Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
NYMEX Implementing a broker rebate program in support of certain NYMEX Brent Crude Oil products that are cleared on CME ClearPort. NYMEX #12-109 04/10/2012 Certified 04/25/2012 1
COMEX Modifying NYMEX and COMEX Energy and Metals Products Non-Member Incentive Program. NYMEX/COMEX #12-159 06/01/2012 Certified 06/16/2012 2
CFE Amending CFE Policy and Procedure IX, which sets for CFE's Volatility Index Security Futures Lead Market Maker Program. CFE #2012-33 12/12/2012 Certified 12/28/2012 1
NYMEX Implementing an incentive program in support of certain natural gas futures products. NYMEX #13-140 04/15/2013 Certified 04/30/2013 1
COMEX Modifications to the International Incentive Program. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX/KCBT #13-227 06/14/2013 Withdrawn 06/14/2013 1
ICE US Amending Exchange Bylaws, Chapter1 - Definitions, and Standing Resolution 6 of the Rules. ICE US #13-61 08/09/2013 Certified 08/24/2013 1
NADEX Notice of Emergency Action - Initial Jobless Claims; EUR/GBP and AUD/JPY Binary Contracts Delayed 10/17/2013 Certified 11/01/2013 1
NADEX In observance of Good Friday holiday, Nadex amends trading hours for Thursday, April 17, 2014, will close at 4:15pm rather than its regular 5:00pm close time. 04/10/2014 Certified 04/25/2014 1
CBOT Revisions to Rule 300.D - Disqualification from Certain Committees and Governing Boards. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #14-247 06/18/2014 Certified 07/03/2014 1
OCX Adding New OCX Rule 418 (Futures Calendar Spread) 07/21/2015 Certified 08/04/2015 1
CME Amendments to CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Rule 853 ("Transfers of Trades and Customer Accounts") 11/04/2015 Certified 11/19/2015 1
COMEX Modifications to the Latin America Fund Manager Incentive Program 12/14/2016 Certified 12/29/2016 1
CBOT Implementation of the Federal Fund Options Globex Market Maker Program 05/16/2017 Certified 05/31/2017 1
CBOT Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments (Week of December 17, 2018) 12/27/2018 Notified 12/27/2018 1
ICE US The Exchange is extending the terms of the ICE Futures U.S. Regional Fuel Oil Futures Liquidity Provider Program through November 30, 2020. 11/05/2019 Certified 11/20/2019 2
ICE US The amendments relieve Exchange Clearing Members of the obligation to determine if their customers are block trade eligible and add language clarifying what information may be disclosed in a block trade negotiation. 01/07/2020 Certified 01/22/2020 1
CME Modifications to the Retail Broker Incentive Program 04/16/2020 Certified 04/30/2020 1
NADEX EMERGENCY ACTION: On trade date October 16, 2020 the Nadex trading platform experienced an outage shortly after the open lasting 35 minutes. 10/17/2020 Certified 10/30/2020 2
CME Modifications to the Crosses Market Maker Program 07/15/2021 Certified 07/29/2021 2
CBOT Amendments to the CME, CBOT, NYMEX, and COMEX Hedge Exemption Form. 04/12/2022 Certified 04/26/2022 2
ICE US Extension of WTI vs Brent Arb. Option Program 11/15/2022 Certified 11/30/2022 2
CME Modifications to the Bitcoin Futures Market Maker Program 12/15/2022 Certified 12/30/2022 2
NODAL The Exchange is updating The Exchange and Clearing Transaction Fee Schedule, Appendix B - Minimum Block Sizes, Electronic Trade Error Policy, and Nodal Rule 3.6 for the listing of new environmental contracts 07/26/2023 Certified 08/09/2023 5
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Financial European Natural Gas Market Maker Program 03/14/2024 Certified 03/28/2024 2
NYMEX Notification of the Migration of Silver Contracts to TMS (the Trade Management System) from the On Line Trade Entry System. NYMEX No. 07.37 03/01/2007 Certified 03/01/2007 0
USFE Amends Rules 312 and 404 to establish a new market model: USFE will designate a number of competing MMs who will be entitled to priority execution of a certain percentage of their orders in exchange for undertaking specified MM obligations. 08/08/2007 Certified 08/20/2007 1
NYMEX Notifies the CFTC of New Transaction Types/Venues for the Automated Trandfer of Money (ATOM) System. NYMEX #08.06 01/17/2008 Certified 01/17/2008 1
MGE Provides a Resolution to revert to normal trading hours from the holiday trading schedule for all futures and options contracts for the trade day of November 26. 11/20/2008 Certified 11/20/2008 1
NYMEX Eliminates the explicit record retention requirement for all electronically conveyed trading floor messages including instant messages and emails but retains the general record-keeping requirements. NYMEX #08.119R(2) 01/27/2009 Certified 03/09/2009 1
CBOT Provides Market Reg Notice RA0904-5 concerning the prohibition in engaging in wash sales pursuant to Rule 534. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #09.151 08/03/2009 Certified 08/28/2009 1
NYLIFFE Issues NYSE Liffe US Notice 33/2009, announcing the extension of the Futures Incentive Program thruogh June 30, 2010. #2009-123 12/29/2009 Certified 06/08/2010 1
NYLIFFE Notice 12/2010 announces the Designated Market Maker Program in MSCI Mini Index Futures for the period from September 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. NYSE Liffe #2010-107 08/31/2010 Certified 01/19/2011 1
CME Revisions to Chapter 4 "Enforcement of Rules" and related rules based on a comprehensive review of the disciplinary process rules. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #10-321 11/12/2010 Certified 12/07/2010 1
NYMEX Amendment to Rule 588.G - removing reference to "E-mini MSCI Emerging Markets" due to the delisting of this product. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #11-238 06/16/2011 Certified 06/16/2011 1
OCX Revised Pricing Change for Creation of a Narrow Based Index. OCX #2012-12 05/31/2012 Certified 06/11/2012 2
ICE US Amendments to Exchange Bylaw Annexes and Rules Related to the Discontinuance of Open Outcry Trading on the Exchange. ICE US #12-55 09/25/2012 Certified 10/11/2012 1
CFE Updated CFE Fee Schedule. CFE 2012-34 12/12/2012 Certified 12/28/2012 1
CME Modifications to the CME Housing Futures Market Maker Program. CME #13-138 04/16/2013 Certified 05/01/2013 1
KCBT Modifications to the International Incentive Program. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX/KCBT #13-227 06/14/2013 Withdrawn 06/14/2013 1
CBOT CBOT is adopting a change to the time period during which locational restrictions apply to the open outcry trading of Treasury and Interest Rate Swap futures during the rollover time period. CBOT #13-323 08/09/2013 Certified 08/24/2013 1
ICE US Amendments to Soft Options Market Maker Program - cap the number of Program participants and change the Program obligations. ICE US #14-29 04/11/2014 Certified 04/26/2014 2
NYMEX Revisions to Rule 300.D - Disqualification from Certain Committees and Governing Boards. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #14-247 06/18/2014 Certified 07/03/2014 1
CBOT Amendments to CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Rule 853 ("Transfers of Trades and Customer Accounts") 11/04/2015 Certified 11/19/2015 1
NYMEX Extension of the NN Fee Waiver Program 12/04/2015 Certified 12/18/2015 1
NYMEX Declaration of Force Majeure with Respect to the RBOB Gasoline Futures Contract 09/28/2016 Certified 10/13/2016 2
ICE US The Exchange is amending Rule 21.02(e) allowing participants to submit evidence to contest the issuance of a summary fine within 15 days of issuance. 03/28/2017 Certified 04/11/2017 1
ICE US Effective October 10, 2017 the Exchange is extending the terms of the N.A. Credit Futures Contract Broker Rebate Program through December 31, 2018. 09/25/2017 Certified 10/10/2017 1
CDE Self Certification of Proprietary Trading Group Volume Incentive Program 12/07/2017 Certified 12/21/2017 2
CBOT Amendments to Block Trade Minimum Threshold for the Soybean Oil Weekly Options Contracts. 01/05/2018 Certified 01/22/2018 1
CME Deletion of CME Rule 586. ("GFX Corporation") and Amendments to CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Rule 110. ("Claims Against Membership, Application of Proceeds"). 04/16/2018 Certified 04/30/2018 1