
Energy Markets Advisory Committee Meeting
Meeting to discuss energy market issues including transparency in the energy markets and the role of index trading and energy trading on foreign boards of trade. Full details, including agenda, here.
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Agricultural Forum Presentations
Commodity Futures Trading Headquarters – Washington , DC
PDF Image Transcript
Photos of CFTC and SEC MOU Press Conference
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Headquarters – Washington , DC
CFTC Hosts Academic Visitors from the National Defense University’s Industrial College of the Armed Forces, MS Degree Financial Services Study Group
CFTC Headquarters – Washington , DC
The CFTC and the China Securities Regulatory Commission Sign Arrangement for Enhanced Cross-Border Cooperation and Collaboration
CFTC Headquarters – Washington , DC
CFTC’s Office of External Affairs Hosts London Metropolitan University Student and Faculty Delegation
CFTC Headquarters – Washington , DC
Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting December 6, 2007
Meeting to discuss the role of speculation in agricultural futures markets, hedging, and global competitiveness. Full details, including agenda, here.