Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
USFE Adopts a market experience pilot program to promote the trading of its Foreign Exchange Spot Equivalent Futures Contracts. USFE #07-11 10/31/2007 Certified 11/01/2007 1
NFX Notifies the Commission of the approval of Timber Hill LLC to act as a market maker in Euro futures contracts commencing on 6/23/08. PBOT #2008-10 06/18/2008 Certified 08/22/2008 2
CME Changes CME & CBOT rules in connection with the NYMEX/COMEX Rulebook Harmonization. CME & CBOT #08-192 11/25/2008 Certified 01/26/2009 1
CME Adds no bust range "DME OMAN Crude Oil" contracts given the launch of Dubai Mercantile Exchange products. CME/CBOT #09-117 02/06/2009 Certified 02/06/2009 1
CBOT Provides for the trading in call options and put options on Interest Rate Swap futures, including a minimum block size of 500 contracts. CME/CBOT #09.131 07/10/2009 Certified 08/12/2009 2
COMEX Extension and Modification to E-micro Gold Futures Market Making Program on Globex. COMEX #11-374 10/14/2011 Certified 10/31/2011 1
CME Implementing an incentive program for commodity trading advisors (CTAs) and hedge funds in support of certain Foreign Exchange (FX) products traded on the CME Globex platform. CME #11-488 12/08/2011 Certified 12/23/2011 1
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Energy Products Resting Order Incentive Program. NYMEX #12-168 06/08/2012 Certified 06/25/2012 2
CME Renewing the CME E-Mini Equity Options Spread Incentive Program. CME #12-325 10/16/2012 Certified 10/31/2012 1
COMEX Establishment of block trade minimum thresholds in 423 NYMEX energy products and Issuance of Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1208-4. NYMEX/COMEX #12-467 12/14/2012 Certified 01/01/2013 1
NYMEX Extending the NYMEX and COMEX Futures and Options Products Cross-Venue Incentive Program. NYMEX/COMEX #13-243 06/17/2013 Certified 07/02/2013 2
ICE US Extension of ICE Futures US Grains Executing Broker Rebate Program through December 31, 2015. ICE US #13-107 11/29/2013 Certified 12/14/2013 1
TRUEEX Rulebook amendments to remove all references to Regulatory Service Provider and related terms. TRUEEX #2014-11D 06/26/2014 Certified 07/12/2014 1
ICE US Effective February 20, 2015 the Exchange is reducing the Exchange and Clearing fees for all NJ Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Volume Incentive Program. 02/05/2015 Certified 02/20/2015 1
COMEX Amendments to CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX and CME SEF Rule 537 07/29/2015 Certified 08/12/2015 2
ICE US The Exchange is extending the terms of the ICE Futures U.S. Grains Futures Market Maker Program through December 31, 2017. 12/08/2015 Certified 12/22/2015 1
NFX Implementation of Modifications to the NFX Trading System. 11/22/2016 Certified 12/07/2016 2
CBOT Amendments to CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX/SEF Rule 230. ("General") 02/16/2017 Certified 03/03/2017 1
NFX Amendments to audit trail guidance originally filed as SR-NFX-2015-38 in the form of a Futures Regulatory Alert. 03/31/2017 Certified 04/14/2017 1
ICE US The Exchange is extending the terms of the MSCI Contract Exchange Member Fee Program through December 31, 2018. 12/11/2017 Certified 12/26/2017 1
NYMEX Modifications to the European Natural Gas Market Maker Program 01/11/2019 Certified 02/01/2019 2
ICE US New Bakkt Bitcoin (USD) Monthly Futures Contract Volume Incentive Program 02/26/2020 Certified 03/11/2020 1
ICE US New Bakkt Bitcoin Monthly Futures Contract Spread Program 07/19/2020 Certified 07/31/2020 2
ICE US Extension of Capped Liquidity Provider Program 09/16/2020 Certified 09/30/2020 2
CME Modifications to the E-minir FTSE Emerging Index Futures Market Maker Program 01/07/2021 Certified 01/22/2021 2
CME Modifications to the Sterling Overnight Index Average ("SONIA") Futures Market Maker Program 09/30/2021 Certified 10/15/2021 2
MGE Removal of certain obsolete forms 06/24/2022 Certified 07/11/2022 1
ICE US Amendments to Block Trade Procedures 11/02/2023 Certified 11/17/2023 1
NYMEX Extension of the Japanese Power Fee Waiver Program 12/15/2023 Certified 01/02/2024 1
ICE US Change in open outcry hours for Sugar No. 14. NYBOT No. 07-23 03/16/2007 Certified 03/16/2007 On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 1
NYMEX Amends Exchange User License Agreement and Schedule B to incorporate reference to additional trade types regarding NYMEX ClearPort Clearing Services. NYMEX #07.97 08/17/2007 Certified 08/22/2007 1
ICE US Provides for an Emerging Areas Market Maker Program; Delists Reuters Jefferies CRB Futures Price Index Futures and Options Contracts ICE US #07-66 10/31/2007 Certified 11/05/2007 On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 1
ICE US Provides for Trade at Index Close (TIC) Orders for futures and contracts based on an underlying index. ICE US #08-41 06/18/2008 Certified 07/22/2008 1
NYMEX Provides minor changes to new Rules 4l0 and 433, Changes the effective date of the amended rules to December 4, and modifies the new rule concerning suspension of non-clearing member firms subject to a bankruptcy proceeding. NYMEX #08.119R 11/24/2008 Certified 12/08/2008 1
NYMEX Adds no bust range for "DME OMAN Crude Oil" contracts given the launch of Dubai Mercantile Exchange products on Globex. NYMEX #09.18 02/06/2009 Certified 02/06/2009 1
CME Harmonizes and streamlines the settlement rules across CME, CBOT and NYMEX. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #09-094 05/21/2009 Certified 05/27/2009 1
CME Modifications to US Dollar Denominated Crude Palm Oil Futures Market Making Program on Globex. CME #11-369 10/14/2011 Certified 10/31/2011 1
CBOT Implementing a market making program in support of certain CBOT grain and oilseed options that are traded on the Globex platform. CBOT #11-489 12/08/2011 Certified 12/23/2011 1
CBOT Modifications to the CBOT ETH Agricultural Trading Incentive Program. CBOT #12-187 06/08/2012 Certified 06/25/2012 1
NADEX Clarification regarding Nadex Temporary Demo Account Conversion Program. 12/17/2012 Certified 01/03/2013 1
COMEX Extending the NYMEX and COMEX Futures and Options Products Cross-Venue Incentive Program. NYMEX/COMEX #13-243 06/17/2013 Certified 07/02/2013 2
ICE US Extension of ICE Futures US Grains Customer Volume Rebate Program through December 31, 2015. ICE US #13-108 11/29/2013 Certified 12/14/2013 1
ICE US The Exchange is extending the terms of the ICE Futures U.S. Grain Options Market Maker Program through December 31, 2017. 12/08/2015 Certified 12/22/2015 1
NYMEX Amendments to CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX/SEF Rule 230. ("General") 02/16/2017 Certified 03/03/2017 1
ICE US Amendments to the Russell Futures Market Maker Program 06/22/2017 Certified 07/07/2017 2
NODAL Nodal Exchange, LLC is notifying the Commission by self-certification that it intends to implement trading incentives on the Exchange's power contracts, referred to herein as the Nodal Exchange Power Incentive Program IV 08/09/2017 Certified 08/23/2017 3
ICE US The Exchange is extending the terms of the Russell Contract Member Firm Program through December 31, 2018. 12/11/2017 Certified 12/26/2017 1
CME Modifications to the CME/CBOT Asset Manager Fixed Income Incentive Program ("AMFIIP") 04/20/2018 Certified 05/04/2018 2
CME Adoption of NewCME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Rule 857. ("Post-Trade Multilateral Compression") 10/05/2018 Certified 10/22/2018 2
CME Modifications to the International Incentive Program 11/15/2018 Certified 11/30/2018 1