CFTC Staff Letters

CFTC Staff Letters provides Letters from 2008 and later. For Letters published before 2008 visit the Letters Archive page.

PDF Description
PDF Image 16-77 Letter Type: No-Action
Division: DSIO
Regulation Parts: 3.3
Issuance Date:

No-Action relief from the timing requirements of Commission Regulation 3.3(f)(2) relating to annual reports by chief compliance officers.

PDF Image 16-76 Letter Type: No-Action
Division: DMO
Regulation Parts: 2(h)(8), 5(d)(9), 37.3, 37.9
Tags: Core Principles, Designation, Execution, Registration, Trade Execution
Issuance Date:

The Division of Market Oversight extended the no-action relief granted in CFTC Letter 15-55 for certain swaps required to be traded on a swap execution facility (SEF) or designated contract market (DCM) to the extent that those swaps were part of a package transaction.

PDF Image 16-75 Letter Type: Advisories
Division: DSIO
Regulation Parts: 1.25
Issuance Date:

Practical Application of No-Action Letter No. 16-68 Regarding Investments in Money Market Mutual Funds

PDF Image 16-74 Letter Type: No-Action
Division: DMO
Regulation Parts: 43, 43.2
Tags: Public, Real-Time, Reporting
Issuance Date:

The Division of Market Oversight is issuing a no-action letter that extends the relief provided in Letter No. 15-60 by permitting swap execution facilities (“SEFs”) to provide for the use of a non-Order Book trading system or platform to execute block trades for swaps that are intended to be cleared, subject to certain conditions.

PDF Image 16-73 Letter Type: No-Action
Division: DMO, DCR, DSIO
Regulation Parts: 4(c)
Tags: Foreign Transactions
Issuance Date:

Extension of Time-Limited No-Action Relief with Respect to Certain Commodity Exchange Act Provisions That May Apply to Southwest Power Pool, Inc. and/or Its Participants

PDF Image 16-72 Letter Type: No-Action
Division: DMO, DSIO
Regulation Parts: 2(h)(8), 5h(a)(1), 23.501, 23.504, 37, 37.3
Tags: Registration, SEF, Swap, Trade Execution
Issuance Date:

Conditional no-action relief related to CFTC No-Action Letter No. 15-29 with respect to swaps trading on Yieldbroker Pty Limited

PDF Image 16-71 Letter Type: No-Action
Division: DCR
Regulation Parts: 23
Tags: MSP, SD, Swap Dealer
Issuance Date:

Portfolio margining of uncleared swaps and security-based swaps.

PDF Image 16-70 Letter Type: No-Action
Division: DSIO
Regulation Parts: 23.157
Tags: Custodial
Issuance Date:

Temporary no-action relief regarding custodial arrangements for swap dealers subject to September 1, 2016 compliance date for margin for uncleared swaps.

PDF Image 16-69 Letter Type: Interpretative
Division: DCR
Regulation Parts: 39.11, 39.13, 39.15, 39.36
Tags: Financial Resources, Risk, SIDCO
Issuance Date:

Interpretation of CFTC regulations 39.11(e)(1); 39.13(g)(10); 39.15(c) and (e); and 39.36(f) in light of amendments to Securities and Exchange Commission rule 2a-7.

PDF Image 16-68 Letter Type: No-Action
Division: DSIO
Regulation Parts: 1.25
Tags: Customer, Funds
Issuance Date:

No-Action relief for FCMs with respect to the investment of customer funds in certain money market funds under CFTC Regulation 1.25.