External Meetings: FIA Board of Directors

During a meeting of the FIA Board held in DC at the offices of Cleary Gottlieb, Chairman Gensler and staff discussed the Commission's Dodd-Frank implementation efforts, including rulemaking proposals and final rules.

CFTC Staff
Gary Gensler

Ryne Miller

Gary Barnett

Ananda Radhakrishnan
Philippe Buhannic, TradingScreen

Gerald Corcoran, R.J. O'Brien

George Crapple, Millburn Ridgefield Corp.

John Damgard, FIA

Michael Dawley, Goldman Sachs

Gary DeWaal, Newedge

Fredrik Gentzel, Deutsche Bank Securities

Richard Gorelick, RGM Advisors

Arthur Hahn, Katten Muchin Rosenman

M. Clark Hutchison, Morgan Stanley

Jeffrey Jennings, Credit Suisse Securities

Sanjay Kannambadi, BNY Mellon Clearing

Jerome Kemp, Citigroup

Najib Lamhaouar, HSBC Securities

Walter Lukken, FIA

Andy Milnes, BP Corporation North America

David Mitchell, Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson

Emily Portney, JPMorgan

Kenneth Raisler, Sullivan & Cromwell

Edward Rosen, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton

Michael Schaefer, Public Director, FIA

Alice Pat White, Public Director, FIA

Jeremy Wright, RBS Futures

Michael Yarian, Barclays