Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
CBOT Issuance of MRA Notice RA1108-3 to reflect the addition of CME US Dollar/Chinese Renminbi futures with US Dollar Banking to the list of block-eligible products at a minimum block threshold of 50 contracts. CME/CBOT #11-306 08/15/2011 Certified 08/15/2011 1
NADEX Amending the Fee Schedule to Provide Certain Rebates for Members Connecting to the Exchange via API. 07/28/2011 Certified 08/12/2011 1
ICE US Amendment to Section 4 of Appendix I of Chapter 27, amending the chart to the NCR for the Sugar No.16 futures contract. ICE US #11-48 07/28/2011 Certified 08/12/2011 1
CME Amendments to Rule 588.G removes references to NYMEX SO2 Emissions, NYMEX SO2 Emissions 25 Allowance, NYMEX Seasonal NOX, and NYMEX Annual NOX futures contracts due to delisting of these products. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #11-315 08/10/2011 Certified 08/10/2011 1
CBOT NYMEX SO2 Emissions 25 Allowance, NYMEX Seasonal NOX, and NYMEX Annual NOX futures contracts due to delisting of these products. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #11-315 08/10/2011 Certified 08/10/2011 1
NYMEX NYMEX SO2 Emissions 25 Allowance, NYMEX Seasonal NOX, and NYMEX Annual NOX futures contracts due to delisting of these products. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #11-315 08/10/2011 Certified 08/10/2011 1
GREENX Various Rule Amendments. GREENX #2011-13 06/24/2011 Certified 08/04/2011 1
CFE Establish new CFE Rule 303A (Login Assignment Requirements) and to amend Rule 403 (Order Entry). CFE #2011-18 07/18/2011 Certified 08/02/2011 1
NADEX Amendment to Rules to Add "Post Only" Orders as a Permissible Order Type. 06/30/2011 Certified 07/29/2011 1
CME Approval of new CME Rulebook Chapter 8-E (CME ECM Inc.) to govern the trading of exempt commodities by eligible commercial entities. CME #11-264 07/08/2011 Certified 07/29/2011 1
GREENX Amending Rule 543.E to prohibit claims for losses arising from error trades executed within the non-reviewable range; and Rule 1401.09 to clarify the timing for deposit of margins relating to delivery. GX #2011-14 07/08/2011 Certified 07/29/2011 1
GREENX Removing Rules 1505, 1509, 1601-1604 in their entirety to reflect the Delisted Contracts. GREENX #2011-17 07/28/2011 Certified 07/28/2011 1
OCX Revisions to Rule 905 to support the trading and reporting of block and EFP trade/report in four decimal points. 07/26/2011 Certified 07/26/2011 1
CME Amendments to Rules to eliminate the use of the words "bust" and "no-bust" range in the rules, which are being replaced with "cancel" or "cancellation" and "non-reviewable" range respectively. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #10-362 12/03/2010 Certified 07/21/2011 1
CME Amendment to Rule 588.G that removes reference to S&P 500 Depository Receipts, iShares Russell 2000 Index Fund and Nasdaq 100 Index Trading Stock due to the delisting of these products. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #11-099 03/11/2011 Certified 07/21/2011 1
NYMEX Notification of Addition of E-mini Crude Oil Futures to CME ClearPort. NYMEX #11-260 07/07/2011 Certified 07/21/2011 1
CME Amendments to Rule 588.G that adds reference to the CME Frost Index Futures, since it was inadvertently removed from the Non-Reviewable Trading Ranges. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #11-285 07/18/2011 Certified 07/21/2011 1
CBOT Amendments to Rule 588.G that adds reference to the CME Frost Index Futures, since it was inadvertently removed from the Non-Reviewable Trading Ranges. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #11-285 07/18/2011 Certified 07/21/2011 1
NYMEX Amendments to Rule 588.G that adds reference to the CME Frost Index Futures, since it was inadvertently removed from the Non-Reviewable Trading Ranges. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #11-285 07/18/2011 Certified 07/21/2011 1
CME Revisions to Various Rules in Chapters 4, 8, 8A, 9 amd 8D. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #11-259 07/06/2011 Certified 07/20/2011 1
CBOT Revisions to Various Rules in Chapters 4, 8, 8A, 9 amd 8D. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #11-259 07/06/2011 Certified 07/20/2011 1
NYMEX Revisions to Various Rules in Chapters 4, 8, 8A, 9 amd 8D. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #11-259 07/06/2011 Certified 07/20/2011 1
NFX Deletion of NFX Rules 1401-1405 Relating to Stock Index Futures. NFX #2011-11 07/14/2011 Certified 07/19/2011 1
NYMEX Modifications to COMEX Bylaw Article 3, Section 300 to accurately reflect the number of persons who serve on the NYMEX Board of Directors. NYMEX #11-278 07/14/2011 Certified 07/19/2011 1
NFX Amendment to its Fee Schedule regarding its Regulatory Fee. NFX #2011-10 07/14/2011 Certified 07/19/2011 1
ICE US Temporary Change in Trading Hours on Electronic Platform Due to Human Error. ICE US #11-36 06/14/2011 Certified 07/19/2011 1
OCX Revisions to OneChicago Rule 905 to support the trading and reporting of block and EFP trade/report in four decimal points. 07/13/2011 Certified 07/14/2011 1
NADEX NADEX Amends its Metal, Energy, and Index Variable Payout Contracts; Clarify Settlement Calculations; Amends the Language Pertaining to Officers and FCM Member Obligations; and Amends its Fee Schedule. 07/14/2011 Certified 07/14/2011 1
NYMEX Issuance of MRA Notice 1106-4 to introduce Trading at Marker trading purusant to Rule 524 based on the Singapore market close at 4:30pm. NYMEX/COMEX #11-251 06/29/2011 Certified 07/13/2011 1
COMEX Issuance of MRA Notice 1106-4 to introduce Trading at Marker trading purusant to Rule 524 based on the Singapore market close at 4:30pm. NYMEX/COMEX #11-251 06/29/2011 Certified 07/13/2011 1
NYMEX Revisions to NYMEX Rulebook Chapters 530, 950, 951, 953 - 959. NYMEX #11-236 06/15/2011 Certified 07/12/2011 1
ICE US Listing of Serial Months for Cocoa and FCOJ Options Contracts on the Electronic Trading System. ICE US #11-46 07/12/2011 Certified 07/12/2011 1
ICE US Notice that Additional Products may be Subject to Price Adjustment under the Exchange's Error Policy and Amendments to the Guidelines for the Treatment of Short-Term Price Spikes. ICE US #11-40 06/27/2011 Certified 07/11/2011 1
ICE US Temporary Delay in Opening of Currency Markets on Electronic Platform. Revised ICE US #11-44 07/06/2011 Certified 07/08/2011 2
CME Revision to CME Rulebook Chapter 274H. CME #11-235 06/15/2011 Certified 07/05/2011 1
CME Issuance of Advisory Notice RA1107-3 reflects the addition of CBOT Dow Jones US Real Estate Index futures to the list of block-eligible products at a minimum block threshold of 50 contracts. CME/CBOT #11-245 06/22/2011 Certified 07/05/2011 1
CBOT Issuance of Advisory Notice RA1107-3 reflects the addition of CBOT Dow Jones US Real Estate Index futures to the list of block-eligible products at a minimum block threshold of 50 contracts. CME/CBOT #11-245 06/22/2011 Certified 07/05/2011 1
CFE CFE rule amendment to revise CFE Policy and Procedure X (DPM Market Performance Benchmarks Program). CFE #2011-16 06/16/2011 Certified 06/30/2011 1
CME Revision to Rule 588.E The revision ensures that trade certainty is not compromised by subjecting parties on the opposite side of an error trade to arbitration where the price of the error trade is within the non-reviewable trading range CME #11-241 06/22/2011 Certified 06/30/2011 1
CBOT Revision to Rule 588.E The revision ensures that trade certainty is not compromised by subjecting parties on the opposite side of an error trade to arbitration where the price of the error trade is within the non-reviewable trading range CBOT #11-241 06/22/2011 Certified 06/30/2011 1
NYMEX Revision to Rule 588.E The revision ensures that trade certainty is not compromised by subjecting parties on the opposite side of an error trade to arbitration where the price of the error trade is within the non-reviewable trading range NYMEX #11-241 06/22/2011 Certified 06/30/2011 1
COMEX Revision to Rule 588.E The revision ensures that trade certainty is not compromised by subjecting parties on the opposite side of an error trade to arbitration where the price of the error trade is within the non-reviewable trading range COMEX #11-241 06/22/2011 Certified 06/30/2011 1
NFX Amendment to Rule 118 - Leasing of Membership Shares, specifying that NFX shall not lease membership shares. NFX #2011-08 06/28/2011 Certified 06/30/2011 1
NFX Amendment to NFX's Fee Schedule regarding its Membership dues and new Regulatory Fee. NFX #2011-03 04/11/2011 Certified 06/30/2011 1
NYLIFFE Extension of the Futures Incentive Program. NYLIFFE 2011-120 06/30/2011 Certified 06/30/2011 1
NYLIFFE Extension of the Active Market Participant Program. NYLIFFE #2010-121 06/30/2011 Certified 06/30/2011 1
NYLIFFE Extension of Market Making Programs for mini MSCIs. NYLIFFE #2011-122 06/30/2011 Certified 06/30/2011 1
ICE US Amendments to Appendix I of Chapter 27 make explicit that the Exchange has the authority to apply adjusted trade prices to Limit and Stop Orders that would not ordinarily be subject to execution at the adjusted trade price. ICE US #11-28 05/19/2011 Certified 06/30/2011 1
COMEX Modifications to COMEX Gold Volatility Index Futures Market Maker Program and Gold Volatility Index Options Market Maker Program, extending these programs for an additional six months. COMEX 11-249 06/29/2011 Certified 06/29/2011 1
CFE Submission of an Updated Fee Schedule. CFE #2011-17 06/29/2011 Certified 06/29/2011 1