Designated Contract Market Products

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Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
NODAL PJM.EBEND20 KVEB2_month_off_dac-Day Ahead Congestion + Energy Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NYMEX MISO Indiana Hub (formerly Cinergy Hub) Real-Time Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Option Option on a Future Certified 11/20/2014 Natural Resource Electricity 4
ICE US MISO AMIL.BGS6 Day-Ahead Peak Fixed Price Future Future Certified 11/25/2015 Natural Resource Electricity 1
ICE US MISO AMIL.BGS6 Day-Ahead Peak Daily Fixed Price Future Future Certified 08/31/2017 Natural Resource Electricity 1
NODAL PJM 4 QUAD C18 KVQC-2 Monthly Day Ahead On-Peak Energy + Congestion Contract Future Certified 01/30/2018 Natural Resource Electricity 4
NFX NFX PJM PPL Zone Day-Ahead Off-Peak Mini Financial Futures - 10MWh (PPTQ) Future Certified 04/10/2019 Natural Resource Electricity 4
NODAL ISONE.UN.KIBBY 34.5KIBY_month_off_dap Future Certified 09/22/2020 Natural Resource Electricity 2
NODAL PJM PATRIOT123 KVPAT10 Monthly Day Ahead On-Peak Power Contract Future Certified 06/23/2021 Natural Resource Electricity 4
NODAL PJM AEP Monthly Day Ahead 2x16 Power Contract Future Certified 08/22/2022 Natural Resource Electricity 2
NODAL ERCOT HB_NORTH Monthly Real Time 7x16 Power Contract Future Certified 11/15/2023 Natural Resource Electricity 2
NYMEX ISO New England West Central Massachusetts Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures Future Certified 02/17/2009 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NYMEX ERCOT Houston 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Peak Future Certified 02/01/2012 Natural Resource Electricity 3
ICE US PJM AEP Dayton Hub Day-Ahead Peak Daily Fixed Price Swap Future Future Certified 08/15/2012 Natural Resource Electricity 1
NODAL PJM.EDGEMOOR18 KVHAYRD8_month_on_dap-Day Ahead Power Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL PJM.BEAV DUQ22 KVUNIT1_month_on_dac-Day Ahead Congestion + Energy Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL MISO_RTO.CIN.PSI_month_on_dac-Day Ahead Congestion + Energy Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL NYISO.NORTH_month_on_dac-Day Ahead Congestion + Energy Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL PJM.MIAMIFOR18 KVG6_month_on_dap-Day Ahead Power Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NYMEX ISO New England Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Option Option on a Future Certified 11/20/2014 Natural Resource Electricity 4
ICE US NYISO NYC In-City Capacity Fixed Price Future Future Certified 11/25/2015 Natural Resource Electricity 1
ICE US MISO Michigan Hub Day-Ahead Off-Peak Fixed price Future Future Certified 08/31/2017 Natural Resource Electricity 1
NODAL PJM 4 QUAD C18 KVQC-2 Monthly Day Ahead Off-Peak Energy + Congestion Contract Future Certified 01/30/2018 Natural Resource Electricity 4
NFX NFX PJM ComEd Zone Day-Ahead Off-Peak Mini Financial Futures - 10MWh (DFTQ) Future Certified 04/10/2019 Natural Resource Electricity 4
NODAL PJM.FOURRIVR13.8 KVST501_month_off_dap Future Certified 09/22/2020 Natural Resource Electricity 2
NODAL PJM SOUTH Monthly Day Ahead 7x8 Energy + Congestion Contract Future Certified 08/22/2022 Natural Resource Electricity 2
NODAL ERCOT HB_HOUSTON Monthly Real Time 7x16 Power Contract Future Certified 11/15/2023 Natural Resource Electricity 2
NYMEX ISO New England West Central Mass Zone 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures Future Certified 02/17/2009 Natural Resource Electricity 3
ICE US PJM AEP Dayton Hub Real-Time Peak Daily Fixed Price Swap Future Future Certified 08/15/2012 Natural Resource Electricity 1
NYMEX Mid-Columbia Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Month 5 MW Futures Future Certified 09/13/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 1
NODAL PJM.EDGEMOOR18 KVHAYRD8_month_off_dap-Day Ahead Power Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL PJM.BEAV DUQ22 KVUNIT1_month_off_dac-Day Ahead Congestion + Energy Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL MISO_RTO.CIN.PSI_month_off_dac-Day Ahead Congestion + Energy Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL NYISO.NORTH_month_off_dac-Day Ahead Congestion + Energy Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL PJM.MIAMIFOR18 KVG6_month_off_dap-Day Ahead Power Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
ICE US NYISO Rest of State Capacity Fixed Price Future Future Certified 11/25/2015 Natural Resource Electricity 1
ICE US Michigan Hub Day-Ahead Peak Daily Fixed Price Future Future Certified 08/31/2017 Natural Resource Electricity 1
NODAL ISONE.UN.KIBBY 34.5KIBY_month_on_dac Future Certified 09/22/2020 Natural Resource Electricity 2
NODAL PJM APS Monthly Day Ahead 2x16 Power Contract Future Certified 08/22/2022 Natural Resource Electricity 2
NODAL ERCOT HB_WEST Monthly Real Time 7x16 Power Contract Future Certified 11/15/2023 Natural Resource Electricity 2
NYMEX ISO New England New Hampshire Zone 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Future Certified 02/17/2009 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NYMEX ERCOT West 345 kV Hub Day-Ahead 5 MW Peak Future Certified 02/01/2012 Natural Resource Electricity 3
ICE US PJM AEP Dayton Hub Real-Time Peak Daily Look Back Fixed Price Swap Future Future Certified 08/15/2012 Natural Resource Electricity 1
NYMEX Mid-Columbia Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Day 5 MW Futures Future Certified 09/13/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 1
NODAL PJM.HATFIELD18 KVGEN 1_month_on_dap-Day Ahead Power Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL PJM.BGE_month_on_dac-Day Ahead Congestion + Energy Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL MISO_RTO.NSP.SHERCO1_month_on_dac-Day Ahead Congestion + Energy Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL NYISO.NORTHPORT___1_month_on_dac-Day Ahead Congestion + Energy Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
NODAL PJM.MIAMIFOR18 KVG6_month_on_dac-Day Ahead Congestion + Energy Future Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Electricity 3
ICE US Option on ERCOT North 345KV Day-Ahead Peak Daily 80 MWh Fixed Price Future Future Certified 11/25/2015 Natural Resource Electricity 1
ICE US Minnesota Hub Day-Ahead off Peak Daily Fixed Price Future Future Certified 08/31/2017 Natural Resource Electricity 1