Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
CME Bundle Futures Market Maker Program 09/05/2014 Certified 09/19/2014 4
NFX Self-certification for a new Designated Market Maker Program (the "DMM Program") for U.S. DV01 Treasury Futures contracts that the Exchange has listed pursuant to Appendix A of the Exchange Rulebook 03/08/2019 Certified 03/22/2019 4
NFX Various Rules associated with the listing of new power futures contracts in SR-NFX-2016-12. 02/10/2016 Certified 02/25/2016 4
NYMEX Modifications to the Natural Gas Basis Futures Market Maker Program 05/16/2016 Certified 05/31/2016 4
CME Establishment of Block Trade Minimum Thresholds in Four New Products. CME/CBOT #14-104 03/24/2014 Certified 04/08/2014 4
CBOT Implementation of the E-mini Equity Index Futures BTIC Market Maker Program 10/28/2015 Certified 11/12/2015 4
MIAX Implementation of MGEX SPIKES Market Maker Program 09/15/2021 Certified 09/29/2021 4
CME Implementation of the E-mini Equity Index Futures BTIC Market Maker Program 10/28/2015 Certified 11/12/2015 4
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Deferred Natural Gas Market Maker Program 05/16/2016 Certified 05/31/2016 4
NODAL The Exchange is amending Rulebook Appendix B - Minimum Block Sizes, the Exchange and Clearing Transaction Fee Schedule and the Nodal Electronic Trade Error Policy for the upcoming listing of new environmental contracts. 11/02/2022 Certified 11/17/2022 4
NYMEX Modifications to the Natural Gas Financial Futures Spread Program 05/16/2016 Certified 05/31/2016 4
NYMEX Modifications to the Natural Gas Financial Products Market Maker Program 05/16/2016 Certified 05/31/2016 4
NYMEX Modifications to the Non-Core Crude and Refined Liquidity Provider Program 05/16/2016 Certified 05/31/2016 4
NODAL Rules revised to add terminology and procedures regarding option products. 05/08/2017 Certified 05/22/2017 4
NODAL Self-Certification Notice of Nodal Exchange Broker Incentive Program for Q1 2016 01/04/2016 Certified 01/19/2016 4
NYMEX Implementation of the Natural Gas Basis Futures Market Maker Program 02/12/2016 Certified 02/29/2016 4
CME Modifications to the E-mini Russell 1000 Index Futures Market Maker Program 07/16/2024 Certified 07/30/2024 4
CME Addition of G-Cross Protocol to CBOT EU Wheat Futures and R-Cross Protocol to CBOT EU Wheat Options Pursuant to Rule 539.C. ("Pre-Execution Communications Regarding Globex Trades") and Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1611-5. 08/12/2016 Certified 08/26/2016 4
CBOT Addition of G-Cross Protocol to CBOT EU Wheat Futures and R-Cross Protocol to CBOT EU Wheat Options Pursuant to Rule 539.C. ("Pre-Execution Communications Regarding Globex Trades") and Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1611-5. 08/12/2016 Certified 08/26/2016 4
NYMEX Addition of G-Cross Protocol to CBOT EU Wheat Futures and R-Cross Protocol to CBOT EU Wheat Options Pursuant to Rule 539.C. ("Pre-Execution Communications Regarding Globex Trades") and Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1611-5. 08/12/2016 Certified 08/26/2016 4
NODAL The Rules are being revised to reflect the introduction of Nodal Contracts based on trucking freight futures 03/15/2019 Certified 03/29/2019 4
COMEX Addition of G-Cross Protocol to CBOT EU Wheat Futures and R-Cross Protocol to CBOT EU Wheat Options Pursuant to Rule 539.C. ("Pre-Execution Communications Regarding Globex Trades") and Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1611-5. 08/12/2016 Certified 08/26/2016 4
NFX Self-certification to eliminate all transaction fees for futures and options on futures contracts listed on the Exchange. 12/30/2019 Certified 01/14/2020 4
NYMEX Amendments to Chapter 7 10/30/2014 Certified 11/14/2014 4
NODAL self-certifying amendments to the Nodal Exchange Rulebook ("Rules") pursuant to Commission Regulation 40.6(a). 08/29/2019 Certified 09/13/2019 4
LEDGERX LedgerX Revised Participant Agreement 05/28/2021 Certified 06/14/2021 4
COMEX Amendments to Chapter 7 10/30/2014 Certified 11/14/2014 4
CFE AMERIBOR Futures Lead Market Maker Program Amendment 09/19/2022 Certified 10/03/2022 4
NODAL Nodal Exchange Power Incentive Program 02/22/2016 Withdrawn 02/25/2016 4
NFX Certification of 2017 Trading Calendar. 11/16/2016 Withdrawn 11/17/2016 4
NODAL The Exchange is amending the Transaction Fee Schedule, Minimum Block Sizes and No-Cancellation Ranges for the upcoming launch of new environmental contracts. 06/03/2022 Certified 06/17/2022 4
TRUEEX Self certification of rule amendments. 08/07/2014 Certified 08/21/2014 4
COMEX Copper Options Market Maker Program 04/16/2015 Certified 04/30/2015 4
NYMEX Revs. to NYMEX Position Limit, Position Accountability and Reportable Level Tbl. in the Interpretations and Special Notices Sec. of Ch. 5 of the NYMEX Rulebook Comprised of Corrections and Administrative Changes Reflecting the Accurate Terms 08/08/2014 Withdrawn 08/12/2014 3
CFE IBHY Futures LLM Program Amendment 07/15/2021 Certified 07/29/2021 3
CFE IBIG Futures LLM Program Amendment 07/15/2021 Certified 07/29/2021 3
MIAX Modifications to the MGEX SPIKES Customer Volume Incentive Program 06/15/2023 Certified 06/30/2023 3
ICE US Effective October 10, 2017 the Exchange is extending the terms of the FX Market Maker Program through December 31, 2018. 09/25/2017 Certified 10/10/2017 3
MIAX Modifications to the MGEX SPIKES Market Maker Program 06/15/2023 Certified 06/30/2023 3
NODAL The Exchange is self certifying its intention to implement the Nodal Exchange Natural Gas Incentive Program 5 11/20/2020 Certified 12/07/2020 3
CBOT Amendments to Position Limits for Expiring U.S. Treasury Bond Futures, Short-Term Treasury Note (2-Year) Futures, and Long-Term U.S. Treasury (Ultra) Futures. 08/08/2014 Withdrawn 08/12/2014 3
MIAX Modifications to the Hard Red Spring Wheat Futures Incentive Program 11/01/2023 Certified 11/16/2023 3
FMX Reorganization of and amendments of FMX Futures Exchange Rules to permit intermediated futures trading. 01/22/2024 Certified 02/05/2024 3
CANTOR Confidential portion of 40.6 filing; and non-nonfidential portiaon 10/31/2014 Withdrawn 11/14/2014 3
NODAL Nodal Exchange Power Incentive Program 02/25/2016 Certified 03/10/2016 3
NODAL Extension of Power and Natural Gas Incentive Programs 11/01/2023 Certified 11/16/2023 3
NODAL Extension of Environmental Incentive Programs 11/01/2023 Certified 11/16/2023 3
NODAL self-certification of the Exchange's intention to continue the Nodal Exchange Environmental Broker Incentive Program 12/05/2019 Certified 12/19/2019 3
NODAL self-certification of the Exchange's intention to continue the Nodal Exchange Trucking Incentive Program 1 12/05/2019 Certified 12/19/2019 3
NFX Block Trades 04/08/2016 Withdrawn 04/20/2016 3