Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
OCX Amending OneChicago Rule 617 (Disruptive Practices) 08/01/2017 Certified 08/15/2017 1
OCX Amendments to Rule 421 - Limitation of Liability; No Warranties. 11/21/2013 Certified 12/07/2013 1
OCX Amending OCX Rule 414 (Position Limits and Position Accountability) 09/21/2016 Certified 10/05/2016 1
OCX Issuing NTM 2017-8 (Implementing Delivery Fees & Tiered Carry Fees) 02/02/2017 Certified 02/16/2017 1
OCX Amending OCX Rule 403 (Order Entry) & Issuing NTM 2016-1 (Audit Trail Requirements) 01/04/2016 Certified 01/19/2016 1
OCX Removing Obsolete Provisions and Updating Cross References in the OneChicago Rulebook 05/24/2018 Certified 06/08/2018 1
OCX Provides New OCX Rule 207(n) and (o) and Revises Chapter 7 Discipline and Enforcement 12/23/2009 Certified 01/25/2010 1
OCX Amendments to the OCX Rulebook to Incorporate Weekly Futures with shortened physical delivery settlement cycles. 12/11/2013 Certified 12/27/2013 1
OCX Issuing Notice to Members 2015-40 (Execution Fee Cap for OCX.NoDivRisk Products - Pilot Program Extension) 12/01/2015 Certified 12/15/2015 1
OCX Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments for Week of April 6, 2015 04/16/2015 Notified 04/16/2015 1
OCX Consolidating Definitions, Removing Obsolete Definitions and Clarifying Rules in the OneChicago Rulebook- Chapter 1 03/14/2019 Certified 03/28/2019 1
OCX Amends OCX Rule 615 - Simultaneous Buying and Selling Order 10/28/2014 Certified 11/12/2014 1
OCX Revises Cross Trade Policy - to clarify the meaning of a cross-trade in an electronic marketplace. 05/19/2010 Certified 05/26/2010 1
OCX Amendment to Rule 307 (Application of Rules and Jurisdiction) 02/11/2020 Certified 02/26/2020 1
OCX Updating and Streamlining Rules - Chapter 3 05/06/2019 Certified 05/20/2019 1
OCX Provides Notice to Members of Relaxation of Market Maker Conditions. OCX #2008-04 09/24/2008 Certified 09/24/2008 1
OCX Regulatory Fee Change 11/01/2019 Certified 11/18/2019 1
OCX Provides Guidelines for Trading Halts due to System Failures. 11/14/2008 Certified 04/03/2009 1
OCX Opening parameters for all products on the Central Limit Order Book "CBOEdirect" will be any quote up to $5 wide. #2012-10 05/31/2012 Certified 06/15/2012 1
OCX Provides Notice of Change of Address. 02/12/2010 Certified 02/12/2010 1
OCX Emergency Rule Filing Accelerating Delivery for Contracts Expiring After September 18, 2020. (Effective Immediately) 09/04/2020 Certified 09/21/2020 1
OCX Amending OneChicago Rule 902 (Contract Specifications) to Permit Four Decimal Pricing for Outright Trades 06/16/2017 Certified 06/30/2017 1
OCX Issuing Regulatory Release 2016-23 (OneChicago Ownership and Control Reports) 09/27/2016 Certified 10/12/2016 1
OCX Adopting an Updated Error Trade Policy 05/31/2018 Certified 06/14/2018 1
OCX Amending OCX Rule 905 (Form of Specifications Supplement) 02/23/2016 Certified 03/08/2016 1
OCX Revisions to Rule 905 to support the trading and reporting of block and EFP trade/report in four decimal points. 07/26/2011 Certified 07/26/2011 1
OCX Adding New OCX Rule 418 (Futures Calendar Spread) 07/21/2015 Certified 08/04/2015 1
OCX Revised Pricing Change for Creation of a Narrow Based Index. OCX #2012-12 05/31/2012 Certified 06/11/2012 2
SMFE Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments 07/16/2021 Notified 07/16/2021 1
SMFE International Incentive Program 07/16/2021 Certified 07/30/2021 5
SMFE Market Maker Incentive Program 12/16/2022 Certified 01/03/2023 4
SMFE 1.Rebalance of the Small Cannabis Equity Index; and 2.Rebalance of the Small Cryptocurrency Equity Index 06/24/2022 Notified 06/24/2022 1
SMFE Market Maker Incentive Program 12/15/2021 Certified 12/30/2021 3
SMFE Market maker incentive program and amendment to the d/b/a for the Exchange 09/28/2022 Certified 10/13/2022 3
SMFE SMFE 2020-001 - Amendments to Exchange Rule 904 04/27/2020 Certified 05/11/2020 1
SMFE New Exchange Rule 1012 06/04/2020 Certified 06/18/2020 2
SMFE Additions to Definitions for Options 10/05/2021 Certified 10/20/2021 1
SMFE Revisions to Rule 904 11/15/2021 Certified 11/30/2021 1
SMFE Price Limit Change 04/14/2022 Certified 04/28/2022 1
SMFE Amendments to settlement Rule and corresponding rule changes 07/28/2020 Certified 08/11/2020 1
SMFE Revised Fee Schedule 05/01/2020 Certified 05/15/2020 1
SMFE Introducing Broker Incentive Program 04/29/2021 Certified 05/13/2021 3
SMFE Weekly Notification 09/03/2021 Notified 09/03/2021 3
SMFE Emergency Self-Certification Pursuant to CFTC Regulation 40.6(a)(6) - Exchange Rules 34003.D. and 36003.D.Implementation date is tomorrow, 4/19. 04/18/2022 Certified 05/02/2022 2
SMFE Amendments to the Daily Settlement Procedure - Exchange Rules 31004, 32004, 33004, 39004 and 40004 08/19/2022 Certified 09/02/2022 1
SMFE Market Maker Incentive Program Extension 06/14/2024 Certified 07/01/2024 3
SMFE Fee change 06/16/2021 Certified 06/30/2021 1
SMFE 2022-007 additional statement 04/21/2022 Certified 05/05/2022 1
SMFE Amendments to Chapter 1, Rule 504, Rule 515, Rule 516, Rule 521, Rule 904, Rule 1003, Rule 1012, Chapter 30, Chapter 31 and Chapter 32 08/06/2020 Certified 08/19/2020 2
SMFE Amendments to Exchange Rule 1012 08/31/2022 Certified 09/15/2022 1