
CFTC Chairman and Dubai Financial Services Authority Chief Executive Sign Protocol
CFTC's New York Office – New York , NY
Technology Advisory Committee
Meeting to discuss what constitutes “prior art” in the patents process, intellectual property in trading and settlements technology, restrictions on the usage of exchange settlement prices, and market data piracy. Full details, including agenda, here.
CFTC Roundtable on Technology
CFTC Hearing Room – Washington , DC
CFTC Roundtable on CPO Issues and Commodity Pool Industry
CFTC Hearing Room – Washington , DC
Global Markets Advisory Committee Meeting January 12, 2005
Meeting to discuss developments regarding the currency regime of China, segregated/secured funds, and CFTC reauthorization. Full details here.
CFTC Senior Financial Economist's Research Paper Named Winner of the 2004 FMA Competitive Paper Award in the Area of Market Microstructure
2004 Financial Management Association's (FMA) Annual Meeting – New Orleans , LA
CFTC Acting Chairman Sharon Brown-Hruska presents Congressman Charles Stenholm of Texas with Photo of CFTC Seal in Appreciation for Assistance After 9/11
Office of Congressman Charles Stenholm –