Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
NYMEX Notification regarding the extension of an Incentive Program with regard to the Listed Environmental Futures and Option Contracts. NYMEX #10-259 09/09/2010 Certified 12/29/2010 1
NYMEX Implementing the New Globex Market Makers for European Emissions program. NYMEX #13-528 11/13/2013 Certified 11/28/2013 1
NYMEX Revisions to Rule 814 (Settlement Variation) 12/31/2014 Certified 01/15/2015 1
NYMEX Modifications to Core Globex Energy Tiers Incentive Program 11/12/2015 Certified 11/27/2015 2
NYMEX Modifications to the International Cross-Asset Volume Incentive Program 11/15/2018 Certified 11/30/2018 1
NYMEX Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1906-5 Regarding Rule 526. ("Block Trades"). 05/16/2019 Certified 05/31/2019 1
NYMEX Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA2016-5 Regarding Rule 538. ("Exchange for Related Positions"). 10/23/2020 Certified 11/06/2020 1
NYMEX Extension of the Wet Freight Volume Incentive Program 06/27/2022 Certified 07/12/2022 2
NYMEX Modification to Brent Crude Oil Options Fee Waiver Program 08/14/2014 Certified 08/28/2014 2
NYMEX Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of July 20, 2015 07/30/2015 Notified 07/30/2015 1
NYMEX Revisions to CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Rule 816; CME Rule 8G07 12/11/2017 Certified 12/26/2017 1
NYMEX Implementation of the Cleared OTC London Gold & Silver Forwards Fee Waiver Program 07/16/2018 Certified 07/30/2018 1
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Fee Schedule for LNG Japan/Korea Marker (Platts) Average Price Options 05/16/2019 Certified 05/31/2019 1
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Oil Options Program 12/15/2023 Certified 01/02/2024 2
NYMEX Modifications to Cross-Venue Energy and Metals Incentive Program for High Volume Contributors. NYMEX/COMEX #12-192 06/11/2012 Certified 06/26/2012 1
NYMEX Modifications to Bi-Venue Energy Tiers Incentive Program 08/14/2014 Certified 08/28/2014 2
NYMEX Additional Trading at Settlement ("TAS") Calendar Spread Eligibility for Two (2) Energy Futures Contracts 08/11/2017 Certified 08/25/2017 2
NYMEX Implementation of the NYMEX Busheling Ferrous Scrap Market Maker Program 07/16/2018 Certified 07/30/2018 2
NYMEX Modifications to the Gateway to NYMEX Oil Options Program 12/15/2023 Certified 01/02/2024 2
NYMEX Provides notification regarding the listing of five new Petroleum Futures Contracts for Clearing and Trading, including provisionfor changes to the exchange for related position (EFRP) rules to be consistent with the harmonized rulebook. NYMEX #10-030 02/04/2010 Certified 02/11/2010 1
NYMEX Amendments to Rules to eliminate the use of the words "bust" and "no-bust" range in the rules, which are being replaced with "cancel" or "cancellation" and "non-reviewable" range respectively. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #10-362 12/03/2010 Certified 12/03/2010 1
NYMEX Modifications to the Core Globex Energy Tiers Incentive Program 08/14/2014 Certified 08/28/2014 2
NYMEX Request for Approval to Commingle Significantly and Reliably Correlated Base Guaranty Fund Products 12/20/2016 Approved 02/03/2017 1
NYMEX Modifications to the Globex Precious Metals Volume Incentive Program 01/13/2022 Certified 01/28/2022 2
NYMEX Implementing an incentive program in support of certain Natural Gas Options products. NYMEX #13-057 02/25/2013 Certified 03/12/2013 2
NYMEX Modifications to Energy Options Market Maker Program 09/16/2014 Certified 09/30/2014 2
NYMEX Modifications to Bi-Venue Energy Tiers Incentive Program 11/28/2016 Certified 12/12/2016 2
NYMEX Modifications to the European Natural Gas Market Maker Program 07/17/2018 Certified 07/31/2018 2
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Brent Futures Market Maker Program 12/16/2021 Certified 01/03/2022 2
NYMEX Implementation of the NYMEX Coal Market-Wide Fee Waiver Program 09/08/2023 Certified 09/22/2023 1
NYMEX Eliminates the limit on the fine that may be imposed on a clerk, leaving the amount of the fine for individual occurrences of any rule violation up the the discretion of the sanctioning body upon consideration of the guidelines. NYMEX 8.87 06/19/2008 Certified 07/23/2008 1
NYMEX Establishment of a Block Trade Minimum Threshold in Four New NYMEX Products. NYMEX/COMEX #13-563 12/26/2013 Certified 01/11/2014 1
NYMEX Modifications to the Brent Crude Oil Futures-Style Margin Option Fee Waiver Program 11/28/2016 Certified 12/12/2016 1
NYMEX Amendments to the RBOB Gasoline Futures and NY Harbor ULSD Futures Contracts 12/20/2016 Certified 01/05/2017 2
NYMEX Termination of the International Coal Liquidity Provider Program 09/08/2023 Certified 09/22/2023 2
NYMEX Reduces the number of members required for a quorum of the Business Conduct Committee from seven to six. NYMEX #08.68 06/19/2008 Certified 08/01/2008 1
NYMEX Streamlines the process for the involuntary sale of a membership when a member is in default to the exchange or another member of the exchange. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #09-053 03/25/2009 Certified 04/09/2009 1
NYMEX Issues NYMEX & Comex Market Regulation Advisory Notices RA0909-4 and RA0910-4, to correct the location of trading in cash-settled financial products as in the pit, and remove Aluminum from the list of contracts eligible for MO trades. NYMEX/COMEX #09-211 09/23/2009 Certified 10/27/2009 1
NYMEX Establishment of Block Trade Minimum Thresholds in Four Coal Futures, Four Coal Options, and One Oil Future, Amendments to Section 11, and the Issuance of NYMEX/COMEX MRAN RA1504-4 and CME/CBOT MRAN RA1502-3 03/16/2015 Certified 03/30/2015 1
NYMEX Notification Regarding the Expansion of the Listing Schedule, the Addition of Intra-Commodity Spreads for BTIC Transactions in Standard and Poor's 500 Total Return Index Futures Contract and the Issuance of Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1814-5. 11/15/2018 Certified 11/30/2018 1
NYMEX Modifications to the NGL Growth Incentive Program 01/08/2021 Certified 01/25/2021 2
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Brent Spread Market Maker Program 12/16/2021 Certified 01/03/2022 2
NYMEX Conforms the COMEX EFP, EFS, EFO and Block rules to the language in the parallel NYMEX Division rules, allows submission through the ClearPort Clearing Trade Entry Portal and other associated changes. NYMEX #07.98 08/17/2007 Certified 08/22/2007 1
NYMEX Eliminates references to Pit Committee which is replaced, where appropriate, with references to the Floor Conduct Committee or Exchange Officials. NYMEX/COMEX #10-057 03/04/2010 Certified 03/12/2010 1
NYMEX Implementing an incentive program in support of certain NYMEX energy futures and options contracts that are traded on the Globex Platform or submitted for clearing to the CME Clearing House. NYMEX #12-328 10/16/2012 Certified 10/31/2012 1
NYMEX Establishment of a Block Trade Minimum Threshold in One New Comex Product NYMEX/COMEX #14-139 04/21/2014 Certified 05/06/2014 1
NYMEX Modifiy an existing broker incentive program in support of European and Asian fuel oil contracts. NYMEX #14-159 05/15/2014 Certified 05/30/2014 2
NYMEX Extension of the NYMEX Natural Gas Basis Fee Waiver Program 12/09/2015 Certified 12/23/2015 1
NYMEX Provides Notice to Members regarding documentary obligations and standards for NYMEX ClearPort Clearing Transactions. NYMEX #07.102 08/21/2007 Certified 08/22/2007 1
NYMEX Deletes Rule 851 (Required use of ATOM by Clearing Members and Floor Brokers). as NYMEX will no longer use the ATOM system for the payment of brokerage. NYMEX #09.49 03/26/2009 Certified 04/16/2009 1