Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
CANTOR Deletion of terms "DBOR," "DBOR Contract," and "DBOR Contract Rules" and amendment to term "Participant Clearing Account" under Exchange Rules. CANTOR # 2010-1. 10/08/2010 Certified 10/19/2010 1
NYMEX Notifying the Commission that exchanges will issue Market Regulation Advisory 1101-4, informing market that trading at settlement orders on copper, gold, and silver futures contracts will be permitted beginning January 24, 2011; NYMEX/COMEX 10-391R 01/03/2011 Certified 01/10/2011 1
NYMEX Adoption of Rule 512 (Reporting Infractions) and revisions to Rule 852 (Fines for Errors, Delays and Omissions) CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #12-257 08/16/2012 Certified 08/31/2012 1
ICE US Implementing several Volume and Broker Incentive Programs. ICE US #12-63 09/28/2012 Certified 10/16/2012 1
CME Revisions to CME Weather Futures and Options Chapters. CME #12-343 10/24/2012 Certified 11/08/2012 1
ICE US Amending Block Trading Procedures which revise the block trading period and reporting requirements, and provide for aggregation of multi-leg transactions. ICE US #12-83 11/20/2012 Certified 12/06/2012 2
NFX Amending Rules E2 (Definitions), E10 (Market Makers and Liquidity Providers) and the Fee Schedule. NFX #2013-01 01/15/2013 Certified 01/31/2013 1
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Natural Gas and Power Incentive Program for Commercial Firms. NYMEX #13-415 12/11/2013 Certified 12/27/2013 2
NADEX Nadex Limits the Number of Orders Trading Members May Submit via FIX Connection 05/30/2014 Certified 06/14/2014 1
COMEX Extension of the Copper Futures Commercial Partnership Program 08/17/2015 Certified 08/31/2015 2
ICE US Effective 9/28/15 the Exchange is amending the terms of the Henry Hub Nat. Gas Swaps & Options Pgm to include 3 new contracts, the HH LD1 Fixed Price Fut. 25K, the Henry Penultimate Fixed Price Fut. & the option on Henry Penultimate Fixed Price Future 25K 09/09/2015 Certified 09/23/2015 1
NYMEX NYMEX Facilitation Fee Schedule Modifications for NYMEX Freight Contracts 12/15/2015 Certified 12/30/2015 1
NFX Amendment to the energy broker incentive program to include fifteen new financially settled energy futures products. 01/22/2016 Certified 02/05/2016 1
ICE US Effective June 1, 2016 the Exchange will implement Reasonability Limits during the Pre-Open period for all IFUS futures contracts except for U.S. Power and Gas and Physical Environment futures contracts. 05/10/2016 Certified 05/24/2016 1
CFE The Amendment amends CFE Rules 403 (Order Entry), 414 (Exchange of Contract for Related Position), and 415 (Block Trading) to clarify information that must be included as part of an order. 06/09/2016 Certified 06/23/2016 1
ICE US Amendment to Rule 4.02 - addition of Trade Practice Violation 10/28/2016 Certified 11/14/2016 1
NYMEX Modifications to the NG Strips Market Maker Program 01/13/2017 Certified 01/30/2017 2
ICE US Effective February 9, 2018, new Rule 19.05 requires reporting of open positions in oil contracts. 01/25/2018 Certified 02/08/2018 1
ICE US The Exchange is launching a New ICE Futures U.S. NGL Contracts Broker Program effective February 19, 2018. 01/29/2018 Certified 02/12/2018 1
NFX Amending NFX Rulebook Chapter IV, Trading System, by revising subsection (a) of Section 13, Trading Halts. 09/14/2018 Certified 09/28/2018 1
NYMEX Modifications to the Oil Incentive Program 12/18/2019 Certified 01/03/2020 2
CBOT Notice of Emergency Action Pursuant to CME Rule 257. ("Exchange Physical Emergencies") Regarding Certain Equity and Weather Contracts and Relief from Certain Exchange Rules. 03/13/2020 Certified 03/27/2020 3
CBOT Modifications to the APAC FCM Incentive Program 05/14/2020 Certified 05/29/2020 2
COMEX Extension of Alternative Quoting Requirements for July 2020 in Certain CME, CBOT, NYMEX, and COMEX Market Maker Programs 06/16/2020 Certified 06/30/2020 2
CME Modifications to the Adjusted Interest Rate ("AIR") S&P 500 Total Return Futures Market Maker Program 03/17/2021 Certified 03/31/2021 2
ICE US Extension of Arb Block Incentive Program 06/22/2021 Certified 07/07/2021 2
COMEX Implementation of the Aluminum Options Liquidity Provider Program 07/12/2022 Certified 07/26/2022 2
CME Modifications to the CME FX Link Market Maker Program 10/14/2022 Certified 10/28/2022 2
ICE US New SOFR Index Futures Liquidity Provider Program 11/29/2022 Certified 12/13/2022 2
COMEX Modifications to the Globex Precious Metals Volume Incentive Program 12/28/2022 Certified 01/12/2023 2
CBOT Amendments to the CME Globex Trading Hours for Basis Trade at Index Close ("BTIC") Transactions on CME and CBOT Commodity Index Futures Contracts 02/23/2023 Certified 03/09/2023 1
ICE US Extension of WTI vs Brent Arb Option Incentive Program 05/16/2023 Certified 05/31/2023 2
CME Modifications to the US Index Adjusted Interest Rate ("AIR") Total Return Futures Market Maker Program 01/02/2024 Certified 01/17/2024 2
ICE US Authorizes Electronic Trading in All Contracts from the Trading Floor by all Permit Holders, and Conforms Trading Floor Procedures to Side-By-Side Electronic Trading. NYBOT No 07-3 01/25/2007 Certified 10/12/2007 On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 1
ICE US Provides the Exchange's Instant Message Policy, iterates the provisions of Rule 4.34 with respect to IMs and also provides the circumstances under which IMs may be used for the transmission of orders. ICE US #08-70 12/16/2008 Certified 04/09/2009 1
ICE US Clarifies Hearing Procedures for acccess denial summary actions, and upgrades system handling of reasonability limits of option tradesICE US #09-26 06/11/2009 Certified 08/10/2009 1
NYMEX Provides notification of a NYMEX Market Maker Program for Gold, Silver, Copper, Platinum and Palladium. NYMEX #10-013 04/14/2010 Certified 06/21/2010 1
CANTOR Rule amendments clarifying that a Participant may have more than one Account if approved by the Exchange; an Affiliate of the Exchange may trade as a market maker; and Participants may appoint a third party with trading discretion. CANTOR #2010-2 10/08/2010 Certified 10/21/2010 1
COMEX Notifying the Commission that exchanges will issue Market Regulation Advisory 1101-4, informing market that trading at settlement orders on copper, gold, and silver futures contracts will be permitted beginning January 24, 2011; NYMEX/COMEX 10-391R 01/03/2011 Certified 01/10/2011 1
ELX ELX Volume and Open Interest Incentive Program for Authorized Customers and Participants. 01/31/2011 Certified 03/11/2011 1
NYMEX Additional Supplemental Information Relating to the Non-Member Cross-Venue Incentive Program for NYMEX Energy Products. NYMEX #11-420S 11/15/2011 Certified 12/01/2011 1
COMEX Adoption of Rule 512 (Reporting Infractions) and revisions to Rule 852 (Fines for Errors, Delays and Omissions) CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #12-257 08/16/2012 Certified 08/31/2012 1
ICE US Various Rule Amendments and New Market Halt Review Procedures. ICE US #12-62 09/28/2012 Certified 10/16/2012 1
CME Revisions to Rule 526, to provide additional clarity regarding the party responsible for the price reporting obligation to the Exchanges attendant to the execution of block trades. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #12-351 10/23/2012 Certified 11/07/2012 1
NYMEX Modifications to NYMEX Brent Crude Oil Last Day Financial Futures Fee Waiver Program. NYMEX #12-379 11/20/2012 Certified 12/06/2012 1
CBOT Modifications to the CBOT Agricultural Back Month Incentive Program. CBOT #13-089 03/13/2013 Certified 03/28/2013 1
NYMEX Extension of the Energy & Metals ETH & Back Month Globex Volume Incentive Program for High Volume Contributors. NYMEX/COMEX #13-411 12/11/2013 Certified 12/27/2013 2
CFE CFE Rule Amendment to reflect in CFE Rule 513A additional functionality that CFE is adding to its quote risk monitor mechanism risk control. CFE #2014-12 06/02/2014 Certified 06/17/2014 1
CBOT Changes in CME Globex Trade Matching Algorithms for CBOT US Dollar and Euro Interest Rate Swap Futures Spread Transactions 10/01/2014 Certified 10/16/2014 2
NFX Amended Services Agreement. 05/14/2015 Certified 05/29/2015 1