Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
COMEX Revisions to Rule 854 to Clarify the Time Period during which the Restriction on Netting Down Concurrent Long and Short Positions is Applicable. 08/04/2014 Certified 08/18/2014 2
NYMEX Modifications to Core Globex Energy Tiers Incentive Program 06/04/2015 Certified 06/18/2015 2
CBOT Modifications to the Equity Index Futures Broker Incentive Program 11/15/2016 Certified 11/30/2016 2
NYMEX Modifications to the Financial Natural Gas Spreads & Strips Market Maker Program 11/14/2018 Certified 11/29/2018 2
COMEX Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1908-5 Regarding Rule 526. ("Block Trades"). 08/23/2019 Certified 09/09/2019 2
ICE US Amendments to the Henry Hub Penultimate Futures Liquidity Provider Program 09/16/2022 Certified 09/30/2022 2
ICE US Amendments to MSCI Index Investment Bank Trading Incentive Program 12/14/2022 Certified 12/29/2022 2
NYMEX Modifications to the Event Contracts Market Maker Program 03/16/2023 Certified 03/30/2023 2
ICE US Amendments to Carbon Futures Screen Volume Incentive Program 04/26/2023 Certified 05/10/2023 2
CME Modifications to the FTIIE Futures Globex Market Maker Program 12/11/2023 Certified 12/26/2023 2
CME Modifications to the Micro Bitcoin Futures Market Maker Program 07/17/2024 Certified 07/31/2024 2
CBOT Amends Globex No Bust Ranges to remove NYMEX Ardour Global Index futures contract from the list of Globex No Bust Ranges since this product has been delisted. CBOT/CME/NYMEX #09-210 09/23/2009 Certified 09/23/2009 2
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Brent Liquidity Provider Program 12/02/2015 Certified 12/16/2015 2
CME Modifications to the FX Monthly Futures Market Maker Program 02/08/2017 Certified 02/23/2017 2
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Crude and Refined Futures Volume Incentive Program 11/14/2018 Certified 11/29/2018 2
NODAL amendments to the Exchange and Clearing Transaction Fee Schedule for Nodal Exchange Environmental Futures 05/07/2019 Certified 05/21/2019 2
ICE US Amendments to MSCI Index Futures Designated Market Maker Program 12/17/2020 Certified 01/04/2021 2
NODAL The Exchange is self-certifying amendments to the Nodal Exchange Rulebook ("Rules") pursuant to Commission Regulation 40.6(a). The Exchange is revising Rule 9.2 Market Data and Rule 9.4 Confidentiality and Disclosure Information. 09/20/2021 Certified 10/04/2021 2
ICE US Amendments to the Energy Participant Program 12/14/2022 Certified 12/29/2022 2
ICE US Termination of SOFR Market maker Program 03/16/2023 Certified 03/30/2023 2
NYMEX Implementation of the Financial European Natural Gas Market Maker Program 09/01/2023 Certified 09/18/2023 2
COMEX Modifications to the Global Aluminum Futures Market Maker Program 07/17/2024 Certified 07/31/2024 2
CME Amends Globex No Bust Ranges to remove NYMEX Ardour Global Index futures contract from the list of Globex No Bust Ranges since this product has been delisted. CBOT/CME/NYMEX #09-210 09/23/2009 Certified 09/23/2009 2
NYMEX Modifications to the Volume Incentive Program for NYMEX and COMEX Metals Products. NYMEX/COMEX #13-223 06/13/2013 Certified 06/28/2013 2
NYMEX Implementing an incentive program in support of all Natural Gas, Natural Gas Liquids & Petrochemicals and Power/Electricity products for Commercial Firms. NYMEX #13-307 08/02/2013 Certified 08/17/2013 2
NYMEX Modifications to NYMEX Commercial Brent Spread Incentive Program 06/04/2015 Certified 06/18/2015 2
CME Modifications to the CME FX Futures Cross Currency Liquidity Market Maker Program 12/02/2015 Certified 12/16/2015 2
COMEX Modifications to the COMEX Options Volume Incentive Program 06/16/2016 Certified 07/01/2016 2
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Hot-Rolled Coil Steel Market Maker Program 02/22/2018 Certified 03/08/2018 2
ICE US Amendments to MSCI Index New Jurisdiction Volume Incentive Program 12/17/2020 Certified 01/04/2021 2
ICE US Amendments to the PJM Liquidity Provider Program 12/14/2022 Certified 12/29/2022 2
CME Modifications to the Euro Short-Term Rate (?STR) Futures Market Maker Program 09/01/2023 Certified 09/18/2023 2
CME Modifications to the Event Contracts Market Maker Program 01/16/2024 Certified 01/30/2024 2
COIN Supplemental Market Support Program 07/17/2024 Certified 07/31/2024 2
NYMEX Amends Globex No Bust Ranges to remove NYMEX Ardour Global Index futures contract from the list of Globex No Bust Ranges since this product has been delisted. CBOT/CME/NYMEX #09-210 09/23/2009 Certified 09/23/2009 2
CME Implementing a market making incentive program in support of Mexican Peso options contracts traded on Globex. CME #12-449 12/10/2012 Certified 12/25/2012 2
COMEX Modifications to the Volume Incentive Program for NYMEX and COMEX Metals Products. NYMEX/COMEX #13-223 06/13/2013 Certified 06/28/2013 2
NYMEX Implementing an incentive program in support of a Natural Gas and Power for Hedge Funds. NYMEX #13-308 08/02/2013 Certified 08/17/2013 2
NYMEX Modifications to Brent Futures and Inter-Commodity Spread Market Maker Program 06/04/2015 Certified 06/18/2015 2
CME Modifications to the E-mini S&P Select Sector Index Futures Market Maker Program 08/12/2016 Certified 08/26/2016 2
CME Modifications to the Bitcoin Futures Market Maker Program 02/12/2020 Certified 02/27/2020 2
ICE US Amendments to the Softs New Jurisdiction Volume Incentive Program 12/17/2020 Certified 01/04/2021 2
NYMEX Modifications to the Crude and Refined OTC Incentive Program 12/31/2021 Certified 01/14/2022 2
ICE US Amendments to Henry Hub Options New Participant Program 09/16/2022 Certified 09/30/2022 2
ICE US Amendments to Henry Hub Participant Development Program 12/14/2022 Certified 12/29/2022 2
CME Modifications to the CME/CBOT Asset Manager Fixed Income Incentive Program ("AMFIIP") 12/12/2023 Certified 12/27/2023 2
CBOT Modifications to the Event Contracts Market Maker Program 01/16/2024 Certified 01/30/2024 2
COMEX Modifications to the HRC Steel Options Liquidity Provider Program 07/17/2024 Certified 07/31/2024 2
NYMEX NYMEX Henry Hub Back Month Liquidity Provider Program 08/05/2014 Certified 08/19/2014 2
CME Modifications to the E-mini Futures Volume Incentive Program 08/12/2016 Certified 08/26/2016 2