External Meetings: Teleconference with CFA, AFR, and Better Markets

Representatives for CFA, AFR, and Better Markets further discussed the views expressed in their February 22 letters the the CFTC and August 29th letters to the SEC and CFTC.  The August 29th letters are available on the Commission's website in connection with the external attendees' September 16, 2011 meeting with CFTC staff.
III. Business Conduct Standards w/ Counterparties

CFTC Staff
Phyllis Cela
Ted Kneller
Lourdes Gonzalez (SEC)
David Blass (SEC)
Cindy Oh (SEC)
Barbara Roper (CFA)
Marcus Stanley (AFR)
Stephen Hall (Better Markets)
Consumer Federation of America (CFA)
Americans for Financial Reform (AFR)
Better Markets