Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
CBOT Changes CBOT Rulebook under CME-CBOT Rulebook Harmonization Project, as well as a Special Executive Report regarding cross-exchange privileges of CME and CBOT members on the trading floor. CBOT #2843.01 10/26/2007 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CBOT Disputes subject to both CME and CBOT Arbitration Rule 600. CME/CBOT #08-19 01/30/2008 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CME Amends CME and CBOT Arbitration Rule 600. CME/CBOT #08-19 01/30/2008 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CBOT Addresses the cross-exchange solicitation privileges applicable to CME and CBOT members upon consolidation of the CME and CBOT trading floors. CME/CBOT #08-21 01/30/2008 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CME Addresses the cross-exchange solicitation privileges applicable to CME and CBOT members upon consolidation of the CME and CBOT trading floors. CME/CBOT #08-21 01/30/2008 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CBOT Adds new Rulebook Provisions that were inadvertently omitted from CBOT's previous submission CBOT #2843.02 10/31/2007 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CBOT Supplements previously submitted - entirely revised - CBOT Rulebook with rules omitted. CBOT #2843.03 11/07/2007 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CBOT Supplements harmonization of CBOT and CME Rulebooks, providing for staff to administer fining schedule during the interim period before CBOT adopts the CME Price Reporting System in 1-08. CBOT #2843.05 11/28/2007 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CME Supplements harmonization of CBOT and CME Rulebooks, modifies CTR Enforcement Program and Sanction Schedule during the interim period before CBOT adopts the CME Price Reporting System in 1-08. CME # 07-96 11/29/2007 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CME Clarifies Rule 140.E, regarding PAS holders access to the trading floor, in connection with the Rulebook Harmonization Project. CME #07-98 11/30/2007 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CME Notifies the Commission of regulatory advisories that were issued to members of CME and CBOT with respect to each exchange's harmonized rulebooks. CME #07.101 12/04/2007 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CBOT Codifies the delegated authority of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer, acting together, to make and amend Exchange Rules. CBOT #2823.01 09/20/2007 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CBOT Provides to members Regulatory Advisories: Enforcement of Position Limits and Reminder Regarding Gratuities. CBOT #07-104 12/12/2007 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CBOT Harmonizes error trade provisions that cover products traded both on Globex and on e-cbot. CBOT #08-07 01/10/2008 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CME Harmonizes error trade provisions that cover products traded both on Globex and on e-cbot. CME #08-07 01/10/2008 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CBOT Implements rule changes in connection with the migration of CBOT products presently traded electronically on e-cbot to the CME Globex platform. CME/CBOT #08-09 01/14/2008 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CME Implements rule changes in connection with the migration of CBOT products presently traded electronically on e-cbot to the CME Globex platform. CME/CBOT #08-09 01/14/2008 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CBOT Cleans up CME & CBOT rules in connection with the Migration of CBOT contracts from e-cbot to Globex. Submission #08-09R 01/14/2008 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CME Cleans up CME & CBOT rules in connection with the Migration of CBOT contracts from e-cbot to Globex. Submission #08-09R 01/14/2008 Certified 01/30/2008 1
NYMEX Adds a uniform termination date and the obligation to submit daily information for use in settlement procedures for all existing Options Market Maker Programs for Exchange products listed on CME Globex. NYMEX #08.05 01/15/2008 Certified 01/30/2008 1
KCBT Notifies the CFTC of the Migration of KCBT products from the e-CBOT platform to the CME Globex and Makes Associated Amendments to the Electronic Trading Rules. 01/09/2008 Certified 01/24/2008 1
KCBT Corrects Electronic Trading Rule Amendments submitted 1/9/08 01/14/2008 Certified 01/24/2008 1
CBOT Provides for a Market Making program in the CBOT 30-Day Fed Funds Options contract. CBOT #08-10 01/22/2008 Certified 01/22/2008 1
CBOT Provides details of a CBOT 30-Day Fed Funds Option Market Making Program. CBOT #08-10a 01/22/2008 Certified 01/22/2008 1
CBOT Amends CBOT Deferred Fed Fund Futures Market Making Program. CBOT #2856.01R 01/14/2008 Certified 01/22/2008 1
CBOT Establishes an Electronic Market Maker ("EMM") Program for CBOT mini-sized Agricultural futures. CBOT #08-12 01/17/2008 Certified 01/22/2008 1
CBOT Provides information on the EMM Program for mini-sized Agricultural Futures. CBOT #08-12A 01/17/2008 Certified 01/22/2008 1
NYMEX Provides Notification of the Listing of Product on Additional Trading Venue and Notification of New Platforms for European-Style Crude Oil and European-Style Natural Gas Options. NYMEX #08.01 01/17/2008 Certified 01/17/2008 1
NYMEX Notifies the CFTC of New Transaction Types/Venues for the Automated Trandfer of Money (ATOM) System. NYMEX #08.06 01/17/2008 Certified 01/17/2008 1
ICE US Changes the composition and quorum requirements for BCC meetings and Hearing Panels. Also, waiver of grading fees for the Robusta futures contract. ICE US #08-5 01/10/2008 Certified 01/15/2008 1
MGE Provides notice to the CFTC that as of January 13, 2008, at 6pm, all MGEX futures and options contracts will begin trading on the Globex electronic trading platform. 01/11/2008 Certified 01/14/2008 1
CBOT Amends CBOT Swap Futures Market Making Program. CBOT #2853.01R 01/14/2008 Certified 01/14/2008 1
CBOT Amends CBOT Swap Futures Market Making Program. CBOT #2853.02R 01/14/2008 Certified 01/14/2008 1
NYMEX Provides Housekeeping amendments: Sanctions; Expiration and Current Delivery Month Position Limits; Expiration Position Accountability Levels. NYMEX #08.03 01/14/2008 Certified 01/14/2008 1
NFX Amends By-Laws and Rules to resolve inconsistencies among rules, by-laws, the Certificate of Incorporation and initial offering circular dated August 1, 1984. PBOT #2007-19 09/17/2007 Certified 01/11/2008 1
CBOT Provides for an Incentive Program for Swap Futures. CBOT #2853.01. See also CBOT #2853.02 12/20/2007 Certified 01/11/2008 1
CBOT Provides for Market Making Program for CBOT Swap Futures. CBOT #2853.02 12/20/2007 Certified 01/11/2008 1
CBOT Provides for an Incentive Program for CBOT Deferred Fed Funds. CBOT #2856.01 12/26/2007 Certified 01/11/2008 1
CBOT Provides for a Market Making Program for CBOT Deferred Fed Fund Futures. CBOT #2856.02 12/26/2007 Certified 01/11/2008 1
CBOT Amends Market Making Program in the CBOT Deferred Fed Funds futures contract. CBOT #2856.02R 01/14/2008 Certified 01/11/2008 1
ICE US Gives VP of Market Regulation authority to summarily fine Floor Brokers; Permits Trade at Settlement ("TAS") orders in certain markets; and Provides for an Emerging Areas Market Maker Program. ICE US #07-67 11/16/2007 Certified 01/10/2008 1
ICE US Resubmits the amendments to the Definition of the term "Business Day" and the ICE Futures 2008 Holiday Schedule ICE US #8-01 01/10/2008 Certified 01/10/2008 1
CBOT Changes the Electronic Trading Open of Agricultural and Financial products to 30 Minutes Earlier, and Notiifies the CFTC of the Dates Electronic Trading in Agricultural and Financial Contracts will be Transfered from e-cbot to the Globex system. CBOT #08 01/09/2008 Certified 01/09/2008 1
ICE US Permits the entry and execution of Stop-Limit Orders on the electronic trading system. ICE US #07-82 12/19/2007 Certified 01/07/2008 1
NYMEX Clarifies that Summary Procedures for Denial of Access apply to all NYMEX ClearPort Clearing transactions; clarifies that NYMEX ClearPort Trading Users and Agents are included as parties covered. NYMEX #07.143 12/20/2007 Certified 01/07/2008 1
ICE US Amends the Definition of term "Business Day" and provides the 2008 Holiday Schedule. ICE US #08-1 01/07/2008 Certified 01/07/2008 1
CFE Provides for: (i) a min. Block Trade size for trades with legs in multiple contract months when exclusively for the purchase (or sale) of a single VIX contract ("strip"); and (ii) the min. contract size for each leg of the strip. CFE # CFE-2007-14 12/20/2007 Certified 01/03/2008 1
CME Changes the Opening Time for all Floor-Traded CME Dairy Futures & Options to an earlier time. CME #07-113 01/03/2008 Certified 01/03/2008 1
CME Changes daily settlement price determination procedures to a volume-weighted average price ("VWAP") instead of the current provisions of Rule 813 - Settlement Price CME #07-110R 12/20/2007 Certified 01/02/2008 1
ICE US Extends the benefits of cross margining programs between ICE US and Options Clearing Corp to non-members of ICE US (for Russell Index products cleared at ICE Clear US with options and ETFs on the Russell Indexes cleared at OCC). ICE US #07-79 12/17/2007 Certified 12/28/2007 1