Release Number 6525-13
March 6, 2013
CFTC Approves Request from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. to Adopt New Chapter 10 (“Regulatory Reporting of Swap Data”) and New Rule 1001 (“Regulatory Reporting of Swap Data”) of CME’s Rulebook
Washington, DC – The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Commission) has approved a request from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) to adopt new Chapter 10 and new Rule 1001 of CME’s rulebook. The new rule provides that:
“For all swaps cleared by the Clearing House, and resulting positions, the Clearing House shall report creation and continuation data to CME's swap data repository for purposes of complying with applicable CFTC rules governing the regulatory reporting of swaps. Upon the request of a counterparty to a swap cleared at the Clearing House, the Clearing House shall provide the same creation and continuation data to a swap data repository selected by the counterparty as the Clearing House provided to CME's swap data repository under the preceding sentence.”
Last Updated: March 6, 2013