Release Number 7770-18
August 20, 2018
CFTC Revokes Eurex Zurich AG FBOT Registration after Voluntary Closure
Washington, DC — The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced today that it issued an order revoking the foreign board of trade (FBOT) registration of Eurex Zurich AG (EZAG).
At the request of EZAG and following the voluntary closure of EZAG earlier this year, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) formally released EZAG from regulatory supervision by FINMA effective June 30, 2018.
The CFTC granted EZAG FBOT registration by order on May 30, 2017, which permitted it to allow identified members or other participants located in the United States to enter trades directly into the trade matching system of the FBOT.
CFTC regulations states the agency may revoke an FBOT’s registration in the event the FBOT is no longer authorized, licensed or registered, as applicable, in its home jurisdiction. Accordingly, the CFTC order revokes EZAG’s FBOT registration effective June 30, 2018.