Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
CME Amendment to Daily Settlement Procedure in CME E-Mini NASDAQ-100 Index Futures 06/04/2015 Certified 06/18/2015 1
CME Implementation of the E-mini Nifty Index Futures Market Maker Program 07/17/2015 Certified 07/31/2015 2
NYMEX Addition of G-Cross Protocol to CBOT EU Wheat Futures and R-Cross Protocol to CBOT EU Wheat Options Pursuant to Rule 539.C. ("Pre-Execution Communications Regarding Globex Trades") and Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1611-5. 08/12/2016 Certified 08/26/2016 4
COMEX Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1610-5 with Updated Guidance Attendant to CME Globex operator IDs ("Tag 50 IDs") 09/22/2016 Certified 10/06/2016 1
CME Modifications to the Equity Index Futures Broker Incentive Program 11/15/2016 Certified 11/30/2016 2
COMEX Modifications to the International Incentive Program 12/14/2016 Certified 12/29/2016 1
NYMEX Implementation of the Henry Hub Basis and Index Electronic Incentive Program 02/07/2017 Certified 02/22/2017 2
CBOT Implementation of the Eris Swap Futures Market Maker Program 11/13/2018 Certified 11/28/2018 1
ICE US Amendments to ICE Futures U.S. Sugar Arb Blocks Liquidity Provider Program 12/19/2018 Certified 01/04/2019 2
NODAL The Rules are being revised to reflect the introduction of Nodal Contracts based on trucking freight futures 03/15/2019 Certified 03/29/2019 4
OCX Updating and Streamlining Rules - Chapter 3 05/06/2019 Certified 05/20/2019 1
NYMEX Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1908-5 Regarding Rule 526. ("Block Trades"). 08/23/2019 Certified 09/09/2019 2
NYMEX Modifications to the International Cross-Asset Volume Incentive Program 12/26/2019 Certified 01/10/2020 1
ICE US Amendments to MSCI Investment Banks Program 12/17/2020 Certified 01/04/2021 2
COMEX Issuance of Multiple Market Regulation Advisory Notices in Connection with the Closure of CME and CBOT Open Outcry Trading Pits Except for the CME Eurodollar and SOFR Options Open Outcry Trading Pit 08/27/2021 Certified 09/13/2021 2
NYMEX Modifications to the Central Bank Incentive Program 01/17/2023 Certified 01/31/2023 1
CBOT Modifications to the Event Contracts Market Maker Program 03/16/2023 Certified 03/30/2023 2
ICE US Amendments to Carbon Futures Block Volume Incentive Program 04/26/2023 Certified 05/10/2023 2
CME Modifications to the FX Link Bank Incentive Program 12/11/2023 Certified 12/26/2023 2
COMEX Modifications to the Latin America Fund Manager Incentive Program 01/16/2024 Certified 01/30/2024 1
CBOT Revises opening day trading hours for CBOT Denatured Fuel Ethanol options. CBOT #2835.01 10/04/2007 Certified 10/04/2007 1
ICE US Resubmits the amendments to the Definition of the term "Business Day" and the ICE Futures 2008 Holiday Schedule ICE US #8-01 01/10/2008 Certified 01/10/2008 1
CME Amends CME/CBOT Rule 536.B to require clearing member firms guaranteeing a connection to CME Globex to maintain the audit trail associated with the front-end system. CME/CBOT #08-145 09/19/2008 Certified 02/09/2009 1
NYMEX Provides for trading of New Financially Settled Calendar Spread Options on Crude Oil, Brent Crude Oil-Last Day and Natural Gas Futures on NYMEX Trading Floor and ClearPort Clearing. NYMEX #8.128 01/15/2009 Certified 04/24/2009 1
ICE US Provides for exchange of over-the-counter ("OTC") options for Exchange-listed options transactions ("EOO") under new Rule 4.13A. ICE US #09-13 03/17/2009 Certified 04/15/2009 1
CBOT Lists the Long-Term Treasury Bond futures contract for trading in January 2010, on both the GLOBEX electronic trading system and in open outcry, and provides trading hours, trade matching algorithm, and block trade provisions. CBOT #09-177 09/21/2009 Certified 10/29/2009 1
CME Issues CME Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA0903-2, concerning quarter-tick trading in Eurodollar options. CME #09-265 10/30/2009 Certified 11/06/2009 1
CME Implementing a volume incentive program in support of the Standard size and E-micro size US Dollar denominated Chinese Yuan futures contract on Globex. CME #13-051 02/20/2013 Certified 03/07/2013 2
NYMEX Extension and Modification of NYMEX Brent Options Incentive Program for High Volume Crude Options Firms. NYMEX #13-477 10/17/2013 Certified 11/01/2013 1
COMEX Revisions to Rule 854 to Clarify the Time Period during which the Restriction on Netting Down Concurrent Long and Short Positions is Applicable. 08/04/2014 Certified 08/18/2014 2
NYMEX Modifications to Core Globex Energy Tiers Incentive Program 06/04/2015 Certified 06/18/2015 2
CME Modifications to the CME FX Premium Quoted Options Market Maker Program 12/02/2015 Certified 12/16/2015 1
CFE The Amendment amends CFE Rule 714 (Imposition of Fines for Minor Rule Violations) to delete one of the current summary fine schedules under Rule 714. 03/30/2016 Certified 04/13/2016 1
COMEX Addition of G-Cross Protocol to CBOT EU Wheat Futures and R-Cross Protocol to CBOT EU Wheat Options Pursuant to Rule 539.C. ("Pre-Execution Communications Regarding Globex Trades") and Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1611-5. 08/12/2016 Certified 08/26/2016 4
CBOT Modifications to the Equity Index Futures Broker Incentive Program 11/15/2016 Certified 11/30/2016 2
CME Amendments to CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Rule 853. ("Transfers of Trades and Customer Accounts"). 12/04/2017 Certified 12/18/2017 1
NYMEX Modifications to the Financial Natural Gas Spreads & Strips Market Maker Program 11/14/2018 Certified 11/29/2018 2
COMEX Issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1908-5 Regarding Rule 526. ("Block Trades"). 08/23/2019 Certified 09/09/2019 2
MGE Implementation of MGEX SPIKES Market Maker Program 10/31/2019 Certified 11/15/2019 3
COMEX Modifications to the Central Bank Incentive Program 12/26/2019 Certified 01/10/2020 1
ICE US Amendments to pre-trading period for certain energy futures and options markets. 02/12/2020 Certified 02/27/2020 1
ICE US Amendments to MSCI Member Program 12/17/2020 Certified 01/04/2021 1
CME Modifications to the SOFR Options Market Maker Program 07/13/2021 Certified 07/27/2021 1
ICE US Amendments to the Henry Hub Penultimate Futures Liquidity Provider Program 09/16/2022 Certified 09/30/2022 2
ICE US Amendments to MSCI Index Investment Bank Trading Incentive Program 12/14/2022 Certified 12/29/2022 2
NYMEX Modifications to the Latin America Fund Manager Incentive Program 01/17/2023 Certified 01/31/2023 1
NYMEX Modifications to the Event Contracts Market Maker Program 03/16/2023 Certified 03/30/2023 2
ICE US Amendments to Carbon Futures Screen Volume Incentive Program 04/26/2023 Certified 05/10/2023 2
CME Extension of the USD/CNH FX Options Fee Waiver Program 09/01/2023 Certified 09/18/2023 1
CME Modifications to the FTIIE Futures Globex Market Maker Program 12/11/2023 Certified 12/26/2023 2