Designated Contract Market Products

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Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
KEX Will a hurricane category hurricane hit Miami? Swap Certified 06/28/2022 Event Weather 2
KEX Will Congress replenish the Restaurant Revitalization Fund by date Swap Certified 04/14/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will a hurricane category hurricane hit New York City? Swap Certified 06/28/2022 Event Weather 2
KEX Will core CPI growth be above below between percent in month? Swap Certified 06/30/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will there be an official recession in period? Swap Certified 06/30/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the Bureau of Reclamation projection for the start of year Lake Mead water level be feet or below? Swap Certified 06/30/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the IMF's reporting of the EUR/USD exchange rate be above below between count? Swap Certified 06/30/2022 Event Binary Option 2
ELX MARKIT CDX.NA.HY Index Swap Certified 05/19/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
KEX Will Lake Michigan water temperature be above below between degrees on date? Swap Certified 08/17/2022 Event Weather 2
KEX What will the extent of Arctic sea ice be in period Swap Certified 11/18/2022 Event Binary Option 2
ELX MARKIT CDX.NA.IG Index Swap Certified 05/19/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
KEX What will the average temperature in the contiguous United States be in month? Swap Certified 11/18/2022 Event Binary Option 2
ELX MARKIT ITraxx Europe Untranched Index (ICE Clear Credit) Swap Certified 05/19/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
ELX MARKIT ITraxx Europe Untranched Index (ICE Clear Credit Europe) Swap Certified 05/19/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
ELX MARKIT ITraxx Europe Crossover Index (ICE Clear Credit) Swap Certified 05/19/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
ELX MARKIT ITraxx Europe Crossover Index (ICE Clear Europe) Swap Certified 05/19/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
ELX Credit Default Swaps ("CDS") on MARKIT CDX.NA.HY Index ("CDX.NA.HY") Cleared at ICE Clear Credit LLC ("ICE") Swap Certified 09/18/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
ELX Credit Default Swaps ("CDS") on MARKIT CDX.NA.IG Index ("CDX.NA.IG") Cleared at ICE Clear Credit LLC ("ICE") Swap Certified 09/18/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
ELX Credit Default Swaps ("CDS") on MARKIT ITRAXX EUROPE Untranched Index ("iTraxx Europe") Cleared at ICE Clear Credit LLC ("ICE") Swap Certified 09/18/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
ELX Credit Default Swaps ("CDS") on MARKIT ITRAXX EUROPE Untranched Index ("iTraxx Europe") Cleared at ICE Clear Europe ("ICE") Swap Certified 09/18/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
ELX Credit Default Swaps ("CDS") on MARKIT ITRAXX EUROPE CROSSOVER Index ("iTraxx Europe Crossover") Cleared at ICE Clear Credit LLC ("ICE") Swap Certified 09/18/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
ELX Credit Default Swaps ("CDS") on MARKIT ITRAXX EUROPE CROSSOVER Index ("iTraxx Europe Crossover") Cleared at ICE Clear Europe ("ICE") Swap Certified 09/18/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
KEX Will Alvaro Bedoya be confirmed as Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission? Swap Certified 04/15/2022 Event Binary Option 2
LEDGERX LX USD ETH Deci Swap Swap Certified 03/09/2021 Financial Instrument Other Financial Instrument 3
CANTOR Atlantic Named Storm Swaps #2 Swap Certified 09/07/2018 Event Weather 1
TRUEEX Standard Coupon & Standard Maturity Interest Rate Swap (USD 3-Year) Swap Certified 06/24/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate Subject to request for MAT determination. Comment period closes November 21, 2013. 2
KEX Will Gigi Sohn be confirmed to be a Member of the Federal Communications Commission? Swap Certified 04/18/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will a NEPA permitting reform bill become law? Swap Certified 11/24/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will average COVID-19 case numbers be above below count in China by date? Swap Certified 04/20/2022 Event Binary Option 2
NADEX Shiba Inu (SHIB) Cryptocurrency Event Contracts Swap Certified 11/10/2023 Financial Instrument Other Financial Instrument 1
NADEX Dogecoin (DOGE) Cryptocurrency Event Contracts Swap Certified 11/10/2023 Financial Instrument Other Financial Instrument 1
KEX Will the U.S. State Department recommend Americans do not travel to Beijing? Swap Certified 04/21/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will core inflation be above below between percent for the 12 months ending month? Swap Certified 12/20/2022 Event Binary Option 2
CANTOR Atlantic Named Storm Swaps Swap Withdrawn 09/10/2018 Event Weather 4
KEX Will the Nasdaq-100 close date above below between value? Swap Certified 04/21/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
ELX USD Flex Tenor Spot Interest Rate Swaps Swap Certified 02/06/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
ELX GBP Flex Tenor Spot Interest Rate Swaps Swap Certified 02/06/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
ELX Euro Flex Tenor Spot Interest Rate Swaps Swap Certified 02/06/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
KEX Will the Bank of England set the bank rate above below between percent at meeting? Swap Certified 12/20/2022 Event Binary Option 2
NADEX Touch Bracket Variable Payout Contract Swap Certified 11/29/2018 Financial Instrument Other Financial Instrument 4
KEX Will the President's approval rating be above below between percentage points on date according to FiveThirtyEight? Swap Certified 04/26/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will $INX close above below between value on date? Swap Certified 04/26/2022 Financial Instrument Equity Index 2
KEX Will the European Central Bank set the main refinancing operation rate above below between percent at meeting? Swap Certified 12/21/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will the USD JPY exchange rate be above below between count? Swap Certified 04/28/2022 Financial Instrument Currency 2
KEX Will the GBP USD exchange rate be above below between count? Swap Certified 04/28/2022 Financial Instrument Currency 2
KEX What will the highest federal funds rate set by the Federal Reserve be by date? Swap Certified 12/23/2022 Event Binary Option 2
CANTOR Daily Aggregate Snowfall Index Swaps Swap Certified 10/25/2018 Event Weather 1
KEX Will Michael Barr be confirmed to be the Vice Chairman for Supervision of the Federal Reserve? Swap Certified 05/03/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will J. Michelle Childs be confirmed to be the United States Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit? Swap Certified 05/03/2022 Event Binary Option 2
KEX Will Jaime Lizarraga be confirmed to be a Member of the Securities and Exchange Commission? Swap Certified 05/03/2022 Event Binary Option 2