05/13/2019 Financial Instrument Other Financial Instrument 2
ICE US Crude Diff - Permian WTI 1st Line vs Dubai 1st Line (Platts) Future Future Certified 07/12/2019 Natural Resource Crude Oil 2
ICE US PJM BGE Zone Real-Time Peak Daily Fixed Price Future Future Certified 08/29/2019 Natural Resource Electricity 1
NYMEX WCS Houston (Argus) vs. WTI Calendar Month Futures Future Certified 02/20/2020 Natural Resource Crude Oil 3
NODAL Connecticut Compliance Renewable Energy Certificate Class 1 Vintage 2029 Option Option on a Future Certified 05/27/2020 Natural Resource Emissions 2
ICE US Normal Butane, OPIS LST ISOM Grade Future Future Certified 11/19/2020 Natural Resource Liquified Petroleum Gases/NGLs 2
CME Micro U.S. Dollar/Japanese Yen (USD/JPY) Futures Future Certified 06/02/2021 Financial Instrument Currency 2
NODAL Maine Renewable Energy Certificate Class 2 Vintage 2021 Future Future Certified 09/01/2021 Natural Resource Emissions 2
KEX What share of Texas's electricity will be from zero-carbon sources? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 12/15/2021 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will inflation be above below between percent this year? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 03/07/2022 Event Binary Option 2
ICE US Biofuel Outright - RVO (OPIS) Current Year Mini Future Future Certified 06/23/2022 Natural Resource Renewable Fuels 1
CME Wednesday Weekly Options on Micro E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - Week 1-5 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 01/19/2023 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME CME Seasonal Strip Degree Days Index Options - BOSTON HDD NOV Option on a Future Certified 07/27/2023 Event Weather 2
NODAL PJM DUNCANNON Monthly Day Ahead Off Peak Energy plus Congestion Contract Future Certified 09/05/2023 Natural Resource Electricity 4
NADEX Litecoin (LTC) Cryptocurrency Event Contracts Swap Certified 10/30/2023 Financial Instrument Other Financial Instrument 1
KEX Will the target federal funds rate range be above/below/between percent? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 12/14/2023 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the CEO of Gamestop leave by date? Swap (Binary Option) Certified 01/22/2024 Event Binary Option 2
CME CME European Seasonal Strip HDD Index Options - AMSTERDAM HDD Q1 Option on a Future Certified 06/03/2024 Event Weather 2
NODAL ERCOT Registered Renewable Energy Certificates from Wind Energy Facilities Vintage 2024 Future Future Certified 09/10/2024 Natural Resource Emissions 2
TRENDEX Opening Weekend Motion Picture Revenue Contract (Takers) Future Approved 06/14/2010 Financial Instrument Accounting Data On April 2, 2010, Media Derivatives requested that the approval process for its futures and binary options contracts be taken off of the 45-day approval process and moved to a 90-day approval process. 20
TRENDEX Opening Weekend Motion Picture Revenue Contract (Takers) Option on a Commodity Approved 06/14/2010 Financial Instrument Accounting Data On April 2, 2010, Media Derivatives requested that the approval process for its futures and binary options contracts be taken off of the 45-day approval process and moved to a 90-day approval process. 20
COMEX Aluminium European Premium Duty-Unpaid (Metal Bulletin) Futures Future Certified 09/03/2015 Natural Resource Metal . 6
NODAL NYISO NYPA___ASTORIA_CC2 Monthly Day Ahead Off-Peak Energy + Congestion Future Certified 03/02/2016 Natural Resource Electricity . 5
CBOT Mini-sized corn Future Approved 04/01/2003 Agriculture Grain/Grain Product CBT originally submitted the contract under certification procedures on 11/22/02 but subsequently withdrew that certification at the time approval was requested. 0
CBOT Mini-sized Soybean Future Approved 04/01/2003 Agriculture Oilseed/Oilseed Product CBT originally submitted the contract under certification procedures on 11/22/02 but subsequently withdrew that certification at the time approval was requested. 0