Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
SMFE Market Maker Incentive Program 02/11/2021 Certified 02/26/2021 2
SMFE Amendments to Chapter 1, Rule 504, Rule 515, Rule 516, Rule 521, Rule 904, Rule 1003, Rule 1012, Chapter 30, Chapter 31 and Chapter 32 08/06/2020 Certified 08/19/2020 2
SMFE Amendments to settlement Rule and corresponding rule changes 07/28/2020 Certified 08/11/2020 1
SMFE Amendment to Customer Type Indicator Code Descriptions 06/30/2020 Certified 07/15/2020 2
SMFE The purpose of this Rule Change is to amend the Exchange's Customer Type Indicator (CTI) Codes so that they are consistent with the descriptions that the NFA provides in its "Market Regulation Data Layout Overview and Implementation Reference" (10/21/15). 06/30/2020 Certified 07/15/2020 3
SMFE SMFE 2020-010Amendment to definition of "Board" in Exchange's Definitions. 06/30/2020 Certified 07/15/2020 2
SMFE SMFE 2020-008 - Amendment to requirements needed to be approved as a Clearing Member of the Exchange. 06/26/2020 Certified 07/13/2020 2
SMFE New Exchange Rule 1012 06/04/2020 Certified 06/18/2020 2
SMFE Revised Fee Schedule 05/01/2020 Certified 05/15/2020 1
SMFE SMFE 2020-001 - Amendments to Exchange Rule 904 04/27/2020 Certified 05/11/2020 1
OCX Emergency Rule Filing Accelerating Delivery for Contracts Expiring After September 18, 2020. (Effective Immediately) 09/04/2020 Certified 09/21/2020 1
OCX Amendment to Rule 307 (Application of Rules and Jurisdiction) 02/11/2020 Certified 02/26/2020 1
OCX Amending Rule 417 (Block Trading) and Issuing Regulatory Release 2020-02 02/06/2020 Certified 02/21/2020 1
OCX NTM 2020-03 (Carry Fee Change) 02/03/2020 Certified 02/18/2020 1
OCX Expanded Trading Hours 12/06/2019 Certified 12/20/2019 1
OCX Regulatory Fee Change 11/01/2019 Certified 11/18/2019 1
OCX Updating and Streamlining Rules - Chapter 3 05/06/2019 Certified 05/20/2019 1
OCX Updating Obsolete References and Clarifying Rules in the OneChicago Rulebook - Chapter 2 04/05/2019 Certified 04/19/2019 1
OCX Consolidating Definitions, Removing Obsolete Definitions and Clarifying Rules in the OneChicago Rulebook- Chapter 1 03/14/2019 Certified 03/28/2019 1
OCX OneChicago fee change 02/13/2019 Certified 02/28/2019 1
OCX Issuing Consolidated Exchange of Future for Physical Guidance 09/17/2018 Certified 10/01/2018 1
OCX Adopting an Updated Error Trade Policy 05/31/2018 Certified 06/14/2018 1
OCX Removing Obsolete Provisions and Updating Cross References in the OneChicago Rulebook 05/24/2018 Certified 06/08/2018 1
OCX Issuing NTM 2018-15 (Reducing Fees) 04/10/2018 Certified 04/24/2018 1
OCX Amending OneChicago Rule 610 (Priority of Customers' Orders) and Adding Rule 621 (Front-Running) 03/20/2018 Certified 04/03/2018 1
OCX Amending OneChicago Rule 210 (Confidentiality and Employee Restrictions) 03/19/2018 Certified 04/02/2018 1
OCX Issuing Regulatory Release 2018-3 Block Trading 02/27/2018 Certified 03/13/2018 1
OCX Issuing NTM 2018-6 Block Calendar Spread Transactions 02/08/2018 Certified 02/23/2018 1
OCX Amending OneChicago Rule 404 (Acceptable Orders) 10/26/2017 Certified 11/09/2017 1
OCX Amending OneChicago Rules 117 (Clearing Corporation) and 144 (OneChicago Workstation) to Remove References to CME and CBOE 10/18/2017 Certified 11/01/2017 1
OCX Issuing Regulatory Release 2017-11 (Large Trader Reporting Guide) 09/05/2017 Certified 09/19/2017 1
OCX Amending OneChicago Rule 902 (Contract Specifications) to Reflect the Updated Securities Transaction Settlement Cycle 08/29/2017 Certified 09/13/2017 1
OCX Issuing Regulatory Release 2017-10 (Large Trader Reporting Guide) 08/17/2017 Certified 08/31/2017 1
OCX Amending OneChicago Rule 617 (Disruptive Practices) 08/01/2017 Certified 08/15/2017 1
OCX Issuing Regulatory Release 2017-8 (OneChicago Ownership and Control Reports) 07/17/2017 Certified 07/31/2017 1
OCX Amending OneChicago Rule 902 (Contract Specifications) to Permit Four Decimal Pricing for Outright Trades 06/16/2017 Certified 06/30/2017 1
OCX Amending Appendix B to Chapter 9 of the OneChicago Rulebook 06/06/2017 Certified 06/20/2017 1
OCX Issuing NTM 2017-12 (OneChicago Execution Fee Applied to CMTA Firm) 03/15/2017 Certified 03/29/2017 1
OCX Issuing NTM 2017-8 (Implementing Delivery Fees & Tiered Carry Fees) 02/02/2017 Certified 02/16/2017 1
OCX Amending OCX Rule 601 (Fraudulent Acts) 01/17/2017 Certified 01/31/2017 1
OCX Adopting a Trading Platform Fee Schedule 11/22/2016 Withdrawn 02/03/2017 1
OCX Adopting an Updated Error Trade Policy 10/27/2016 Certified 11/10/2016 1
OCX Issuing Regulatory Release 2016-23 (OneChicago Ownership and Control Reports) 09/27/2016 Certified 10/12/2016 1
OCX Amending OCX Rule 414 (Position Limits and Position Accountability) 09/21/2016 Certified 10/05/2016 1
OCX Amending OCX Rule 424 (Concurrent Long and Short Positions) 09/19/2016 Certified 10/03/2016 1
OCX Removing Schedule A to Chapter 4 from the OneChicago Rulebook 09/14/2016 Certified 09/28/2016 1
OCX Issuing Regulatory Release 2016-18 (Large Trader Reporting Guide) & Regulatory Release 2016-19 (OneChicago Ownership and Control Reports) 08/03/2016 Certified 08/17/2016 1
OCX Amending OCX Rule 905 (Form of Specifications Supplement) 07/22/2016 Certified 08/05/2016 1
OCX Issuing Regulatory Release 2016-14 (Decreasing Reportable Level to One Contract for All OneChicago Products) 06/16/2016 Certified 06/30/2016 1
OCX Issuing Notice to Members 2016-16 (Renaming Regulatory Notices) 06/01/2016 Certified 06/15/2016 1