Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
LEDGERX Updates to Participant Agreement, User Agreement, and Privacy Policy 03/10/2022 Certified 03/24/2022 2
CFE Updates to Regulatory Independence Policies 03/10/2023 Certified 03/24/2023 1
CME Updates to the CME E-micro FX Market Maker Program and extension and updates to the CME Cross Currency Liquidity Market Maker Program. CME #10-219 07/26/2010 Certified 08/02/2010 1
NODAL Updates to the Exchange and Clearing Transaction Fee Schedule for Nodal Exchange Environmental Futures 11/08/2019 Certified 11/25/2019 2
LEDGERX Updates to User Agreement 06/07/2024 Certified 06/24/2024 2
OCX Updating and Streamlining Rules - Chapter 3 05/06/2019 Certified 05/20/2019 1
CFE Updating CFE Fee Schedule to establish transaction fees for new contracts and to clarify contracts eligible for the Day Trade Fee Pilot Program. CFE #2010-09 09/22/2010 Certified 09/29/2010 1
CFE Updating CFE Fee Schedule to extend the term of CFE's Day Trade fee pilot program through December 31, 2011 CFE #2010-12 12/08/2010 Certified 01/11/2011 1
CFE Updating CFE Fee Schedule which establishes transaction fees for a group of new products to be traded on CFE. CFE #2011-22 10/12/2011 Certified 10/12/2011 1
CFE Updating CFE Fee Schedule, which establishes transaction fees for a new product to be traded on CFE. "CBOE Nasdaq-100 Volatility Index" CFE #2012-11 05/08/2012 Certified 05/23/2012 1
CFE Updating CFE Fee Schedule. CFE #2011-30 12/22/2011 Certified 01/09/2012 1
CFE Updating CFE Fee Schedule. CFE #2012-03 02/03/2012 Certified 02/18/2012 1
CFE Updating CFE Fee Schedule. CFE #2012-09 05/01/2012 Certified 05/01/2012 1
CFE Updating CFE Fee Schedule. CFE #2012-15 07/02/2012 Certified 07/18/2012 1
CFE Updating CFE Fee Schedule. CFE #2014-02 01/29/2014 Certified 02/13/2014 1
CFE Updating Fee Schedule establishing transaction fees for a new product to be traded on CFE. CFE #2012-21 09/13/2012 Certified 09/28/2012 1
MIAX Updating instances of "MFE" to "MIAX Futures" 11/22/2024 10 Day Review 11/22/2024 1
OCX Updating Obsolete References and Clarifying Rules in the OneChicago Rulebook - Chapter 2 04/05/2019 Certified 04/19/2019 1
CFE Updating the CFE Fee Schedule, to make clear that this fee is not applicable to the receipt of CFE market data through a CBOE Command Trader Graphical User Interface terminal located on CBOE trading floor. CFE #2013-25 05/24/2013 Certified 06/11/2013 1
MIAX Updating the membership requirement as it pertains to clearing privileges; updating offset and transfer trade requirements. 07/19/2012 Certified 08/03/2012 1
ICE US Updating the messaging policy to account for the increased usage and volume executed on the Exchange's electronic trading system ("ETS"). ICE US #10-62 12/22/2010 Certified 12/30/2010 1
NFX Updating the nominating process in the By-Laws. NFX #2010-09 09/07/2010 Certified 09/14/2010 1
ICE US US Environmental Free to Post Incentive Program 11/05/2019 Certified 11/20/2019 2
COIN US Trading Hours Market Maker Program 09/03/2021 Certified 09/20/2021 3
USFE USFE will cease exchange operations effective December 31, 2008. 12/23/2008 Certified 02/05/2009 1
CME Various Amendments to the S&P 500 Stock Price Index Futures, E-mini S&P 500 Stock Price Index Futures and Related Options Contracts and Addition of Block Trade Eligibility to Options on E-mini S&P 500 Stock Price Index Futures 05/20/2021 Certified 06/04/2021 1
CME Various CME Block Trade Modifications. CME/CBOT #14-145 04/30/2014 Certified 05/15/2014 1
CBOT Various CME Block Trade Modifications. CME/CBOT #14-145 04/30/2014 Certified 05/15/2014 1
MIAX Various MGEX Rules and Regulation amendments. 01/08/2013 Certified 01/24/2013 1
KCBT Various revisions to Exchange Rule Chapters, the updates are designed to ensure compliance with designated contract market Core Principles and conformity with current practices and procedures. KCBT #12-01 11/15/2012 Certified 12/01/2012 1
TRUEEX Various Rule Amendments - TRUEEX #2014-12D 06/26/2014 Certified 07/12/2014 1
ICE US Various Rule Amendments and New Market Halt Review Procedures. ICE US #12-62 09/28/2012 Certified 10/16/2012 1
ICE US Various Rule Amendments and the Renaming of Rulebook Chapter 4. ICE US #12-44 08/03/2012 Certified 08/18/2012 1
KCBT Various Rule Amendments pertaining to the process for appointing Public Directors to KCBT's governing board and renaming non-voting ex officio persons as "participants". 09/18/2012 Certified 10/03/2012 1
GREENX Various Rule Amendments. GREENX #2011-13 06/24/2011 Certified 08/04/2011 1
CME Various rule revisions in connection with compliance for DCMs with respect to final Core Principles. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #12-305 10/01/2012 Certified 10/17/2012 1
CBOT Various rule revisions in connection with compliance for DCMs with respect to final Core Principles. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #12-305 10/01/2012 Certified 10/17/2012 1
NYMEX Various rule revisions in connection with compliance for DCMs with respect to final Core Principles. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #12-305 10/01/2012 Certified 10/17/2012 1
COMEX Various rule revisions in connection with compliance for DCMs with respect to final Core Principles. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #12-305 10/01/2012 Certified 10/17/2012 1
NFX Various rules associated with 4 new energy contracts (see footnote 1 of certification letter) 10/21/2015 Certified 11/04/2015 4
NFX Various Rules associated with the listing of new power futures contracts in SR-NFX-2016-12. 02/10/2016 Certified 02/25/2016 4
ICE US Veterans Day Trading Hours. ICE US #11-73 10/12/2011 Certified 10/12/2011 1
CDE Volume Discount Program 10/22/2014 Certified 11/05/2014 2
KEX Volume incentive program 02/14/2023 Certified 03/01/2023 4
KEX Volume Incentive Program filing 10/15/2024 Withdrawn 10/16/2024 1
KEX Volume Incentive Program terms 10/16/2024 Certified 10/29/2024 1
KEX Voluntary submission of a rule amendment for Commission review and approval. The proposed rule amendment will be effective on the date that the Commission grants its approval. The Date of Intended Implementation stated below is an assumption of that date. 07/19/2022 Approval Pending (45) 07/19/2022 2
CFE VX Options Fees 09/13/2024 Certified 09/27/2024 1
CFE VXM LMM Program Amendment 07/16/2021 Certified 07/30/2021 2
ICE US Waiver of all transaction fees charged by the Exchange or clearing house for MSCI Total Return Index Futures Contracts 03/15/2024 Certified 03/29/2024 1