Designated Contract Market Products

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Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
ICE US Reuters Jefferies CRB Index Option on a Future Certified 09/08/2005 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 0
ICE US Cross State Air Pollution Rule TR SO2 Group 1 Allowance Option on a Future Certified 08/15/2012 Natural Resource Emissions 1
CBOT 10-Yr U.S. Treasury Note Weekly Options ( 9 Years - 5 Months to Maturity) Option on a Future Certified 12/22/2015 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CME Monday Weekly Options on Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Price Index Futures - Week 2 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 03/17/2017 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CBOT Options on Black Sea Wheat Financially Settled (Platts) Futures Option on a Future Certified 06/28/2018 Agriculture Grain/Grain Product 3
CME Five-Year Mid-Curve Options on Three-Month SOFR Futures Option on a Future Certified 12/18/2019 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
NODAL Texas Compliance Renewable Energy Certificate from CRS Listed Facilities Vintage 2025 Front Half Option Option on a Future Certified 11/09/2020 Natural Resource Emissions 2
NODAL Cross State Air Pollution Rule NOX Ozone Season Group2 V24 Option Option on a Future Certified 05/26/2021 Natural Resource Emissions 2
CME Monday Weekly Options on E-minir Russell 2000r Index Futures - Week 2 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/10/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
NODAL Texas Compliance Solar Renewable Energy Certificate from CRS Listed Facilities Vintage 2021 Front Half Option Option on a Future Certified 12/28/2021 Natural Resource Emissions 2
CBOT Monday Weekly Options on U.S. Treasury Note Futures (6 ½ to 7 ¾-Year) Wk 1 - Wk 5 Option on a Future Certified 10/05/2023 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
NYMEX Crude Oil Thursday Weekly Option - Week 1 - Week 5 Option on a Future Certified 05/28/2024 Natural Resource Crude Oil 2
NYFE NYSE Utility Stock Index Option on a Future Approved 08/11/1993 Financial Instrument Equity Index 0
MGE Electricity, Twin Cities, Off-Peak Option on a Future Approved 07/13/1998 Natural Resource Electricity 0
CME CME Hurricane Index Seasonal, Gulf Coast Option on a Future Certified 06/21/2007 Natural Resource Weather 0
ICE US Cross State Air Pollution Rule TR SO2 Group 2 Allowance Option on a Future Certified 08/15/2012 Natural Resource Emissions 1
CBOT Flexible Options on 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures (American-Style) Option on a Future Certified 12/22/2015 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CME Monday Weekly Options on Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Price Index Futures - Week 3 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 03/17/2017 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CBOT Options on Black Sea Corn Financially Settled (Platts) Futures Option on a Future Certified 06/28/2018 Agriculture Grain/Grain Product 3
NODAL Cross State Air Pollution Rule NOX Ozone Season Group3 V21 Option Option on a Future Certified 05/26/2021 Natural Resource Emissions 2
CME Monday Weekly Options on E-minir Russell 2000r Index Futures - Week 3 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/10/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Monthly Options on U.S. Dollar/Offshore Chinese Renminbi (USD/RMB) Futures Option on a Future Certified 03/06/2023 Financial Instrument Currency 2
CME CME Hurricane Index Seasonal, Florida Option on a Future Certified 06/21/2007 Natural Resource Weather 0
ICE US Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Option on a Future Certified 08/15/2012 Natural Resource Emissions 1
ICE US Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Vintage 2014 Option on a Future Certified 10/22/2013 Natural Resource Emissions 2
CBOT Flexible Options on 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 12/22/2015 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CME Monday Weekly Options on Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Price Index Futures - Week 4 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 03/17/2017 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
NODAL Maryland Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Vintage 2021 Option Option on a Future Certified 11/12/2018 Natural Resource Emissions 5
CME Options on Block Cheese Futures Option on a Future Certified 12/18/2019 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
NODAL Texas Compliance Renewable Energy Certificate from CRS Listed Facilities Vintage 2027 Front Half Option Option on a Future Certified 11/09/2020 Natural Resource Emissions 2
NODAL Cross State Air Pollution Rule NOX Ozone Season Group3 V22 Option Option on a Future Certified 05/26/2021 Natural Resource Emissions 2
CME Monday Weekly Options on E-minir Russell 2000r Index Futures - Week 4 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/10/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
NODAL Texas Compliance Solar Renewable Energy Certificate from CRS Listed Facilities Vintage 2022 Front Half Option Option on a Future Certified 12/28/2021 Natural Resource Emissions 2
CME Weekly Friday Options on U.S. Dollar/Offshore Chinese Renminbi (USD/RMB) Futures Option on a Future Certified 03/06/2023 Financial Instrument Currency 2
CBOT Monday Weekly Options on U.S. Treasury Bond Futures Wk 1 - Wk 5 Option on a Future Certified 10/05/2023 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
NYMEX Electricity, Entergy Option on a Future Approved 03/23/1998 Natural Resource Electricity 0
CME Chinese Renminbi Option on a Future Certified 06/22/2006 Financial Instrument Currency 0
CME CME Hurricane Index Seasonal, Southern Atlantic Coast Option on a Future Certified 06/21/2007 Natural Resource Weather 0
ICE US Sulfur Financial Instrument Option on a Future Certified 08/15/2012 Natural Resource Emissions 1
CME Monday Weekly Options on Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Price Index Futures - Week 5 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 03/17/2017 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
NODAL Cross State Air Pollution Rule NOX Ozone Season Group3 V23 Option Option on a Future Certified 05/26/2021 Natural Resource Emissions 2
CME Monday Weekly Options on E-minir Russell 2000r Index Futures - Week 5 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/10/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
NODAL Texas Compliance Solar Renewable Energy Certificate from CRS Listed Facilities Vintage 2023 Front Half Option Option on a Future Certified 12/28/2021 Natural Resource Emissions 2
CBOT Monday Weekly Options on Ultra U.S. Treasury Bond Futures Wk 1 - Wk 5 Option on a Future Certified 10/05/2023 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
CME CME Hurricane Index Seasonal, Northern Atlantic Coast Option on a Future Certified 06/21/2007 Natural Resource Weather 0
CME Monday Weekly Options on E-mini Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Price Index Futures - Week 1 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 03/17/2017 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
NODAL Cross State Air Pollution Rule NOX Ozone Season Group3 V24 Option Option on a Future Certified 05/26/2021 Natural Resource Emissions 2
CME Wednesday Weekly Options on E-minir Russell 2000r Index Futures - Week 1 (European-Style) Option on a Future Certified 09/10/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
CME Rolling Spot Australian Dollar Option on a Future Approved 08/10/1993 Financial Instrument Currency 0
NYMEX Electricity, Cinergy Option on a Future Approved 03/23/1998 Natural Resource Electricity 0