Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
NYMEX Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments (Week of September 30, 2024) 10/09/2024 Notified 10/09/2024 1
ICE US The Exchange amended the Block Trade FAQ updating the email address that market participants use for block trade reporting. 05/16/2017 Notified 05/16/2017 1
CBOT Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of December 6, 2021 12/14/2021 Notified 12/14/2021 1
NODAL Revisions to Nodal Exchange contracts that correctly identify the underlying electric power locations that were remapped by MISO; revisions do not affect deliverable supplies or the pricing basis of the Exchange's contracts. 12/23/2014 Notified 12/23/2014 3
NADEX Nadex added additional strike levels on a discretionary basis in various Daily, Weekly, 2-Hour Intraday, and 20-Min Intraday US Indices Binaries, and 5-Min Currency Binaries, and amended strike width in various US Indices for the week of Aug. 24. 08/31/2015 Notified 08/31/2015 1
NYMEX Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of December 6, 2021 12/14/2021 Notified 12/14/2021 1
CBOT Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments (Week of September 30, 2024) 10/09/2024 Notified 10/09/2024 1
MIAX Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week of March 2, 2015 03/13/2015 Notified 03/13/2015 1
COMEX Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments - Week of December 6, 2021 12/14/2021 Notified 12/14/2021 1
COMEX Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments (Week of September 30, 2024) 10/09/2024 Notified 10/09/2024 1
MIAX Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments for Week of May 25, 2015. 06/05/2015 Notified 06/05/2015 1
CME Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments (Week of December 17, 2018) 12/27/2018 Notified 12/27/2018 1
SMFE Delisting of Chapter 35 - S30Y 07/19/2024 Notified 07/19/2024 1
CBOT Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments (Week of December 17, 2018) 12/27/2018 Notified 12/27/2018 1
MIAX Weekly Notifications for the Week of April 22, 2024 05/03/2024 Notified 05/03/2024 1
NYMEX Revs. to NYMEX Position Limit, Position Accountability and Reportable Level Tbl. in the Interpretations and Special Notices Sec. of Ch. 5 of the NYMEX Rulebook Comprised of Corrections and Administrative Changes Reflecting the Accurate Terms 08/08/2014 Withdrawn 08/12/2014 3
CME Revisions to Rules Governing the Day of Trading Termination for Live Cattle Options in the January Bi-Monthly Listing Cycle. 08/08/2014 Withdrawn 08/12/2014 2
CME Modifications to the Central Bank Incentive Program 11/22/2016 Withdrawn 11/22/2016 1
CME Modifications to the International Cross-Asset Volume Incentive Program. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX/KCBT #13-228 06/14/2013 Withdrawn 06/26/2013 1
CBOT Modifications to the Central Bank Incentive Program 11/22/2016 Withdrawn 11/22/2016 1
NODAL Temporary Rule Changes to facilitate the Implementation of the Nodal Exchange / Nasdaq Futures, Inc. Asset Purchase Agreement 12/04/2019 Withdrawn 12/05/2019 2
CBOT Modifications to the International Cross-Asset Volume Incentive Program. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX/KCBT #13-228 06/14/2013 Withdrawn 06/26/2013 1
CBOT Amendments to Position Limits for Expiring U.S. Treasury Bond Futures, Short-Term Treasury Note (2-Year) Futures, and Long-Term U.S. Treasury (Ultra) Futures. 08/08/2014 Withdrawn 08/12/2014 3
NYMEX Modifications to the International Cross-Asset Volume Incentive Program. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX/KCBT #13-228 06/14/2013 Withdrawn 06/26/2013 1
COMEX Modifications to the International Cross-Asset Volume Incentive Program. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX/KCBT #13-228 06/14/2013 Withdrawn 06/26/2013 1
CANTOR Confidential portion of 40.6 filing; and non-nonfidential portiaon 10/31/2014 Withdrawn 11/14/2014 3
KCBT Modifications to the International Cross-Asset Volume Incentive Program. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX/KCBT #13-228 06/14/2013 Withdrawn 06/26/2013 1
OCX Adopting a Trading Platform Fee Schedule 11/22/2016 Withdrawn 02/03/2017 1
KEX Volume Incentive Program filing 10/15/2024 Withdrawn 10/16/2024 1
CBOT Addition of C-Cross Protocol to CME Interest Rate and FX Futures and CBOT Interest Rate Futures and Swaps and Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1607-5 05/18/2016 Withdrawn 05/19/2016 2
NFX Block Trades 04/08/2016 Withdrawn 04/20/2016 3
CME Implementation of the FX Futures & Options European Asset Manager Volume Incentive Program 07/23/2024 Withdrawn 07/25/2024 2
CME Modification of CME/CBOT Equity Index price limit methodology to coordinate with Securities and Exchange Commission Release No.34-67090 relating to Trading Halts Due to Extraordinary Market Volatility. CME/CBOT #12-382 11/06/2012 Withdrawn 01/29/2013 1
ICE US Extends FCM anti-money laundering program requirements to non-member FCMs and adds provisions addressing obligations of Clearing Members and other market participants relating to accounts carried for customers that are subject to economic sanctions. 09/15/2014 Withdrawn 09/15/2014 1
CBOT Modification of CME/CBOT Equity Index price limit methodology to coordinate with Securities and Exchange Commission Release No.34-67090 relating to Trading Halts Due to Extraordinary Market Volatility. CME/CBOT #12-382 11/06/2012 Withdrawn 01/29/2013 1
CFE This filing adopts a new Policy and Procedure XIX (Submission Time Grames) to set forth in one location within CFE's Rules the time frames during which CFE Trading Privilege Holders ("TPHs") may submit orderes, quotes, cancels and order modifications. 11/11/2015 Withdrawn 11/12/2015 1
MIAX Revisions to MGEX Rules 2013.03., 2013.04., 2013.05., and 1402.00. to update Hard Red Spring Wheat ("HRSW") position limits rules to reflect the recent CFTC rulemaking. 02/25/2021 Withdrawn 02/26/2021 1
NFX Acceptable Orders 11/11/2015 Withdrawn 11/24/2015 1
CME Elimination of Open Outcry Trading Venue in Connection with the Closing of Most CME Open Outcry Futures Trading Pits 06/10/2015 Withdrawn 06/23/2015 2
NYMEX Modifications to Energy Options Market maker Program 08/13/2014 Withdrawn 08/13/2014 1
CBOT Elimination of Open Outcry Trading Venue in Connection with the Closing of CBOT Open Outcry Futures Trading Pits 06/10/2015 Withdrawn 06/23/2015 2
NYMEX THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO A FOIA NOTIFICATION. This supplemental filing to a previously filed submission (CFTC Submission No. 1408-1314-1745-55)contains additional information relating to the Energy Options Market Maker Program. 08/13/2014 Withdrawn 08/13/2014 1
NYMEX Elimination of Open Outcry Trading Venue in Connection with the Closing of NYMEX Open Outcry Futures Trading Pits 06/10/2015 Withdrawn 06/23/2015 2
COMEX Elimination of Open Outcry Trading Venue in Connection with the Closing of COMEX Open Outcry Futures Trading Pits 06/10/2015 Withdrawn 06/23/2015 2
MIAX Rule Amendments for MGEX Rule 803.00. 12/20/2016 Withdrawn 12/21/2016 1
NYMEX Revisions to NYMEX and COMEX Rule 524 to permit for the execution of TAM block trades, effective November 7, 2011. NYMEX/COMEX #11-381 10/18/2011 Withdrawn 10/31/2011 1
COMEX Revisions to NYMEX and COMEX Rule 524 to permit for the execution of TAM block trades, effective November 7, 2011. NYMEX/COMEX #11-381 10/18/2011 Withdrawn 10/31/2011 1
CME Implementation of the FX Calendar Spreads Volume Tier Discount Program 07/17/2019 Withdrawn 07/23/2019 1
KEX CONFIDENTIAL Rule changes regarding Kalshi's Fall 2021 Trading Incentive Program. (If text needed for public posting: Rule changes.) 10/01/2021 Withdrawn 10/13/2021 2
ICE US Amendments to MSCI Designated Market Maker Program 12/16/2021 Withdrawn 12/27/2021 2