External Meetings: Meeting with Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE)

Participants discussed the process for determining swaps for clearing, the swap dealer definition and the treatment of illiquid swaps, including environmental commodities such as emissions allowances, carbon offsets/credits, renewable energy certificates and resource adequacy contracts.

CFTC Staff
Bart Chilton

Elizabeth Ritter
Tim Ransdell, Sempra Energy

De'Ana Dow, consultant to Sempra Energy

Jenny Fordham, the Natural Gas Supply Association

Ryan Barry, the Natural Gas Supply Association

John Stanton, Solar City

Dan Adamson, Solar Energy Industries Association

Katherine Stainken, Solar Energy Industries Association

Paul Holshouser, American Wind Energy Association

Chris Foster, Pacific Gas & Electric

Elissa Levin, Direct Energy

Chris Perrault, Direct Energy

Ruth McCormick, BCSE

Lisa Jacobson, BCSE
Sempra Energy

Natural Gas Supply Association

Solar City

Solar Energy Industries Association

American Wind Energy Association

Pacific Gas & Electric

Direct Energy