Release Number 8423-21

CFTC Files Action to Suspend Registration of Mississippi Man Based on Criminal Charges

September 02, 2021

Washington, D.C. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission announced today that it commenced a registration action against Ted Brent Alexander of Jackson, Mississippi. The CFTC action is based on a federal criminal indictment charging Alexander with six felony counts of securities and commodities fraud, conspiracy, and wire fraud.

Alexander has been registered with the CFTC as a commodity trading advisor and associated person since October 2008. The CFTC's Notice of Intent states that the relevant indictment charges Alexander with the commission of, or participation in, crimes involving violations of federal law that reflect upon his honesty or fitness to act as a fiduciary and that are punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year. Pursuant to the federal commodity laws, Alexander’s registration can be suspended until his criminal matter is completed. If Alexander is found guilty of the charges, his commodity trading advisor and associated person registrations can be permanently revoked.

The Division of Enforcement thanks the National Futures Association for its assistance in this matter.

The Division of Enforcement staff members responsible for this case are Michael Solinsky and Rick Glaser.