Transaction Dollar Volume - All Tables (Millions of USD) - 09/13/2024

Dollar Volume by Cleared Status

  August 16 August 23 August 30 September 06 September 13
Total Interest Rate* 8,430,196 8,176,630 9,608,366 10,848,002 15,930,880
Cleared** 6,445,879 6,229,153 7,962,905 8,295,641 12,486,068
Uncleared 1,984,317 1,947,477 1,645,462 2,552,361 3,444,812
Total Credit 495,035 464,330 369,917 456,229 588,918
Cleared 332,206 256,136 174,925 314,125 347,106
Uncleared 162,829 208,193 194,992 142,104 241,812
Total FX 13,184,903 13,883,291 15,460,036 13,982,869 16,291,883
Cleared 173,983 184,352 192,764 196,837 210,635
Uncleared 13,010,919 13,698,939 15,267,272 13,786,032 16,081,248
TOTAL 22,110,134 22,524,250 25,438,319 25,287,101 32,811,681
Weekly total, swap dollar volumes by asset class and cleared status (value of all trades in millions of USD), all products, tenors, and participant types. For cleared swaps, this table reflects the notional value of the creation of only one of the two swaps that results from the clearing process. Only the notional values of market-facing trades are included in dollar volumes and trade events including compressions, terminations, amendments, and novations, are excluded.
* See Data Dictionary for asset class descriptions and Explanatory Notes for data sources.
** See Explanatory Notes for cleared and uncleared descriptions.
The Commission requests feedback on the format and content of this CFTC Swaps Report table. Submit comments to [email protected].

Dollar Volume by Participant Type

  August 16 August 23 August 30 September 06 September 13
Total Interest Rate* 16,860,391 16,353,260 19,216,732 21,696,004 31,861,760
SDs and MSPs** 10,459,115 10,154,853 11,858,093 13,131,199 18,995,761
Other 6,401,276 6,198,407 7,358,640 8,564,805 12,865,998
Total Credit 990,070 928,659 739,835 912,458 1,177,836
SDs and MSPs 583,020 545,178 431,034 535,580 705,978
Other 407,051 383,481 308,800 376,878 471,858
Total FX 26,369,806 27,766,581 30,920,071 27,965,739 32,583,767
SDs and MSPs 19,746,592 20,350,030 22,175,958 21,051,948 24,328,638
Other 6,623,213 7,416,551 8,744,113 6,913,791 8,255,129
TOTAL 44,220,267 45,048,501 50,876,638 50,574,201 65,623,362
Weekly total, swap dollar volumes by asset class and participant type (value of all trades in millions of USD), all products and tenors, cleared and uncleared. For cleared swaps, the notional value for each of the two resulting swaps is attributed only to the counterparty facing the clearing organization (i.e., the clearing organization’s participation is not displayed). For uncleared swaps, the notional value of the swap is attributed to both swap counterparties. Only the notional values of market-facing trades are included in dollar volumes and trade events including compressions, terminations, amendments, and novations, are excluded. Because this table shows transactions by participant, the totals on this table are twice those displayed on the "Transaction Dollar Volume by Cleared Status" table.
* See Data Dictionary for asset class descriptions and Explanatory Notes for data sources.
** See Explanatory Notes for participant type descriptions.
The Commission requests feedback on the format and content of this CFTC Swaps Report table. Submit comments to [email protected].

IRS by Product & Cleared Status

Product1 Cleared2 Uncleared Total
Fixed-Float 1,737,589 526,704 2,264,293
OIS 10,425,734 1,766,653 12,192,387
Swaption 192 1,029,427 1,029,619
OTHER* 322,552 122,028 444,580
TOTAL 12,486,068 3,444,812 15,930,880
* Includes the following products: Basis, Cap/Floor, Debt Option, Exotic, Fixed-Fixed, FRA, and Inflation.

IRS by Product & Major Currency

Product1 USD3 EUR Other Total
Fixed-Float 465,407 1,018,011 780,875 2,264,293
OIS 5,344,326 4,282,887 2,565,173 12,192,387
Swaption 515,701 361,742 152,176 1,029,619
OTHER* 277,846 79,753 86,981 444,580
TOTAL 6,603,281 5,742,393 3,585,205 15,930,880
* Includes the following products: Basis, Cap/Floor, Debt Option, Exotic, Fixed-Fixed, FRA, and Inflation.

IRS by Product & Tenor

Product1 0-34 3-6 6-12 12-24 24-60 60+ Total
Fixed-Float 739,264 89,696 235,836 434,089 461,311 304,097 2,264,293
OIS 8,010,187 153,495 452,807 987,088 1,169,372 1,419,438 12,192,387
Swaption 378,069 151,342 257,596 144,804 66,424 31,383 1,029,619
OTHER* 279,318 23,849 27,694 20,640 37,207 55,871 444,580
TOTAL 9,406,839 418,383 973,933 1,586,621 1,734,315 1,810,789 15,930,880
* Includes the following products: Basis, Cap/Floor, Debt Option, Exotic, Fixed-Fixed, FRA, and Inflation.

IRS by Product, Participant Type & Cleared Status

  Swap Dealers/MSPs5 Others
Product1 Cleared2 Uncleared Cleared Uncleared
Fixed-Float 2,155,465 590,065 1,319,714 463,342
OIS 12,322,965 2,033,589 8,528,503 1,499,717
Swaption 232 1,312,730 152 746,125
OTHER* 453,602 127,113 191,502 116,943
TOTAL 14,932,265 4,063,497 10,039,871 2,826,127
* Includes the following products: Basis, Cap/Floor, Debt Option, Exotic, Fixed-Fixed, FRA, and Inflation.

CDS by Product & Cleared Status

Product Cleared2 Uncleared Total
Index Tranche / Index / Other* 347,106 173,031 520,136
Europe 140,546 6,225 146,771
North America 203,004 122,614 325,618
Other Regions 3,556 44,191 47,747
TOTAL 347,106 173,031 520,136
* Includes exotic credit products, swaptions, and total return swaps.

CDS by Product & Grade

Product HY6 IG Other Total
Index Tranche / Index 62,140 292,203 3,212 357,554
OTHER* 14,035 105,098 43,449 162,582
TOTAL 76,175 397,301 46,661 520,136
* Includes exotic credit products, swaptions, and total return swaps.

CDS by Product, Participant Type & Cleared Status

  Swap Dealers/MSPs5 Others
Product Cleared2 Uncleared Cleared Uncleared
Index Tranche / Index / Other* 409,177 217,719 285,034 128,342
Europe 170,328 8,105 110,764 4,345
North America 234,285 163,173 171,723 82,056
Other Regions 4,565 46,442 2,548 41,940
TOTAL 409,177 217,719 285,034 128,342
* Includes index tranche, index, exotic, swaptions, and total return swap credit products.

CDS by Product, Participant Type & Grade

  Swap Dealers/MSPs5 Others
Product HY6 IG Other HY IG Other
Index Tranche / Index 72,019 345,911 3,927 52,261 238,494 2,497
OTHER* 14,680 144,780 45,579 13,390 65,416 41,318
TOTAL 86,699 490,692 49,506 65,651 303,910 43,815
* Includes exotic credit products, swaptions, and total return swaps.

FX by Product & Cleared Status

Product Cleared Uncleared Total
Swaps & Forwards 7,482 14,133,988 14,141,470
NDF 178,057 939,537 1,117,594
Options 25,086 782,399 807,485
OTHER* 10 225,325 225,335
TOTAL 210,635 16,081,248 16,291,883
* Includes cross-currency and exotics.

FX by Major Currency Pair, Region & Product

Currency Pair1 Swaps & Forwards NDF7 Options Other8 Total
USD/ 13,286,355 1,112,540 729,183 220,459 15,348,536
EUROPE 6,375,974 45,359 227,528 128,644 6,777,505
EUR 2,933,247 21,548 173,503 72,503 3,200,801
GBP 1,684,910 10,187 30,675 31,890 1,757,662
CHF 844,201 8,614 20,312 14,436 887,564
OTHER2 913,615 5,010 3,038 9,815 931,478
AMERICAS/CARIBBEAN 1,116,175 293,289 88,383 30,788 1,528,634
CAD 850,362 5,340 36,056 27,149 918,907
BRL 66 144,401 20,780 326 165,573
OTHER3 265,747 143,548 31,547 3,312 444,155
ASIA/PACIFIC 5,458,452 763,774 396,620 59,551 6,678,397
JPY 2,462,333 21,226 127,417 35,392 2,646,368
CNY 750,139 40,117 169,987 3,175 963,418
KRW 77,574 210,825 8,282 784 297,465
HKD 557,868 12,163 12,604 937 583,573
AUD 787,805 8,319 29,331 14,961 840,416
OTHER4 822,732 471,124 48,999 4,302 1,347,157
OTHER5 335,754 10,119 16,652 1,476 364,001
EUR/non-USD 654,540 2,884 44,836 3,821 706,082
OTHER6 200,575 2,170 33,465 1,054 237,265
TOTAL 14,141,470 1,117,594 807,485 225,335 16,291,883
1 Currency pairs having USD on one side are grouped into 4 geographic regions, namely Europe, Americas/Caribbean, Asia/Pacific, and Other.
2 Other major currencies in EUROPE region include SEK, NOK, DKK, PLN, and CZK.
3 Other major currencies in Americas/Caribbean region include MXN, CLP, COP, PEN, and ARS.
4 Other major currencies in Asia/Pacific include INR, TWD, SGD, NZD, and RUB.
5 Regions within the Other category include the Middle East and Africa.
6 Category includes currency pairs without USD or EUR leg. 
7 Top currency pairs for NDF not included above are USD versus INR, TWD, and IDR. 
8 Includes cross-currency and exotics. 

FX by Product & Tenor (Calendar Days)

Product 0-7 8-30 31-90 91-180 180+ Total
Swaps & Forwards 9,211,388 1,890,409 1,503,031 1,307,406 229,237 14,141,470
NDF 85,806 392,447 395,573 192,695 51,073 1,117,594
Options 90,553 221,030 243,300 113,572 139,029 807,485
OTHER* 231 780 26,172 60,013 138,138 225,335
TOTAL 9,387,978 2,504,666 2,168,076 1,673,686 557,477 16,291,883
* Includes cross-currency and exotics.

FX by Product, Participant Type & Cleared Status

  Swap Dealers/MSPs Others
Product Cleared Uncleared Cleared Uncleared
Swaps & Forwards 13,761 20,971,361 1,202 7,296,615
NDF 345,615 1,420,520 10,499 458,553
Options 50,172 1,166,013 0 398,785
OTHER* 10 361,185 10 89,464
TOTAL 409,558 23,919,080 11,712 8,243,417
* Includes cross-currency and exotics.


Swap dollar volumes for current week, by product type and major currency (notional value of all new trades in millions of USD), all participant types and tenors, cleared and uncleared. For cleared swaps, this table reflects the notional value of the creation of only one of the two swaps that results from the clearing process. Only the notional values of market-facing trades are included in dollar volumes and trade events including compressions, terminations, amendments, and novations, are excluded.
1 See Data Dictionary for product descriptions and Explanatory Notes for data sources.
2 See Explanatory Notes for cleared and uncleared descriptions.
3 See Explanatory Notes for currency descriptions.
4 See Explanatory Notes for tenor bucket descriptions.
5 See Explanatory Notes for participant type descriptions.
6 See Data Dictionary for grade descriptions.
The Commission requests feedback on the format and content of this CFTC Swaps Report table. Submit comments to [email protected].