Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
NYMEX NYMEX Henry Hub Back Month Liquidity Provider Program 08/05/2014 Certified 08/19/2014 2
NYMEX Modifications to the Retail Broker Incentive Program 07/17/2015 Certified 07/31/2015 1
NYMEX Modifications to the Crude and Refined OTC Incentive Program 03/15/2019 Certified 03/29/2019 2
NYMEX Modifications to the Event Contracts Market Maker Program 01/16/2024 Certified 01/30/2024 2
NYMEX Outlines settlement procedures for disciplinary actions, Eliminates the requirement that settlements approved by the BCC or AC be approved by the Board and provides Market Reg Dept with the right to appeal certain actions before a Board panel. NYMEX #08. 09/25/2008 Certified 10/02/2008 1
NYMEX Harmonizes NYMEX disciplinary, clearing, clearing-related and electronic trading rules with the CME and CBOT rulebooks and the COMEX Bylaws with CME Bylaws. NYMEX #08.119 11/14/2008 Certified 03/30/2010 1
NYMEX Amends certain rules pertaining to the clearing of OTC CDS products; modifications to the Clearing House default waterfall procedures as well as a revision in rule language from "security deposit" to guaranty fund.". CME/CBOT/NYMEX #09-310 12/28/2009 Certified 03/30/2010 1
NYMEX Amendment to Rule 855 to correct inadvertent errors regarding the product order and ratios as set forth in the rule; add the full product titles covered by the rule; and modify the title to more accurately reflect the offset allowances. NYMEX #11-148R 04/19/2011 Certified 04/19/2011 1
NYMEX Additional Supplemental Information Relating to the NYMEX Henry Hub Back Month Liquidity Provider Program. SUBJECT TO FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT PROTECTION. 08/05/2014 Certified 08/19/2014 2
NYMEX Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1614-5 Regarding Wash Trades. 11/15/2016 Certified 11/30/2016 1
NYMEX Modifications to the Energy Financial Natural Gas Volume Incentive Program 12/04/2017 Certified 12/18/2017 2
NYMEX Delay in Effective Date of Amendments to CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Rule 553. ("Average Price System") 02/22/2018 Certified 03/08/2018 1
NYMEX Modifications to the Event Contracts Market Maker Program 07/17/2024 Certified 07/31/2024 2
NYMEX Provides Notification of Migration of Open Interest from 4 Decimal Natural Gas Liquids to 5 Decimal Natural Gas Liquids and Delisting of 4 Decimal Natural Gas Liquids. NYMEX #09-300 12/16/2009 Certified 12/30/2009 1
NYMEX Clearing Member and Corporate Member Firm Rule Changes in connection with the continued CME, CBOT, NYMEX and COMEX rule harmonization process. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #10-242 08/23/2010 Certified 08/30/2010 1
NYMEX Amending Rule 619 to clarify the procedures attendant to the filing of appeals. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #12-180 05/30/2012 Certified 06/14/2012 1
NYMEX Modifications to NYMEX International Firm Volume Incentive Program. NYMEX #12-439 12/11/2012 Certified 12/27/2012 2
NYMEX Establishment of a Block Trade Minimum Threshold in Gasoline Euro-bob Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) Average Price Option and Issuance of NYMEX and COMEX Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1413-4 12/03/2014 Certified 12/17/2014 1
NYMEX Amendments to Various NYMEX Rules and Deletion of Rule 544 in Connection with the Closing of NYMEX and COMEX Open Outcry Futures Trading 06/05/2015 Certified 06/19/2015 1
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX OTC Broker Rebate Incentive Program 12/14/2016 Certified 12/29/2016 1
NYMEX Administrative Amendments to CME, CBOT, NYMEX/COMEX Rule 816. ("Guaranty Fund Deposit") 09/21/2021 Certified 10/05/2021 1
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX European Union Allowance and Certified Emission Reduction futures and spread contracts Market Making Program. NYMEX #12-444 12/11/2012 Certified 12/27/2012 1
NYMEX Modifications to NYMEX Commercial Brent Spread Incentive Program. NYMEX #13-311 08/05/2013 Certified 08/20/2013 2
NYMEX Revised - Declaration of Force Majeure due to Closure of Union Registry. NYMEX #14-022R 01/22/2014 Certified 02/06/2014 1
NYMEX Planning to implement the Globex Core Metals Volume Incentive Program. NYMEX/COMEX #14-223 06/16/2014 Certified 07/01/2014 2
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX OTC Broker Rebate Incentive Program 04/16/2015 Certified 04/30/2015 1
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX OTC Broker Revenue Share Incentive Program 12/14/2016 Certified 12/29/2016 2
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Hot-Rolled Coil Steel Market Maker Program 04/16/2018 Certified 04/30/2018 2
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Crude and Refined Futures Volume Incentive Program 12/27/2019 Certified 01/13/2020 2
NYMEX Extension of the NYMEX Gas Options Liquidity Provider Program 12/31/2021 Certified 01/14/2022 2
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Gas Options Liquidity Provider Program 01/17/2024 Certified 01/31/2024 2
NYMEX Modifications to NYMEX European and Asian Petroleum Products Incentive Program. NYMEX #452 12/11/2012 Certified 12/27/2012 2
NYMEX TAS Block Trades in COMEX Copper Futures and Issuance of NYMEX/COMEX Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1510-4 06/05/2015 Certified 06/19/2015 2
NYMEX Extension of the NYMEX Capped Give-Up Incentive Program 12/14/2016 Certified 12/29/2016 2
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Volume Incentive Program 12/27/2019 Certified 01/13/2020 2
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Oil Options Liquidity Provider Program 12/31/2021 Certified 01/14/2022 2
NYMEX Modifications to the Crude and Refined OTC Market Development Program 12/14/2022 Certified 12/29/2022 2
NYMEX Re-adopts Rule 985-Cash Disbursements to Customers Prohibited, which was unintentionally eliminated in the recent harmonization of the NYMEX clearing-related rules with those of CME and CBOT. NYMEX #09-083 04/27/2009 Certified 05/08/2009 1
NYMEX Amends Rule 588.G (No Bust Ranges), to add "Random Length Lumber option contract to the list of Globex No bust Ranges. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #09-314 12/28/2009 Certified 01/21/2010 1
NYMEX Amendments to Rule 588.G that remove reference to "S&P 500 Technology SPCTR" and "S&P 500 Financial SPCTR" due to the delisting of these products. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #11-113 03/18/2011 Certified 03/18/2011 1
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Legacy GreenX Volume and Liquidity Provider Program. NYMEX #12-440 12/11/2012 Certified 12/27/2012 2
NYMEX Revision to Modification to NYMEX Henry Hub Natural Gas Look Alike Financial Futures and Henry Hub Natural Gas Last Day Financial Futures Contracts Market Making Program. NYMEX #13-277R 07/30/2013 Certified 08/14/2013 2
NYMEX Deletion of NYMEX Rules 990 and 992 10/30/2014 Certified 11/14/2014 1
NYMEX Modifications to the Retail Broker Incentive Program 04/16/2015 Certified 04/30/2015 1
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Brent Liquidity Provider Program 06/04/2015 Certified 06/18/2015 2
NYMEX Modifications to International Cross-Asset Volume Incentive Program 07/17/2015 Certified 07/31/2015 1
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Natural Gas Options Liquidity Provider Program 12/27/2019 Certified 01/13/2020 2
NYMEX Amends NYMEX Rule 813.B(B) to explicitly include the E-mini Gold Futures and E-mini Silver Futures contracts. NYMEX #09.85 05/08/2009 Certified 05/08/2009 1
NYMEX Issues Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA0914-4- providing an updated list of products in which TAS transactions will be allowed to take place pursuant to Rule 524. NYMEX #09-238 12/28/2009 Certified 01/21/2010 1
NYMEX Adopting Rule 812 ("Final Price Settlement") and a revision of Rule 813 ("Settlement Price"). CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #12-181 05/30/2012 Certified 06/12/2012 1