Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
OCX Issuing NTM 2016-12 (OneChicago Ownership and Control Reports) 05/11/2016 Certified 05/25/2016 1
OCX Amending Interpretation of Exchange Rule 118 (Clearing Member) 04/18/2016 Certified 05/02/2016 1
OCX Amending OCX Rule 609 (Supervision) and Issuing NTM 2016-11 (Supervisory Responsibility and Written Supervisory Procedures) 04/15/2016 Certified 04/29/2016 1
OCX Amending OCX Rule 905 (Form of Specifications Supplement) 02/23/2016 Certified 03/08/2016 1
OCX Issuing NTM 2016-3 (Discontinuing Competitive Block Trades) 01/25/2016 Certified 02/08/2016 1
OCX Amending OCX Rule 403 (Order Entry) & Issuing NTM 2016-1 (Audit Trail Requirements) 01/04/2016 Certified 01/19/2016 1
OCX Amending OCX Rules 705 (Review of Investigative Reports) and 717 (Summary Imposition of Fines) and Issuing NTM 2015-48 (Summary Fine Schedule) 12/29/2015 Certified 01/13/2016 1
OCX Issuing NTM 2015-47 (Large Trader Reporting Guide) 12/17/2015 Certified 01/04/2016 2
OCX Issuing Notice to Members 2015-40 (Execution Fee Cap for OCX.NoDivRisk Products - Pilot Program Extension) 12/01/2015 Certified 12/15/2015 1
OCX New OCX Rules 618 (Wash Trades), 619 (Money Passes), 620 (Accommodation Trading) & NTM 2015-35 11/17/2015 Certified 12/02/2015 1
OCX Adding New OCX Rule 418 (Futures Calendar Spread) 07/21/2015 Certified 08/04/2015 1
OCX Amending OCX Rule 712 (Respondent Review of Evidence) 07/02/2015 Certified 07/17/2015 1
OCX Issuing Notice to Members 2015-20 (Execution Fee Cap for OCX.NoDivRisk Products) 06/25/2015 Certified 07/10/2015 1
OCX Adding New OCX Rule 617 (Disruptive Practices) & Issuing Notice to Members 2015-16 (Disruptive Practices) 06/10/2015 Certified 06/24/2015 1
OCX Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments for Week of April 6, 2015 04/16/2015 Notified 04/16/2015 1
OCX Adding New OCX Rule 516 (Ownership and Control Reports) & Issuing Notice to Members 2015-7 (OneChicago Ownership and Control Reports) 03/19/2015 Certified 04/02/2015 1
OCX Amending OCX Rule 403 (Order Entry) and Issuing Notice to Members 2015-6 (Audit Trail Requirements) 03/09/2015 Certified 03/23/2015 1
OCX Renaming Responsible Trader as Responsible Administrator 12/24/2014 Certified 01/09/2015 1
OCX NTM 2014-33 provides guidance to market participants regarding the reporting of bilateral block and bilateral EFP trades 11/20/2014 Certified 12/05/2014 1
OCX Amends OCX Rule 615 - Simultaneous Buying and Selling Order 10/28/2014 Certified 11/12/2014 1
OCX Expanding Bilateral Block and EFP Trading Hours 10/23/2014 Certified 11/06/2014 1
OCX Removing References to the OCX.BETS and CBOEdirect Platforms 09/04/2014 Certified 09/18/2014 1
OCX Revised Fee Schedule 08/18/2014 Certified 09/02/2014 1
OCX Weekly Futures Rule Change. OCX #14-004A 06/05/2014 Certified 06/20/2014 2
OCX OCX Rule 417 will be modified to decrease the minimum block trading quantity from twenty-five contracts to five contracts for its OCX.NoDivrisk products. OCX #14-003 05/28/2014 Certified 06/12/2014 1
OCX Emergency Rule Certification - Notice to Members - Suspension of Competitive EFP Trading. OCX #14-002 05/13/2014 Certified 05/28/2014 1
OCX Notice to Members - Position Limit Exemption Requests - requires that the requests be signed by an officer or director of the firm. OCX #14-001 03/11/2014 Certified 03/25/2014 1
OCX Amendments to the OCX Rulebook to Incorporate Weekly Futures with shortened physical delivery settlement cycles. 12/11/2013 Certified 12/27/2013 1
OCX Amendments to Rule 421 - Limitation of Liability; No Warranties. 11/21/2013 Certified 12/07/2013 1
OCX Appointment of Two Directors to OneChicago, LLC 11/12/2013 Certified 11/27/2013 1
OCX Emergency Rule Certification - Emergency Confirmation of Current Block Trading Rule 417 10/17/2013 Certified 11/01/2013 1
OCX One Year Extension of the Minimum Block Size Pilot Program. 09/20/2013 Certified 10/05/2013 1
OCX Notice to Members regarding the method by which market participants may trade block rolls. 08/22/2013 Certified 09/07/2013 1
OCX Amending Chapter 9 Appendix B, that allows, in limited circumstances, for OneChicago to correct errors in adjustments to OCX.NoDivRisk products after the ex-dividend date. 08/12/2013 Certified 08/27/2013 1
OCX Notice to members regarding disclosure of payment for order flow. 07/09/2013 Certified 07/24/2013 1
OCX Delisting of two Security Futures Products 06/27/2013 Certified 07/13/2013 1
OCX Delisting of a Security Futures Product. 06/24/2013 Certified 07/10/2013 1
OCX New Rule 137 - Foreign Persons and Rule 416 Exchange Future for Physical, changes define foreign persons and prohibit them from directly or indirectly placing bids or buy orders in and for exchange EFP markets. 04/22/2013 Withdrawn 04/29/2013 1
OCX Notice to Members regarding exchange future for physical confirmations. 04/03/2013 Certified 04/18/2013 1
OCX Extending the pilot program for lowered minimum block size for another 6 months. 03/26/2013 Certified 04/10/2013 1
OCX Amending Rule 127, Disciplinary Panel, removing the requirement that disciplinary panel participants are exchange members. 02/27/2013 Certified 03/14/2013 1
OCX Revising OneChicago Rule 416, adds clarity that the Exchange of Future for Physical consists of a futures component and an underlying stock component combined into a single transaction. 12/27/2012 Certified 01/12/2013 1
OCX Revising OneChicago Rule 417, Block Trading and the related Block Trading Notice. 09/10/2012 Certified 09/25/2012 1
OCX Notice to Members: Pre-Execution Discussions and Cross Trades 08/31/2012 Certified 09/18/2012 2
OCX Revision to OneChicago Rule 307, Application of Rules and Jurisdiction 08/29/2012 Approved 09/27/2012 1
OCX Revision to OneChicago Rule 307, Application of Rules and Jurisdiction and Revision to the cover page of the OneChicago Rulebook. 08/06/2012 Approved 08/21/2012 1
OCX Revision to OneChicago Rule 307, Application of Rules and Jurisdiction and Revision to the cover page of the Rulebook 08/03/2012 Certified 08/18/2012 1
OCX Revisions to OneChicago Chapter 7 Rules Involving Discipline and Enforcement. 08/01/2012 Certified 08/16/2012 2
OCX NASDAQ will begin billing its standard $500 per month port fee for ports setup by firms for OneChicago to report the stock leg of their point and click traded EFP. Notice 2012-15 07/13/2012 Certified 07/30/2012 1
OCX Revisions to OneChicago Chapter 7 Rules Involving Discipline and Enforcement. 07/20/2012 Certified 08/04/2012 2