External Meetings: meeting with Nomura

Representatives of Nomura provided views as to one of the questions posed by the Commission in a recent Federal Register release proposing capital requirements for swap dealers. Nomura recommended that the Commission consider several factors, including experience of firm in using models, in assessing whether to approve or accept internal models that have been approved by foreign regulators for computing market risk and counterparty credit risk.
V. Capital & Margin

CFTC Staff
Ananda Radhakrishnan

Tom Smith

Thelma Diaz
Angie Karna (NSI)

Ralph Mattone (NSI)

Timothy Healey (NHA)

Patrick Howeard (NI)

Heather Wingate (NHA)
Nomura Holding America Inc. (NHA)

Nomura International PLC (NI)

Nomura Securities International Inc. (NSI)