Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
CFE The amendment reflects that the National Futures Association (NFA) will no longer provide regulatory services to CFE and updates CFE arbitration rules in connection with NFA continuing to be the venue for arbitrations. 12/15/2020 Certified 12/30/2020 2
CFE The Amendment sets forth changes to CFE's Fee Schedule. 06/17/2016 Certified 07/01/2016 1
CFE The Amendment amends CFE Policy and Procedure XV, which sets forth the Cboe iBoxx iShares Bond Index Futures Lead Market Maker Program. 12/11/2018 Certified 12/26/2018 2
CFE IBYO Options on Futures LMM Program 06/02/2023 Certified 06/16/2023 2
CFE Amendment to the rules and terms and conditions for CFE's CBOE S&P 500 Twelve-Month Variance futures contract. CFE #2011-12 06/10/2011 Certified 11/08/2011 1
CFE The Amendment amends and extends the CFE Lead Market Maker ("LMM") Program for Weekly (Non-Standard) CBOE Volatility Index ("VX") futures expirations. 09/12/2017 Certified 09/26/2017 1
CFE Updates to Regulatory Independence Policies 03/10/2023 Certified 03/24/2023 1
CFE Submission of rules and terms and conditions for a new product "Weekly Options on Mini CBOE Volatility Index Futures" to be listed for trading on June 20, 2011. CFE #2011-13 06/10/2011 Certified 11/08/2011 1
CFE Submitting an updated CFE Fee Schedule. CFE #2011-15 06/10/2011 Certified 06/10/2011 1
CFE Amendment to CFE Policy and Procedure IX, which sets forth CFE's Volatility Index Security Futures Lead Market Marker Program. CFE 2013-43 12/16/2013 Certified 01/01/2014 1
CFE The amendment implements quoting functionality on CFE's trading system for all types of trading on CFE. 07/01/2020 Certified 07/16/2020 1
CFE Rule Reference Corrections 08/25/2023 Notified 08/25/2023 1
CFE Amendment to its rules relating to the CBOE Volatility Index "VIX" futures contract to change the execution allocation method for this contract. CFE #2011-01 01/18/2011 Certified 01/26/2011 1
CFE The Amendment makes clarifying changes and updates to the rule changes that became effective in connection with the implementation of a new CFE trading system on February 25, 2018. 04/11/2018 Certified 04/25/2018 1
CFE Updated Fee Schedule regarding the operation of CFE's Day Trade fee pilot program and makes a non-substantive technical change. CFE #2011-11 05/04/2011 Certified 05/04/2011 1
CFE Provides for: (i) a min. Block Trade size for trades with legs in multiple contract months when exclusively for the purchase (or sale) of a single VIX contract ("strip"); and (ii) the min. contract size for each leg of the strip. CFE # CFE-2007-14 12/20/2007 Certified 01/03/2008 1
CFE The Amendment amends the Block Trade sizes for the S&P 500 Variance ("VA") futures contract. 02/11/2016 Certified 02/26/2016 1
CFE The Amendment amends CFE's Regulatory Independence Policies. 03/24/2017 Certified 04/07/2017 1
CFE The Amendment updates the CFE Fee Schedule to change a fee required to be filed with the Commission and makes clarifications to the CFE Fee Schedule. Rule Numbers: CFE Fee Schedule. 08/17/2018 Certified 08/31/2018 1
CFE Clarifications and Updates to Various CFE Rule Provisions 04/06/2022 Certified 04/20/2022 1
CFE AMERIBOR Futures Lead Market Maker Program Amendment 06/16/2022 Certified 07/01/2022 2
CFE The filing extends CFE's Trading Privilege Holder Permit Program for an additional year so that all trading permits issued under the TPH Program will now expire on December 31, 2015. 11/28/2014 Certified 12/12/2014 1
CFE Options on Corporate Bond Index Futures 04/18/2023 Certified 05/02/2023 2
CFE Proposal to extend CFE's DPM Market Performance Benchmarks Program for an additional year so that general and specific product specific market performance benchmarks will now expire on December 31, 2015. 11/28/2014 Certified 12/12/2014 1
CFE Rule Certification relating to CFE Rules 209, 210, 211, and 808, to reflect changes to rules of Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated (CBOE) which are incorporated into those CFE rules by reference. CFE #2014-09 05/01/2014 Certified 05/16/2014 1
CFE The Amendment amends the CFE Fee Schedule 05/30/2019 Certified 06/13/2019 1
CFE Updated CFE Fee Schedule amended to allow for the receipt of a transfer fee rebate in the event of a transfer of positions under CFE Rule 420(a)(i). CFE #2011-02 01/19/2011 Certified 01/26/2011 1
CFE The Amendment revised CFE rules to provide that the Exchange may list for trading up to twenty four near-term serial expiration months for Cboe One-Month AMERIBOR ("AMB1") futures. 09/02/2020 Notified 09/02/2020 1
CFE Updating Fee Schedule establishing transaction fees for a new product to be traded on CFE. CFE #2012-21 09/13/2012 Certified 09/28/2012 1
CFE Making changes to CFE's contract specification rules for the CBOE NASDAQ-100 Volatility Index futures contracts. CFE #2012-30 12/07/2012 Certified 12/22/2012 1
CFE Rule Certification that amends CFE Rules to reflect the CFTC's new OCR Final Rule. This Rule Certification will not become effective until a date announced through the issuance of a circular and is subject to potential, additional CFTC directive. 01/28/2015 Certified 02/11/2015 1
CFE The Amendment establishes a daily cap on the Block Trade fee for Trade at Settlement ("TAS") transactions for CFE Trading Privilege Holders ("TPHs"). 05/17/2016 Certified 06/01/2016 1
CFE Extension of Trading Privilege Holder Permit Program 10/19/2023 Certified 11/02/2023 1
CFE Specifies the Threshold Widths for each futures contract currently listed on CFE and provides that the minimum size of bids and offers to establish a Threshold Width is on contract. CFE # CFE-2009-01 01/08/2009 Certified 02/18/2009 1
CFE The Amendment adopts new CFE Policy and Procedure XXI to set forth the Foreign Independent Software Vendor Incentive Program. The Amendment will become effective on January 15, 2016. 12/31/2015 Certified 01/15/2016 1
CFE Derived Block Trades 10/19/2023 Certified 11/02/2023 1
CFE Provides an updated CFE Fee Schedule extending the term of CFE's Day Trade fee pilot program through March 31, 2008. CFE #2007-15 12/26/2007 Certified 12/26/2007 1
CFE The Amendment updates CFE's rules regarding the implementation of quoting functionality on CFE's trading system. 04/02/2020 Certified 04/16/2020 1
CFE 40.6(d) Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments 07/08/2021 Notified 07/08/2021 1
CFE Rule Certification that sets forth changes to the CFE Fee Schedule. 12/02/2014 Certified 12/16/2014 1
CFE CFE rule amendment to amend CFE Rule 620 (Disruptive Practices) and add CFE Policy and Procedure XVIII to provide further guidance on prohibited disruptive trading practices. 07/16/2015 Certified 07/30/2015 1
CFE The proposal, among other things, extends CFE's Volatility Index Security Futures Lead Market Maker Program for an additional year until December 31, 2015. 12/02/2014 Certified 12/16/2014 1
CFE Modification to the provisions of CFE Rule 206 to implement a tie-breaking procedure to resolve a tie vote of a Standing Committee. CFE #2014-03 02/18/2014 Certified 03/05/2014 1
CFE Increases the minimum Block Trade quantities for the CBOE Volatility Index futures contract. CFE # CFE-2008-12 12/31/2008 Certified 02/02/2009 1
CFE CFE Fee Schedule Updates 03/15/2023 Certified 03/29/2023 1
CFE Updates CFE Fee Schedule to extend the term of CFE's Day Trade Fee Pilot Program for an additional year through December 31, 2010. CFE #2009-18 12/18/2009 Certified 01/20/2010 1
CFE Establish new CFE Rule 303A (Login Assignment Requirements) and to amend Rule 403 (Order Entry). CFE #2011-18 07/18/2011 Certified 08/02/2011 1
CFE Rule amendment to clarify various CFE rule provisions. CFE #2013-30 07/29/2013 Certified 08/13/2013 1
CFE Amends rules relating to the CBOE Russell Volatility Index futures contract to change the execution allocation method for this contract. CFE #2009-19 12/23/2009 Certified 12/30/2009 1
CFE The Amendment updates the CFE Fee Schedule to include fees for Cboer iBoxxr iSharesr Bond Index futures. 08/23/2018 Certified 09/07/2018 1