CFTC Staff Letters
CFTC Staff Letters provides Letters from 2008 and later. For Letters published before 2008 visit the Letters Archive page.
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14-67 | Letter Type: No-Action Division: DSIO Regulation Parts: 1.3 Tags: Issuance Date: Description: An insurance company requested no-action relief from the Division, in order to allow the company to provide reinsurance of pension plans’ longevity risks through multi-step “Interposed Longevity Reinsurance Transactions,” without such reinsurance being considered as insurance or a guarantee of a swap. Based on the company’s specific fact pattern, the Division found that the use of derivatives in the Interposed Longevity Reinsurance Transaction serves merely as a conduit for longevity risk coverage and payments made pursuant to a bona fide reinsurance transaction. Therefore, the Division agreed not to recommend that the Commission take an enforcement action against the insurance company on the basis that, under this specific fact pattern, the reinsurance of longevity risk is or should be characterized as a swap, as insurance of a swap or a guarantee of a swap, or that the insurance company is a provider of, a party to, guarantor of, or insurer of, a swap. |
14-62 | Letter Type: No-Action Division: DMO, DCR Regulation Parts: 2(h)(8), 5(d)(9), 37.9 Tags: Core Principles, Designation, Execution, Trade Execution Issuance Date: Description: DMO and DCR issued no-action relief, providing the phased-in compliance for package transactions which include at least one swap that has been made available to trade and is therefore subject to the trade execution requirement as well as no-action relief for the clearing of package transactions. |
14-60 | Letter Type: No-Action Division: DSIO, DMO Regulation Parts: 1.35 Tags: Cash, Forward Issuance Date: Description: Time-Limited No-Action Relief for Certain Members of Swap Execution Facilities and Designated Contract Markets from the Requirement to Record Oral Communications, Pursuant to Commission Regulation 1.35(a), in Connection with the Execution of Swap Transactions |
14-57 | Letter Type: No-Action Division: DSIO Regulation Parts: 3.4 Tags: Registration Issuance Date: Description: The investment manager of a cash collateralized loan obligation (CLO) transaction requested, and DSIO granted pursuant to Regulation 140.99, a no action position from DSIO that it would not recommend that the Commission commence an enforcement action for its failure to register as a commodity trading advisor with respect to the advice provided to the CLO. |
14-55 | Letter Type: No-Action Division: DCR Regulation Parts: 1.20, 39.19 Tags: Customer, Funds, Reporting, Segregated Issuance Date: Description: No-action relief regarding format of acknowledgment letters and format and content of daily reports for DCO winding down operations in anticipation of vacating its DCO registration. |
14-50 | Letter Type: No-Action Division: DCR, DMO Regulation Parts: 38.152 Tags: Abusive, Trading Issuance Date: Description: The Division of Clearing and Risk and Division of Market Oversight (together, “the Divisions”) issued a no-action letter providing time-limited and specific relief for designated contract markets (“DCMs”) from compliance with certain requirements of Commission Regulation 38.152, including a prohibition against certain abusive trading practices, including pre-arranged trading. |
14-46 | Letter Type: No-Action Division: DMO, DSIO Regulation Parts: 2(h)(8), 5h(a)(1), 37.3 Tags: Registration, SEF, Trade Execution Issuance Date: Description: Conditional No-Action Relief with respect to Swaps Trading on Certain Multilateral Trading Facilities Overseen by Authorities Designated by European Union Member States |
14-45 | Letter Type: No-Action Division: DSIO Regulation Parts: 1.2, 12.35, 22.2, 30.7 Tags: Cleared Swaps, Collateral, FCM, Foreign Future, Foreign Option Issuance Date: Description: Extension of previously issued no-action. |
14-41 | Letter Type: No-Action Division: DCR Regulation Parts: 4d(f)(1) Tags: FCM, IB, Registration, Unregistered Issuance Date: Description: The Division of Clearing and Risk issued a letter stating that it will not recommend that the Commission take enforcement action against Singapore Exchange Derivatives Clearing Limited (SGX-DC) clearing members for failing to comply with the Commodity Exchange Act Section 4d(f)(1) registration requirements in carrying existing positions and accepting for clearing offsetting positions in certain commodity swaps for U.S. customers or customers of FCMs that clear through an FCM omnibus customer account; or SGX-DC for engaging in activities related to its clearing members carrying and accepting for clearing such customer positions. |
14-39 | Letter Type: No-Action Division: DCR, DMO Regulation Parts: 5b(a) Tags: DCO, Registration Issuance Date: Description: Extension of joint no-action relief granted by DCR and DMO on September 27, 2013, allowing LCH.Clearnet Ltd to clear contracts listed for trading on Nodal Exchange LLC. |