External Meetings: Meeting with Managed Funds Association

Staff of the CFTC and the Federal Reserve met with MFA to discuss (i) current market practices for hedge funds in posting margin and (ii) the definition of control, as it relates to the proposed margin rule.
V. Capital & Margin

CFTC Staff
Paul Schlichting, Francis Kuo, Steven Kane, Laura Badian, Rafael Martinez
Sean Campbell (FRB), Anna Harrington (FRB), Elizabeth MacDonald (FRB), Victoria Syzbillo (FRB)


Egan Cammack (Convexity Capital Management);
Debbie Coleman (Convexity Capital Management);
Eugene Fialkovskiy (King Street Capital Management, L.P.);
David Moss (the D.E. Shaw Group);
Christopher Ramsay (Citadel LLC);
Laura Harper Powell (MFA)
Managed Funds Association

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank