Release Number 5879-10
August 25, 2010
CFTC to Publish Federal Register Notice Seeking Public Input on Areas of Rulemaking to Implement the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
Washington, DC - The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today announced that it will publish in the Federal Register a notice seeking public input on the CFTC’s proposed rulemaking areas to implement the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
“The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act will greatly improve transparency and lower risk in the derivatives markets,” CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler said. “The CFTC is charged with writing rules to effectively and comprehensively implement the Dodd-Frank Act. We look forward to hearing the views of the public on this important rulemaking process both before we write the rules and after we published proposed rules.”
The CFTC on July 21, 2010, released the list of 30 areas of rulemaking for over-the-counter derivatives to implement the Act (see CFTC Press Release 5856-10, July 21, 2010).
Instructions for submitting input are in the Federal Register notice. Public input will be posted in their entirety on the Commission’s website.
Media Contacts
Scott Schneider
R. David Gary
Last Updated: August 26, 2010