Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
NYMEX Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1715-5 Concerning CME Globex Pre-Open Order Entry. 10/17/2017 Certified 10/31/2017 1
MGE Weekly notification regarding the MLK, Jr. Day holiday. 01/25/2019 Notified 01/25/2019 1
CBOT Expansion of Trading at Settlement (TAS) Eligibility for the Corn, Soybean, Chicago SRW Wheat, Live Cattle, and Lean Hog Futures Contracts 06/24/2019 Certified 07/09/2019 1
NFX Rule Certification to Establish a Rebate Program for Closing Open Interest in Dry Freight Futures Contracts 03/16/2020 Certified 03/30/2020 1
CME Extension of the Secured Overnight Financing Rate ("SOFR") Block Discount Program 12/09/2020 Certified 12/23/2020 1
CME Amendments to the Daily Settlement Procedure Documents for Bitcoin Futures, Micro Bitcoin Futures, and Ether Futures Contracts 10/14/2021 Certified 10/28/2021 1
CME Extension of the FX Options Give-up Surcharge Fee Waiver Program 12/01/2021 Certified 12/15/2021 1
CBOT Modifications to the Micro Treasury Yield Futures Market Maker Program 07/13/2022 Certified 07/27/2022 1
CBOT Amendments to CME, CBOT, NYMEX/COMEX Rule 539.C. ("Pre-Execution Communications Regarding Globex Trades") and Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA2401-5 04/05/2024 Certified 04/19/2024 1
NYMEX Allows Block Trading in NYMEX Soft Futures Contracts, with a Minimum Quantity of 100 Lots. NYMEX No. 07-13 01/26/2007 Certified 02/01/2007 1
NFX Adopts Notice to Members For Early Closure on July 3, 2007 PBOT #2007-11 06/27/2007 Certified 06/27/2007 1
NFX Amends NFX Fee Schedule. NFX #2009-06 (Revised) 04/22/2009 Certified 05/17/2010 1
NYMEX Establishing a no-bust range for E-Mini and E-micro S&P CNX Nifty Index futures and amending Rule 855 to permit the offsetting of E-micro and E-mini contracts. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #10-189 07/01/2010 Certified 08/27/2010 1
CBOT Adding "Gold Volatility Index" and "Crude Oil Volatility Index" given the impending launch of Gold and Crude Oil VIX contracts under Rule 588.G. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #10-296 10/12/2010 Certified 01/06/2011 1
CBOT Revisions to Various Rules in Chapters 4, 8, 8A, 9 amd 8D. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #11-259 07/06/2011 Certified 07/20/2011 1
NYMEX Additional supplemental information relating to the Cross-Venue Energy and Metals Products Incentive Program for High Volume Contributors. NYMEX/COMEX #11-422S 11/15/2011 Certified 12/01/2011 1
NFX Amending Rule E26 and adopting New Rule 2001N - Price Adjustments and Cancellations. NFX #2012-28 09/28/2012 Certified 10/16/2012 1
CFE Submitting CFE rule amendment relating to foreign CFE Trading Privilege Holders. CFE #2013-03 01/16/2013 Certified 02/01/2013 1
KCBT Adjusting the electronic and floor trading hours for KCBT Wheat futures and options contracts. KCBT #13-093 03/13/2013 Certified 03/28/2013 1
NYMEX Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1308-5 regarding Rule 534 (Wash Trades Prohibited). CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX/KCBT #13-272 07/10/2013 Approved 11/14/2013 1
COMEX Request for Approval to Amend Rule 538 and Issue CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX/KCBT Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1311-5 09/12/2013 Withdrawn 11/01/2013 1
NYMEX Modifications to the Retail Broker Incentive Program 12/12/2014 Certified 12/29/2014 1
NFX Adopt an intercompany agreement between NFX and NASDAQ Energy Futures, LLC for certain services. 06/25/2015 Certified 07/10/2015 1
COMEX Modifications to International Cross-Asset Volume Incentive Program 08/17/2015 Certified 08/31/2015 1
OCX Issuing NTM 2016-3 (Discontinuing Competitive Block Trades) 01/25/2016 Certified 02/08/2016 1
OCX Issuing NTM 2016-12 (OneChicago Ownership and Control Reports) 05/11/2016 Certified 05/25/2016 1
COMEX Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1715-5 Concerning CME Globex Pre-Open Order Entry. 10/17/2017 Certified 10/31/2017 1
NFX Rule Certification to Establish a Rebate Program for Closing Open Interest in Dry Freight Futures Contracts 03/16/2020 Certified 03/30/2020 1
CBOT Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA2003-5 Regarding Rule 526. ("Block Trades") 05/14/2020 Certified 05/29/2020 1
CME Extension of the FX Futures Calendar Spreads Discount Program 12/01/2021 Certified 12/15/2021 1
CBOT Modifications to the Eris Swap Futures Block Market Maker Program 03/17/2022 Certified 03/31/2022 1
ICE US Emergency Action - Delayed Open for Certain Markets 12/28/2022 Certified 01/12/2023 1
NYMEX Amendments to CME, CBOT, NYMEX/COMEX Rule 539.C. ("Pre-Execution Communications Regarding Globex Trades") and Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA2401-5 04/05/2024 Certified 04/19/2024 1
CME Adds the No-Bust Ranges for the Spot FX and Euroyen Contracts to "Globex No Bust Ranges". CME No. 07-10 01/29/2007 Certified 01/31/2007 1
NYMEX Adding "Gold Volatility Index" and "Crude Oil Volatility Index" given the impending launch of Gold and Crude Oil VIX contracts under Rule 588.G. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #10-296 10/12/2010 Certified 01/06/2011 1
NYMEX Revisions to Various Rules in Chapters 4, 8, 8A, 9 amd 8D. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #11-259 07/06/2011 Certified 07/20/2011 1
ICE US Delaying Open of Floor Trading Due to Hurricane Irene. ICE US 11-52 08/29/2011 Certified 09/08/2011 1
COMEX Additional supplemental information relating to the Cross-Venue Energy and Metals Products Incentive Program for High Volume Contributors. NYMEX/COMEX #11-422S 11/15/2011 Certified 12/01/2011 1
ICE US Amending the terms of three market maker programs for Exchange agricultural products. ICE US #12-50 09/13/2012 Certified 09/28/2012 1
NYMEX Revisions to Rule 526 Block Trades. (Request for Expedited Approval) NYMEX/COMEX #12-301 09/28/2012 Certified 10/16/2012 1
NYLIFFE Notice Announcing an Amendment to the Inter-Dealer Broker Incentive Plan. NYLIFFE #2012-132 10/24/2012 Certified 11/08/2012 1
NYMEX Implementing a volume incentive program for international firms in support of certain NYMEX energy contracts that are traded on CME Globex. NYMEX #13-008 01/17/2013 Certified 02/02/2013 1
COMEX Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1308-5 regarding Rule 534 (Wash Trades Prohibited). CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX/KCBT #13-272 07/10/2013 Approved 11/14/2013 1
KCBT Request for Approval to Amend Rule 538 and Issue CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX/KCBT Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1311-5 09/12/2013 Withdrawn 11/01/2013 1
ELX Changes to the Trading Hours for all Eurodollar Futures contracts; amending the schedule of Pre-Open, Open and Close times. ELX #2014-01 01/15/2014 Certified 01/31/2014 1
CME Revisions to CME/CBOT/NYMEX Rule 816 (Guaranty Fund Deposit) 10/01/2014 Certified 10/16/2014 1
COMEX Modifications to the Retail Broker Incentive Program 12/12/2014 Certified 12/29/2014 1
COMEX Modifications to the International Incentive Program 08/17/2015 Certified 08/31/2015 1
CFE Rule Certification to clarify the manner in which CFE determines the daily settlement price for all contracts currently listed by CFE. 09/10/2015 Certified 09/24/2015 1
CANTOR Advisory FAQ Rule Interpretation Pre-discussion of Trades 01/25/2016 Certified 02/08/2016 1