We take your privacy seriously, and have created a process by which you can formally file a complaint with our Chief Privacy Officer.
We accept written complaints about:
- How the CFTC collects or uses personal information;
- How, when, and with whom the CFTC shares personal information;
- The type(s) and/or amount of personal information the CFTC collects; and
- Any other concern(s) you may have about how the CFTC handles personal information and/or its impact(s) on personal privacy.
Please keep in mind that privacy-related complaints are separate from Privacy Act requests for access, amendment, or correction. Filing a complaint does not negate or replace your right to seek judicial relief under the Privacy Act or other federal laws for violations of individual privacy rights.
Submit a Privacy Complaint
In your complaint, please include:
- Your name;
- A summary of your complaint or a written description of the specific circumstances;
- A summary of other steps taken, if any, by you or the CFTC to resolve this complaint; and
- A preferred method of contact about your complaint – a mailing address, telephone number, email address or fax number.