Annually, the CFTC joins all Federal agencies in surveying its employees through the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) to gain feedback on work experiences, organizations, and leaders. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) administers the confidential survey and provides the CFTC with aggregated statistical data (no individual employee responses are provided).
The FEVS is a tool that allows employees to share their perceptions of their agency in many critical work experience areas. The results of the survey provide agency leaders insight into areas where successes have been made, as well as areas where improvements are needed.
There are 16 core FEVS questions required by regulation to be asked each year. OPM adds questions each year to reflect current federal workforce interests and concerns.
The survey includes topic areas regarding the employee’s perception of their:
- Work Experience
- Work Unit
- Agency
- Supervisor
- Leadership
- Satisfaction
- Work/Life Programs
Each year, OPM’s Small Agency Management Report (SAM) provides the CFTC and other similarly sized federal agencies with an overview of FEVS results and information that allows the Commission to compare its results to the combined averages of the their peer agencies. The SAM highlights areas of success and areas for focused improvement.
The most recent CFTC FEVS Results:
- 2023 Small Agency Management Report (PDF)