Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
NFX Delegates Authority to Executive Committee; Eliminates Admissions, Margin and Commodity Floor Procedure Committees, and Adds Audit Committee; Delegates Former Admissions Committee Functions to Executive Committee and Exchange Staff. PBOT No. SR-PBOT-2007 01/03/2007 Certified 02/15/2007 1
NFX Good Friday closure. PBOT 2007-04. 03/28/2007 Certified 03/29/2007 1
NFX Provides for clearing order type and clearing account prioritizes in the Orders and Quote Matching. PBOT-2007-06 04/26/2007 Certified 06/08/2007 1
NFX Provides Fee Schedule with Respect to World Currency Futures Contracts. PBOT-2007-07 04/26/2007 Certified 04/26/2007 1
NFX NFX is amending its fee schedule to remove language that should have been amended in connection with the extension of the Designated Market Maker program. 08/18/2017 Certified 09/01/2017 2
NFX Amendments to Disciplinary Rules 401, 403-411. 09/10/2012 Certified 09/25/2012 2
NFX Proposal to amend the Exchange's broker incentive program for certain energy contracts. 02/27/2017 Certified 03/13/2017 2
NFX Amendments to specify that the Exchange will not accept Combination Orders for reporting as Block Trades and to clarify the definition of a Combination Order. 08/14/2015 Withdrawn 08/20/2015 3
NFX Amending Rule E10, Market Makers - specifiying the quoting obligations of Market Makers as well as the one year period for which Market Makers will be approved. NFX #2011-20 12/20/2011 Certified 01/05/2012 1
NFX Proposal to amend Chapter VIII, Options Rules, of the NFX rulebook to correct inaccurate internal cross-references in Sections H.3 and H.6 regarding clearing corporation option exercise procedures and other minor stylistics changes. 10/12/2017 Certified 10/26/2017 1
NFX A self-certification to extend the quote liquidity provisioning program for energy contracts that the Exchange has listed pursuant to Appendix A of the Exchange Rulebook. 01/18/2018 Certified 02/01/2018 1
NFX Rule certification relating to block trades for new NFX 10 Mega Watt Power Financial Futures contracts. 04/10/2019 Certified 04/24/2019 2
NFX Amending Acceptable Trade Range Rule and a Futures Trader Alert. NFX #2013-17 09/05/2013 Certified 09/20/2013 1
NFX Direct Access 05/08/2015 Certified 05/22/2015 1
NFX Market Makers 11/23/2015 Certified 12/08/2015 1
NFX NASDAQ Futures, Inc. ("NFX" or "Exchange") amends its Regulatory Services Agreement ("RSA") between the Exchange and the National Futures Association ("NFA"). 05/11/2015 Certified 05/26/2015 2
NFX Self-certification to amend the amount of the incentive offered for certain Energy Contracts. 01/18/2018 Certified 02/01/2018 4
NFX NFX hereby submits rules relating to block trade minimum quantity thresholds for NFX Dry Freight Futures and Options contracts ("Dry Freight contracts"). 07/25/2018 Certified 08/08/2018 2
NFX Amendments to Rule 409 and 458 serve to clarify that the timeframes listed in Rule 409 are business days and the timeframes in Rule 458 are calendar days. NFX #2011-05 06/01/2011 Certified 06/01/2011 1
NFX Self-certification to include new pricing information for the quote liquidity provisioning program. 01/18/2018 Certified 02/01/2018 1
NFX Amending Rule 102 and add additional language to specify certain criteria required to qualify for membership at NFX. NFX #2012-08 04/26/2012 Certified 05/11/2012 1
NFX Recertify the Trading Incentive Program ("Program") for certain energy contracts listed on the Exchange. 04/29/2016 Certified 05/13/2016 1
NFX Rules relating to block trade minimum quantity thresholds and reporting times, trading hours, daily settlement prices and non-reviewable ranges for new NFX PJM Zonal Financial Futures ("PJM Futures"). 04/10/2017 Certified 04/24/2017 2
NFX Amendments to the Energy Broker Incentive Program. 06/15/2018 Certified 06/29/2018 2
NFX Amending its fee schedule in connection with the listing of 30 PJM Independent Service Operator Financial Futures (together, the "PJM Futures"). 04/10/2017 Certified 04/24/2017 1
NFX NASDAQ Futures, Inc. submits this self -certification to launch a new quote liquidity provisioning program (the "QLP Program") for energy contracts that the Exchange has listed pursuant to Appendix A of the Exchange Rulebook (the "Energy Contracts". 06/15/2018 Certified 06/29/2018 1
NFX Submitting amendments to the Exchange's Reference Guides governing Pre-Trade Limits Group functionality on the NFX TradeGuard system. 11/28/2018 Certified 12/12/2018 3
NFX Rule Certification to Establish a Rebate Program for Closing Open Interest in Tanker Freight Futures Contracts 01/16/2020 Certified 01/31/2020 2
NFX Amendment to Exchange's fee schedule to remove all references to the "New Client Fee." 01/10/2017 Certified 01/25/2017 1
NFX NASDAQ Futures, Inc. is amending its fee schedule to extend the new client program. 01/19/2018 Certified 02/02/2018 2
NFX Amended and Restated Regulatory Services Agreement 12/14/2015 Notified 12/14/2015 2
NFX NASDAQ Futures, Inc. hereby submits rules relating to maximum legs allowed for block trades. 01/19/2018 Certified 02/02/2018 7
NFX Amendment to the Off-Exchange Transactions Reference Guide. 10/26/2016 Certified 11/09/2016 2
NFX Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments 07/06/2017 Notified 07/06/2017 1
NFX Self-certification to terminate the Designated Market Maker Program for energy contracts that the Exchange has listed pursuant to Appendix A of the Exchange Rulebook. 11/15/2019 Certified 12/02/2019 1
NFX Renames "Notice to Members" to "PBOT Regulatory Alerts" and provides that the Regulatory Alerts will be sent only by email rather than by hard copy. PBOT #2008-16 12/09/2008 Certified 03/06/2009 1
NFX Rule certification amending various rules and contract specifications 04/10/2019 Certified 04/24/2019 3
NFX De-Listing of certain contracts from NFX 03/10/2020 Certified 03/24/2020 2
NFX Rule Certification Establishing a Rebate Program to Close Open Interest in Natural Gas and Crude Oil Products 05/12/2020 Certified 05/27/2020 1
NFX Submission of rules relating to block trade minimum quantity thresholds and execution fees for an NFX Hot-Rolled Coil futures contract 11/29/2018 Certified 12/13/2018 4
NFX Addenda to Regulatory Services Agreement with NFA RSA with the Options Clearing Corporation. NFX #2012-32 10/02/2012 Certified 10/18/2012 2
NFX Self-certification to recertify the Exchange's broker incentive program (the "Energy Broker Incentive Program" or "Program") for certain energy contracts. 07/10/2017 Certified 07/24/2017 1
NFX Futures Trader Alert Regarding the Systems Setting Table; Futures Regulatory Alert Regarding Position Information. NFX #2013-22 10/18/2013 Certified 11/02/2013 1
NFX Proposal to lower the block threshold for the US Shredded Scrap Steel futures contract. 06/18/2019 Certified 07/02/2019 2
NFX Amendments to Exchange Rules 06/19/2015 Certified 07/06/2015 1
NFX Regulatory and Permit Fees 09/08/2015 Certified 09/22/2015 1
NFX Rule amendments relating to Chapters II (Membership Rules), III (Obligations of Futures Participants & Authorized Traders) and V (Trading Procedures & Standards). 03/03/2017 Certified 03/17/2017 2
NFX Request for Expedited Approval: Consent to Jurisdiction. NFX #2012-22 08/14/2012 Approved 08/21/2012 1
NFX Exchange amends Chapter IV, Section 4 and the General Reference Guide to clarify that the non-displayed portion of theIceberg Order which becomes displayed after the original portion is executed will be equal to the original displayed quantity. 06/07/2016 Certified 06/21/2016 1
NFX Energy Futures Rebate Program 01/17/2020 Certified 02/03/2020 2