Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
CME Amendments to CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Rule 536.B. ("Globex Order Entry"). 05/15/2017 Withdrawn 05/25/2017 1
NFX NASDAQ Futures, Inc. ("NFX" or "Exchange") amends General Reference Guide and NASDAQ Futures, Inc. (NFX) Tailor Made Combinations Reference Guide to conform with Exchange certification SR-NFX-2017-18. 05/12/2017 Withdrawn 05/24/2017 1
CBOT Reductions in Minimum Quantity Requirements for Block Trades in Intercommodity Spreads Relating to CBOT Treasury Invoice Swaps 05/12/2017 Withdrawn 05/26/2017 1
NFX Proposed amendment to address updated functionality of the NFX trading system's functionality with respect to Implied Orders and Self-Match Prevention; clarification of certain language in the rulebook; and removal of language no longer needed. 05/11/2017 Withdrawn 05/24/2017 1
CFE The Amendment makes organizational and clarifying changes to CFE Rule 303 and 304. 03/02/2017 Withdrawn 03/02/2017 1
ICE US The Exchange is amending Chapter 1 Definitions adding "Affiliate" as a defined term having the same meaning and can be used interchangeably with the defined term "Affiliated Firm". 01/27/2017 Withdrawn 01/27/2017 1
CFE The Amendment amends CFE Rule 415 to clarify certain restrictions relating to disclosure and use of non-public information regarding Block Trades and the extent to which counterparties to a Block Trade may enter into pre-hedging or anticipatory hedging. 01/19/2017 Withdrawn 01/19/2017 1
MIAX Rule Amendments for MGEX Rule 803.00. 12/20/2016 Withdrawn 12/21/2016 1
NODAL 40.6(a) Self-certification of amendments to Nodal Exchange Rule 5.2 (Clearing Members) regarding direct access authorization 12/06/2016 Withdrawn 12/15/2016 2
NYMEX Extension of the NYMEX Commercial Brent Spread Incentive Program 11/29/2016 Withdrawn 11/29/2016 2
OCX Adopting a Trading Platform Fee Schedule 11/22/2016 Withdrawn 02/03/2017 1
CBOT Modifications to the Central Bank Incentive Program 11/22/2016 Withdrawn 11/22/2016 1
CME Modifications to the Central Bank Incentive Program 11/22/2016 Withdrawn 11/22/2016 1
NFX Certification of 2017 Trading Calendar. 11/16/2016 Withdrawn 11/17/2016 4
NFX Notification of 2015 NFX Trading Volumes 11/04/2016 Withdrawn 11/08/2016 2
NFX Amendment to Trading at Settlement (TAS) Orders for all energy futures and options contracts for two consecutive Open Sessions commencing the evening of November 23rd including and for trade date November 25, 2016. 10/28/2016 Withdrawn 10/28/2016 2
NFX Amend the Exchange's quote liquidity provisioning program (the "QLP Program") for energy contracts that the Exchange has listed pursuant to Appendix A of the Exchange Rulebook. 10/13/2016 Withdrawn 10/13/2016 4
COMEX Amendments to Rule 538. ("Exchange for Related Positions") and Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1612-5. 09/19/2016 Withdrawn 09/20/2016 1
NYMEX Amendments to Rule 538. ("Exchange for Related Positions") and Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1612-5. 09/19/2016 Withdrawn 09/20/2016 1
CBOT Amendments to Rule 538. ("Exchange for Related Positions") and Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1612-5. 09/19/2016 Withdrawn 09/20/2016 1
CME Amendments to Rule 538. ("Exchange for Related Positions") and Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1612-5. 09/19/2016 Withdrawn 09/20/2016 1
ICE US Extension of Natural Gas Broker Program 09/16/2016 Withdrawn 09/19/2016 1
ICE US Extension of Henry Hub Tiered Option Volume Liquidity Provider Program 09/16/2016 Withdrawn 09/19/2016 2
NFX Submit amendments to Rulebook Appendix A to expand the permitted listing of consecutive contract months in an NFX option contracts. 09/14/2016 Withdrawn 09/15/2016 2
CME Increasing Spot Month Limits of the Nonfat Dry Milk and Dry Whey Futures and Options Contracts 07/22/2016 Withdrawn 07/25/2016 2
CBOT Addition of C-Cross Protocol to CME Interest Rate and FX Futures and CBOT Interest Rate Futures and Swaps and Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1607-5 05/18/2016 Withdrawn 05/19/2016 2
NFX Block Trades 04/08/2016 Withdrawn 04/20/2016 3
ICE US The Exchange is amending Rule 6.07 to address changes to Commission Regulation 1.35. Rule 21.02(e) is also being amended to authorize summary fines up to $10,000 for minor infractions relation to all recordkeeping violations. 03/28/2016 Withdrawn 03/30/2016 1
NYMEX Amendments to CME Rule 588.H. ("Globex Non-Reviewable Trading Ranges") and CME Rule 589. ("Special Price Fluctuation Limits") 03/24/2016 Withdrawn 03/24/2016 3
COMEX Amendments to NYMEX/COMEX Chapter 7 ("Delivery Facilities and Procedures") 03/16/2016 Withdrawn 03/17/2016 1
NYMEX Amendments to NYMEX/COMEX Chapter 7 ("Delivery Facilities and Procedures") 03/16/2016 Withdrawn 03/17/2016 1
NODAL Nodal Exchange Power Incentive Program 02/22/2016 Withdrawn 02/25/2016 4
CBOT Amendments to Rule 553 ("Average Price System") 02/04/2016 Withdrawn 02/09/2016 1
NYMEX Amendments to Rule 553 ("Average Price System") 02/04/2016 Withdrawn 02/09/2016 1
COMEX Amendments to Rule 553 ("Average Price System") 02/04/2016 Withdrawn 02/09/2016 1
CME Amendments to Rule 553 ("Average Price System") 02/04/2016 Withdrawn 02/09/2016 1
NODAL Self-Certification Notice of Nodal Exchange Broker Incentive Program for Q1 2016 12/23/2015 Withdrawn 01/04/2016 2
CFE The Amendment deletes CFE's Volatility Index Security Futures Lead Market Maker Program and extends the term of CFE's DPM Market Performance Benchmarks Program. 11/24/2015 Withdrawn 11/24/2015 1
NFX Acceptable Orders 11/11/2015 Withdrawn 11/24/2015 1
CFE This filing adopts a new Policy and Procedure XIX (Submission Time Grames) to set forth in one location within CFE's Rules the time frames during which CFE Trading Privilege Holders ("TPHs") may submit orderes, quotes, cancels and order modifications. 11/11/2015 Withdrawn 11/12/2015 1
NODAL Emergency Certification regarding Exchange's Broker Incentive Program 10/27/2015 Withdrawn 10/28/2015 2
NODAL CFTC Regulation 40.6(a) Emergency Rule Certification: Notification of Revised Nodal Exchange Trading Hours: 9:30am on October 19, 2015 10/15/2015 Withdrawn 10/16/2015 1
CDE Self-Certification for Form 102A and 102B Submissions for OCR 09/16/2015 Withdrawn 09/29/2015 1
ICE US Effective September 30, 2015, the Exchange is amending Rule 6.15 to implement ownership and control reporting. 09/14/2015 Withdrawn 09/14/2015 1
ICE US Recertification of Dormant Contracts 08/17/2015 Withdrawn 08/19/2015 1
NFX Amendments to specify that the Exchange will not accept Combination Orders for reporting as Block Trades and to clarify the definition of a Combination Order. 08/14/2015 Withdrawn 08/20/2015 3
COMEX Elimination of Open Outcry Trading Venue in Connection with the Closing of COMEX Open Outcry Futures Trading Pits 06/10/2015 Withdrawn 06/23/2015 2
NYMEX Elimination of Open Outcry Trading Venue in Connection with the Closing of NYMEX Open Outcry Futures Trading Pits 06/10/2015 Withdrawn 06/23/2015 2
CBOT Elimination of Open Outcry Trading Venue in Connection with the Closing of CBOT Open Outcry Futures Trading Pits 06/10/2015 Withdrawn 06/23/2015 2
CME Elimination of Open Outcry Trading Venue in Connection with the Closing of Most CME Open Outcry Futures Trading Pits 06/10/2015 Withdrawn 06/23/2015 2